
To Be A Villian, One should Behave Like one

Strong Mature Contents !!!! Warning 18 + ............................................................................. Cheng Juan, an 18-year-old boy, finds himself reborn in another world as he opens his eyes from sleep. And when he opens his eyes, he notices that he has been reborn as a villain, in the body of a child. To his horror, he realizes that he doesn't have a system with him, but something even more terrifying. It was the full control of time and space. Think for a second, what can be more terrifying than controlling time and space? Come with me and follow Cheng Juan journey in this Cultivation world filled with cultivators .................. Again warning Strong Mature Contents start from Chapter 3...

Isjan_Kak · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Age Regression Spell's Threat

"Oh no, I forgot to also blur the space of this area. I am now surely screwed," Chang Yuan regretted this oversight, a hint of anxiety creeping into his thoughts.

Despite knowing he had the power to reverse time and correct his mistake, he hesitated, weighing the consequences of altering the timeline once again.

In the end, he made a conscious decision to face the repercussions of his actions, whatever they may be.

As it would ruin this jealous moment of his sister, Chang Yuan thought, "She is quite the Tsundere, so she can handle this much, isn't it?"

In his mind, he imagined a hypothetical conversation with his sister, trying to rationalize his decision.

Chang Yuan: "Hey, sis, about what happened..."

Chang Xiam: "What? You expect me to be okay with that?"

Chang Yuan: "I mean, come on, you know how she is. It's not like anything serious happened."

Chang Xian: "I guess you have a point. But still, be more careful next time."

Chang Yuan: "Of course, I will. Thanks, sis."

In his imaginary dialogue, Chang Yuan found some reassurance that his sister would understand, albeit begrudgingly, and he decided to let the moment pass without intervention.

He moved his head in various directions, relieved to find that, except for his sister, no one else seemed to have witnessed the incident.

However, unbeknownst to him, his aunt, Chang Yunjie, who was in fox transformation, could see with a full 360-degree vision.

As Chang Yunjie observed the situation, a soft chuckle escaped her lips, amused by the antics of her nephew and the obliviousness to her presence.

Chang Ji, who had fallen to the ground, couldn't help but grit his teeth in frustration as he witnessed that his plan was not unfolding as he had envisioned.

His jaw clenched tightly, his knuckles turning white from the force of his grip, as a wave of anger surged through him.

The realization that his carefully crafted scheme was unraveling before his eyes fueled his frustration, intensifying the seething anger boiling within him.

"I should probably do something, otherwise, my access to this body's limits will likely be exceeded, and I won't be able to kill that villain," Chang Ji muttered to himself as he rose from the ground, his mind racing with possibilities.

He scanned his surroundings, searching for anything he could potentially leverage to salvage his plan and thwart the villain's nefarious schemes.

Chang Yunjie didn't give him a moment's respite and stormed towards Chang Ji, her anger palpable in every step. "You scumbag!! Devil! You still have the guts to think you can control my son?" she spat, her voice dripping with contempt and fury.

Chang Ji braced himself, knowing he was about to face the full force of her wrath, his mind racing to find a way out of the impending confrontation.

Chang Ji, attempting to evade the confrontation, chuckled nervously as he tried to distance himself from his previous location. "Yes, it might appear that I am losing, but it's quite the opposite," he retorted, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation.

As he moved, his mind raced, searching for a way to regain control of the situation and turn the tables in his favor.

However, deep down, he knew that his options were dwindling rapidly, and he needed to act swiftly if he hoped to salvage his plans.

But then, a laugh rang out from Chang Yi. "Really?!" she exclaimed incredulously, her voice cutting through the tense atmosphere.

With a swift gesture of her hands, she formed a circle and pushed it outward with force, sending a ripple of energy coursing through the air.

Chang Ji's eyes widened in alarm as he recognized the impending danger, realizing that he was now facing not one, but two formidable adversaries determined to thwart his plans.

Desperation gripped him as he braced himself for the impending clash.

Chang Ji's frown deepened as he spoke, his voice laced with a hint of desperation. "No! You can't kill me; otherwise, that bitch's son would probably die," he retorted, his words tinged with venom as he sought to manipulate the situation to his advantage.

Despite his bravado, a flicker of fear danced in his eyes, betraying his uncertainty about the outcome of the confrontation.

As the tension in the air thickened, he braced himself for whatever response Chang Yi and Chang Yunjie would deliver.

Chang Ji awaited an attack, but to his surprise, nothing struck him. Perplexed, he muttered, "Was that a joke?"

Chang Yi's response was swift. "It might appear like one, but not really," she replied cryptically, her gaze steady and unwavering. As the tension between them hung thick in the air, Chang Ji's unease grew, uncertain of what their next move would be.

Suddenly, a swift shock coursed through Chang Ji's body, causing him to freeze in his tracks, his movements halted by an unseen force.

Amidst the stunned silence that followed, Chang Yuan remained strangely unaffected, his expression inscrutable as he observed the unfolding events.

However, the others, including Chang Yunjie, wore expressions of bewilderment and astonishment at the unexpected turn of events.

Chang Yunjie, always quick to seek answers, turned to Chang Yi with a puzzled expression. "What just happened?" she inquired, her tone demanding an explanation.

Chang Yi simply chuckled in response, a mischievous glint dancing in her eyes as she refrained from providing a straightforward answer.

Growing impatient, Chang Yunjie's expression darkened as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Come on, Chang Yi, don't keep us in suspense. What did you do?" she pressed, her tone tinged with frustration.

Chang Yi continued to smirk, refusing to relent under Chang Yunjie's scrutiny.

Seeing her sister's stubbornness, Chang Yunjie's lips curved into a playful pout. "Fine," she huffed, feigning annoyance. "If you won't tell me, I'll just have to resort to using my age regression spell on you, which would at least make you a 10-year-old child for two days."

At the mention of the spell, Chang Yi's expression faltered slightly, a flicker of concern crossing her features before she quickly regained her composure. However, she remained silent, prompting Chang Yunjie to playfully raise an eyebrow, silently daring her to challenge her further.

The tension hung thick in the air as Chang Yi weighed her options, knowing that Chang Yunjie was not one to make idle threats. Ultimately, with a resigned sigh, she relented, deciding it was best not to test her sister's patience any further.