

Many claim to be a villainess but I didn't need to do so, as I was revered by the whole world as a bloody murderous witch and did not deny that but still if I was a true villainess I would have not fallen in such a trap and would not have been just a queen, a chess piece but would have been the game player. -The Fallen Duchess I, the one who have been the movie queen my whole life would have lived happily if my secret was not revealed, I would have had all the happiness if not it had been revealed. But what can I do I just cannot do without drama and those eyes that watch me in fear and surprise that is this the angel they knew. -The Angelic? Actress

Arisher · Kỳ huyễn
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"Nothing is harsher than a predestined future, one should defeat it to be blessed."

In year 1330,

In the Grand Duchy of Versailles,

"It has been a year from the time I came back in time. During this time, I gave my best to recover from my injuries which I learnt were caused due to a mana break, something which happens after consuming too much mana during cultivation. But there is no possibility of this happening to me after all even though I was one of the strongest in the future still I gained all that from hard work after reaching the age of ten at which someone starts sensing mana, I was not a genius who could do that at just the age of eight. This just means that the past is slightly altered and there is no meaning in knowing the future now. Well, I was not going to rely on that anyway after all I came here to change the future.", thought Roselia.

While thinking about her future plans to get the best revenge possible, Roselia was interrupted by a loud noise calling her. "Sisssss....Hey sis", shouted the cute and adorable little sister at the door. "Hey Aarabella, what happened where did you come running from? Do you want something from me?", Roselia commented to the hastiness of Aarabella. Hearing this Aarabella was shocked again no matter how many times she hears her sister call her name fully like that rather than the usual Bella abbreviation, it seems strange. Moving on from her thoughts, Aarabella told her sister about the emergence of a guest coming today that their father wanted her to meet. Roselia did not ask any questions as she probably knows who the guest is. 

In the hallway down the stairs entered Aarabella and Roselia.

"Hey, my daughters, came down and greet the special guest, will you?", said the Archduke Dawnwill Versailles in an amiable and cheerful way which indeed reflects his kind personality despite being the greatest fear of nearby countries the Archduke was an amiable man for his daughters even though he is still called the stone heart duke of the Death Valley. Hiding behind her father was the shivering and full of fears, a little boy with black hair and blue white eyes which were full of light and tears. Remembering the cold memories, Roselia was hesitant to approach the boy to calm him down after the one shivering in front of him was his only forever loyal knight who was on her side till, they were separated after she was captured by the imperialists while she was injured from a deadly blow, in easy words he was the bastard who stabbed her in the end at the most crucial time. 'Well, remembering now, he was not supposed to be a knight anyway if it were not for the fall of his family which took place in the year 1334', thought Roselia. She realized that there is indeed a way she can turn that event over and that was not to let him be his knight but her slave. I have planned it this time I won't let them destroy his family from the backgrounds again cause this time I am going to do that myself and in a more horrifying way after all he should pay for betraying her, was the schemed first plan of Roselia. I should maintain minimum contact for now. Aarabella approached the three-year older kid than her, with rather ease and confronted him to calm down watching the lovely seen between his daughter and the boy of Rukus county, her father was incredibly happy while jealousy took over Roselia, after all the cuteness of her sister should belong to her.

The boy was going to stay in the mansion for a few days as her father exclaimed to Roselia and she gave her all to avoid the boy in any possible way, the best way was to stay in her room, but Aarabella visited her sister's room with the boy, so Roselia just decided to roam in the mansion all these days and improve her relationship with the servants of the mansion. Such a bitter luck did she have to encounter the boy everywhere she met that she believed that she must be hallucinating because of her mindset and clearly pretend like the boy was not there even when he was in front of her. The boy whose name is Richard Rukus btw found it strange but strangely interesting as well and thought of this as playing blind hide and seek, which is not a game but something his mother invented as a way to escape from her child's buzzing. 

In such hard times, Roselia remembers her bastard of a brother who she can tease in such harsh times if only it were not for her mother and her two brothers which are older than her. But she knew that a much harder time awaited her after all this, this is only the first step to defeat the future.




Roselia Versailles- The first daughter and third child of the archduke and the table mage. She has radiant blond hair and crimson eyes which speaks for bloodlust. She was known among the duchy as the iron wall without a door or way to climb in the past timeline. She became famous for being a perfect aristocrat between the elite aristocrats and famous in the commoners for her ideal ways of ruling during her rule of the duchy which she gained after murdering the entire duke family alive including her relatives and parents. Even with beauty like a goddess she chose the life of a sword rather than a maiden believing in herself and her skills. She was infamous for eradicating many families and all of the people of those regions by her own hands, even babies.

Aarabella Versailles- Not much is known about her, she was one of the only people in the world which were valued by the Queen Of Death. She is the youngest daughter and the fourth child of the archduke and the table mage. She had passed from a disease in the past timeline. To describe her in one word, she is just adorable.