
To Be Crowned

When Darnley mentions that the Crown is going through Confusion and sends the letters to twenty soldiers, everyone is ready with their weapons. But due to unfortunate circumstances, the four of them have to work together. And they know there will be backstabbing at point. After all, there is only one Crown.

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8 Chs

Chapter one

Darnley sat on his throne, one knee over the other, as he casually flipped through pages of a comic book. Some habits never changed. He could just close his eyes, and his thoughts would drift to childhood memories; days when only his comics would accompany him. Ever since he knew how to read, he decided that he would be a comic artist.


Here he was.

The way life worked was truly a mystery.

"Sir." Anastasia appeared in front him, her eyes stern, hands filled with a stack of papers. "I have news."

Darnley let out a yawn, his eyes watering. "Go ahead."

"Yesterday, two decapitated bodies were found by the riverbed at the edge of this kingdom. The bodies were filled with scratch marks that seemed to be caused by animals, but we strongly believe it was a human. We are still, however, searching for their heads-"

She was abruptly cut off by a laughing Darnley.

"That is truly devastating!" he laughed. "Don't mind me, Ann. It's just, they couldn't find the... heads?"

"That is correct. I don't find any humour in it."

He waved it off, as if merely shooing a bee. His pale grayish blue eyes were filled with stocked up laughter. "The image of two bodies without their heads seemed a bit ridiculous to me. By all means, do go on."

Anastasia took a moment to just stare him dead in the eyes; which, in her case, maybe could be intercepted as confusion.

She cleared her throat. "So, we have yet to figure out who the culprit is. That leaves us in a difficult position because the murderer could be a Candidate, which would mean we can't say anything against their actions.

"Well it doesn't really matter either way. This decapitator just helped us progress towards the Plan. So, why are you bothering with this? Just go take a nap or something, Ann."

"Two lives were tossed aside like nothing. They are all your people. Do you really not care, sir?"

Darnley got up, stretching and tsking. He neared Anastasia, close enough for his hair to brush her face. She watched him with steady eyes, unnerved.

"Anastasia. You've known me for quite some time, haven't you? Now be a smart girl and tell me- have I ever cared?"


The room was cold, very cold. The fire from the hearth tried its best to warm its surroundings, but it secretly wondered if it would start freezing too. There was a bluish tinge everywhere, emitting from the tiny box Eldrick was working on.

He was hovering over his table, the box laying under the wires that dangled from his gloved fingers. Every time he poked the box with one of his devices, he would jump back and curse.

Damn you, Darnley! What you did... wait till I get you back for it!

The words in his mind were more than he ever spoke out. Maybe things could have been different for him. Maybe he could still be the ball of sunshine he used to be. But his life was altered.

All because of Darnley.

If he was a bit more alert, he would have heard the sound of a figure sneaking in. Or he wouldn't have. The intruder had quite the stealth.

Only when the intruder was about five feet behind him, did he feel the presence.

Eldrick took his scalpel, and threw it towards the intruder. The scalpel would have sunk right between their two eyes, if they didn't have such fast reflexes.

The invader was dressed in black robes, not a sign of their face or hair shown. Their mouth area was covered in a mask.

Their height was small, which explained the fast reflexes.

Eldrick narrowed his eyes, analysing the figure that stood in his room. In a split second, he decided his intruder was a female.

"Who, what, why?" he questioned

A laughter broke out from her mouth. The voice was robotic, work of the mask, no doubt.

"You really are a talker, eh?" she asked, her amusement concealed because of the mask.

Her words grated through Eldrick's ears, making him wish she would stop talking. He wished for her to stop talking more intensely than he ever felt for someone else before.

The figure put her hand to her ear, and said a quiet yes.

"Well, nerd, looks like I am not allowed to chit chat. Bosses, am I right?"

She brought out an injection from underneath her cloak, and casually moved it between her fingers, as if checking the price of a product she found on the grocery store. Then, without warning, she threw it in his direction.

He brought out his ruler from behind him on the table, and swatted it aside.

The intruder sighed. "Okay, you are asking for this."

One minute she was there, the next she was behind him, a needle already pierced on his neck.

He could feel the serum slowly travelling through his veins, and quickly darkness overtook his vision.


The dining area buzzed with people. It was a huge room, that consisted of a huge table that seemed to stretch on forever. It was separated in sections- the Highers, the Normals, the Fighters, and an area where the students hung out to eat their food.

There was a piece of empty space on the front where stages would appear if anybody wanted to sing, dance, or showcase any other forms of talent.

Sage stood in front of the serving area for the students where delicious aroma wafted through. She looked around the area whilst waiting. There were new changes every single day. This time it was decorated with sky blue and silver, white lanterns and different News Boards occasionally popping up wherever it is needed.

A nudge behind told Sage she was already at the Serving Point.

"Hello, dear." greeted one of the servers that she had never seen before. She reached out and touched Sage's arm while looking at it with concern. "Oh my, you are all bones and no flesh. You really should do some more eating."

It took all of Sage's self-restraint to not snatch her hand away. As if she didn't know that she was skinny. No much eating could change her. And here she was, standing in front of a filthy lowlife, who pointed out the things she had already seen in the mirror before.

She smiled. "I really should. But over working makes me forget that I need to eat," she said, taking her tray that the Server had piled up with very fattening food.

She scanned the chairs and walked towards the vacant seat beside an orange haired boy.

He had his Air Screen turned on, playing a very intent sparring game. His mouth hung open, revealing his front two rabbit teeth, and the big gap between them. He's grey eyes get on increasing in size, as if he needed bigger eyes to play better.

At last, his character lay on the ground in her own pool of blood, while the opponent did weird dances. A notification reading "YOU LOST" popped up.

Sage wondered what the purpose of the notification even was. Obviously the player would know that he failed. It was just rubbing salt in their wounds.

The boy let out a string of curses, dismissing his Air Screen before he finally noticed the girl sitting beside him.

He scratched his hair awkwardly, pale skin turning red. "Hi, I mean, hello. Wait, both are okay, why did I just...? Never mind, hi and hello, didn't see you there."

"So I noticed." Sage giggled.

"Um... I am Leon, you are?"

She looked confused. Everybody knew who she was, if not for her parents, her helpfulness.

Leon noticed her expression. "Sorry, am I supposed to, like, know you? Are you a celebrity? I mean you like one. Gahhh... don't mind me, I live under the biggest rock ever!"

"Oh no no no, it's alright. I am Sage", was what she replied, even though she was wondering how many brain cells Leon had.

"Cool name. It's a flower, I believe?"

"A herb, actually."

"Herb, right! Same thing."

Sage politely smiled, before returning to her now cold dinner.

"You eat a lot."

She coughed, a piece of chicken lodged in her throat.

"You don't look it, though."

She wondered how long she could hold herself back before she stabbed him with a butter knife.

Her dark thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a chair squeaking beside her.

A big girl with ebony black skin, and curly, short brown hair sad down on it. Her hands were on her minimized Air Screen, typing away rapidly. She realized that there were two pairs of eyes on her. When she looked at Leon, her hazel eyes darkened. Then her eyes landed on Sage, and she gave a small smile.

"Hi, princess."

"Princess?" Leon gave an incredulous look, turning to look at Sage, before realization dawned on his face. "OHHHH! You are Darnley's daughter."

Idiot and why do I have to be introduced like that? Were the two thoughts that crossed Sage's mind.

The newcomer ignored him, purposefully not looking at him. "I am Nova."

"Hi Nova! Didn't see you around before."

Leon looked like he was about to say something, but immediately closed his mouth after Nova glared at him.

Nova smiled tiredly. "I guess I don't move around often."

The tension between Leon and Nova was getting to her, especially when she was sitting in the middle. She wanted to get up and leave, but decided that would be 'impolite' since her plate was still filled (thank you Server lady).

She was very curious about what happened between them. She was used to always knowing everybody's personal stories. She hated being left in the dark. Her mind tried coming up with possible stories.

It must have had something to do with the Crown she decided.

It was then that Sage realized she could use them to her advantage.

"Oh no!" she groaned loud enough and with just enough distress to attract their attention.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Nova asked with concern.

"It's really nothing, just... urgh never mind."

"You can tell me, it's not a problem."

Though Nova was the only one talking, Leon seemed pretty invested in their interaction.

"After the whole News- people have been pouncing on anybody they can, regardless of them being a Candidate or not. I am not, but..." She pulled her gown sleeve, exposing a bunch of bruise marks she had painted realistically for pity points."I got attacked the other day as I was getting back from dinner."

"Sheesh," Leon finally said. "I guess I can escort you if needed."

"Yeah, I can tag along too." Nova added her input.

Sage urged herself to not smirk. Her plan was almost in action. She would direct them to Eldrick's and make sure they knew he was a Candidate. That would immediately make him a target for them.

Eldrick would have to pay for the words he uttered the last time they saw each other.


She heaved and groaned as she dragged along Eldrick's body. He wasn't heavy. Compared to all the things she dragged, he was just a feather. It was managing all the machines covering his eyes, and the wires that connected them to his eyes.

She was never good with tech. She was constantly in fear that she would somehow mess up the wires and that would cause him to die. Her orders specifically were to bring him alive.


"And we are here." She said as they stood near the big doors.

"Well I guess our work here is done,'' Leon says looking very pleased with himself.

Sage immediately shoots out her hand and touches his shoulder, making him turn to look at her, puzzled.

"You guys can stay in for a bit. He is quite a peculiar person, but you'll like him. And also he's a Candida-" she abruptly stopped herself, feigning guilt. "Ah, yeah, you guys should stay back a little. We can chit chat a little."

"I am staying," Nova said, a weird look in her eyes. She had obviously heard Sage's 'slip up'.

"Then count me in." Leon added in, unsure of what is going on."

Sage smiled, and opened the door. What welcomed her was emptiness. She frowned. This was weird. Eldrick never left his room. He was always hunched over his table, tinkering on writing.

She slowly walked in, two pairs of feet following her. There was this weird air around. Everything was more or less the usual; coffee mugs, papers, wires.

"Uh..." Nova crouched on the floor, observing something intently. "Did your friend have serious anger management issues?"

"Eldrick? Oh no. He does not even have emotions. Why do you ask?"

"Well... this vase is broken. And unless he uses drugs, I don't see why that injection should be on the ground. Also..." she pointed towards the window.

Sage gasped.

The window was broken glass scattered on the carpet.

Somebody, God knows why, kidnapped Eldrick.