

Venus was hooked up in a glass cage with strange men at a control panel while feeling her blood drained. She started to feel light-headed she heard metallic laughter coming towards her.

"You are going to die for the good of New York. You see, your blood is the key for our takeover of New York, and since you were human before you were mutated into a turtle. It only fits. We use your blood to create an army of hybrid mutants. Work faster; I want every last drop of this freak's blood drained, analyzed, and put into canisters," ordered the voice, which was severe and fierce.

"Yes, Master," they said together.

Venus was feeling dizzy from the amount of blood extracted from her body; she blacked out. Venus woke up screaming from what happened, calming herself down by taking in deep breathes. She could hear familiar voices coming from outside the lair door. Venus rushed out to see Leo, Raph, Don, and Mikey with their weapons ready to fight the person who was hurting Venus. She let them in while they were searching for the person but found no one else here but Venus and Mimi.

"Guys, I'm fine; you can put the weapons away now; please sit down before you all hurt yourselves. I'll put on some tea to calm us down okay," reassured Venus.

The guys sat down, all of them except for Don, who was checking the security cameras. Outside of Venus' lair, checking for the Foot Clan and Karai. Raph sat on the couch while Leo went to sit down on the other end of the sofa because Mimi was sleeping in the middle. Mikey sat down in the armchair, staring down Mimi. Venus came out of the kitchen, pouring tea for them, thanking her. Mimi finally woke up to see the guys were here and climbed into Raph's lap to curl up and sleep again. Venus went over to sit between Leo and Raph, drinking her tea. Don came out of Venus' room after viewing the footage outside her lair.

"Upon further analyzing the footage, there was no one outside of the lair," explained Don.

"Venus, why were you screaming," asked Leo, concerned.

"Guys, I had a nightmare; it's normal for someone to have them. Not everything has to do with physical contact, you know," explained Venus taking a sip of her tea.

"Dude, sorry to hear that; what was the dream about," asked Mikey, concerned.

"I know this happened when I was twelve, but I dreamt about my house. I lived in Japan caught on fire. Seeing my father was not moving. I guess a part of me hasn't moved on," explained Venus letting out a sigh, knowing she lied to her friends.

The guys felt terrible for her, and she told them not to worry about it. Leo felt like she was hiding something from them but didn't know what it was yet. Mimi yawned from her nap to see Venus was upset, walked over to her, curling up in her lap. Don was sitting in front of the table, looking at his notes.

"Dudes, why don't we take Venus out on a patrol of the city? Considering the fact she's a kunoichi," suggested Mikey.

Everyone looked at Mikey, knowing he never asks or hints at the idea of ever wanting to go out on patrol or anything having to do with work, which he wasn't a fan of patrolling the city.

"You just want to go out to see April," observed Don, not taking his eyes off his notes.

"So, what if I do? Venus and April haven't met each other yet. This is the perfect opportunity for Venus to meet April," explained Mikey.

"Who's April," asked Venus.

"She's a report for the Channel 6 news works with a guy named Vern who's her cameraman. She's our close human friend," explained Don, still reading his notes for a project he was working on for a while.

"She sounds great. I want to meet her sometime," said Venus.

"Way ahead of you, Venus, I've already texted April, who's to be expecting us at her apartment any minute," said Mikey getting off the armchair.

"Alright, let's go," said Venus grabbing her cloak and strapping her weapons on waist.

They left Venus' lair, getting onto the rooftops jumping on and off them, headed for April's apartment. At the same time, Karai and the Foot soldiers were watching them from a building just a couple of blocks away from them. Watching through a pair of binoculars, she grabbed a satellite telephone calling her Master.

"This had better be good, Karai," said the Shredder frustrated.

"Master, we have spotted the turtles, but there appears to be another that has to be the new mutant we're looking for," explained Karai, still looking through the binoculars.

"Follow them too much sure this is the mutant we're looking for because if it then brings it to us any way you can. I don't care how but much sure the mutant is alive understand," ordered the Shredder.

"Yes, Master," said Karai hanging up the phone.

Karai ordered the Foot to follow closely behind the turtles without blowing their cover. The turtles made it to April's apartment, unaware the Foot and Karai were on the roof as they went inside. April greeted the guys, and Vern was chilled out in the kitchen, sitting on a stool leaning against the counter drinking a Dr. Pepper waving to the guys. Venus was standing awkwardly behind Leo, for she still was shy around new people she had never met before though she sensed they were kind-hearted people.

"So Don, who's the cloaked figure standing behind Leo," asked Vern taking another sip of soda.

"That's Venus; she's timid around other people heck, she didn't want to use her mutant form when we first met her a couple of weeks ago," explained Don.

"So she's another mutant. I thought all of the mutagen got destroyed the last time the Shredder and Eric Sacks were trying to take over New York," asked Vern, who had finished his soda throwing it away.

"That's what we thought to; the Shredder has laid low for a while, but now he's back. I think the whole thing with Venus mutating wasn't a part of his plans, but I fear now because she was human when she mutated," explained Don, concerned for Venus.

"What's going to happen to her if the Shredder gets a hold of her," asked Vern, sitting back down on the stool.

"I fear he's going to drain out her blood and try to create hybrid mutants like he tried to do with my brothers and my blood the last time he tried to take over New York," explained Don, concerned.

"Whoa, I'd hate to be her right now. Have you guys talked to her about this? I mean about everything that's happened," asked Vern.

"Yes, though we haven't talked to her about what we think the Shredder's planning because we don't want to worry her about it until we have some proof to back it up first," explained Don.

"Well, I'd tell her sooner than later, you know, because if the Shredder wants something, he won't have his men stop looking for it until they do," explained Vern looking over at the cloaked Venus.

"You've got the point we'll tell about it tonight after we leave and head back to the lair," said Don.

Mikey talked over everyone enjoying themselves with Mikey and Raph sitting in the two armchairs while April, Don, Leo, and Venus were sitting on the couch. Vern was still sitting on the stool in the kitchen, listening to what they were talking about laughing too. Venus was sitting next to Leo quiet the whole time, smiling under her hood, not ready to reveal herself to them yet. April looked over to Venus, wondering why she was silent, for she had been that way since she got here.

"Venus tells us about yourself," asked April, smiling at her.

"Well, I used to live in Tokyo, Japan, with my parents see my father's side of the family were all taught their sons in the art of ninjitsu or Shinobi meaning a person who more intoned to the spiritual world. Seeing as I was a girl and their only child, my father took it upon himself to train me in ninjitsu when I was four. When I was seven, my mother had passed from a serious viral heart infection. Before she died, she gave me her heart-shaped locket, and I've never taken it off since she gave it to me. When I turned twelve, my father and I discovered I was a Shinobi, just like my uncle, who used to live here in Chinatown, Manhattan, with my aunt. They had owned a china shop but moved back to Japan after I turned into a mutant. Anyway, my uncle came to train me as a Shinobi while still being trained in ninjitsu. After my uncle went back to New York two weeks after gas leaked caused a fire in the house, my father passed that day. I ended up living with my uncle and aunt. They allowed me to own a pet, which was a turtle I called Mimi. I still have her," Venus stopped to catch her breath.

Everyone was silent and in shock, for Venus had gone through a lot in life, more of having to grow up faster than most children should go through. They weren't going to feel sorry for her because it was didn't hurt as much as it probably would have when she was twelve through the pain she was feeling didn't. They were happy for her, not letting it control her life and her being firm about it too.

"How did you turn into a mutant Venus," asked Vern.

"It was a rainy Friday; I was walking home from school, as usual, waiting for the light to turn green when a kid with headphones was crossing the street while this semi-truck was honking its horn trying to stop. Someone grabbed him, pulling him out of the way before the truck hit him. I heard glass shattering in front of me, not paying attention to it but the accident. The police ended up asking everyone what happened, and I ended up getting home late. The accident was over the news, and my aunt asked me it was alright. Though I was feeling tired and just wanted to lay down from want all happened, I took my cloak off, putting it on the back of my computer chair while I grabbed a book and Mimi. After putting Mimi back into her aquarium, I saw some strange glowing liquid on the bottom of my cloak. I took my hands, trying to get it off when I felt a burning tingling sensation throughout my hands. I started rubbing my hands on my arms, trying to get the feeling back into my hands when it spread throughout my body. It caused me to blackout, and when I awoke, I was a humanoid turtle," explained Venus; this time, she pulled off her hood to reveal herself to April and Vern.

"Wow, that must have been hard for you, Venus, for everything like that to happen to you the way it did," said April feeling sorry for her.

"It was for a while because I thought I was alone, but when I meant the guys, it changed everything. I realized I wasn't the only one, and Splinter has offered to continue my training in ninjitsu," explained Venus, smiling.

"See guys isn't she awesome," said Mikey hugging Venus.

For some reason, Leo didn't like Mikey hugging Venus; it was Mikey he would do it to everyone they met except for the enemy. When Mikey let her go, Leo stopped tensing up though it was weird for him. Venus was about to say something when the Foot and Karai busted through the window. The guys jumped up with their weapons out, ready for them to engage at them.

"What are you doing here," asked Leo to Karai.

"We're not here for you; we're here for her," answered Karai, pointing at Venus.

Venus got up, pulling out her bow and arrow, pointing it at Karai with anger in her eyes, exactly what they wanted her for but decided to play dumb by asking them.

"What do you want with me as if I have anything of value," asked Venus.

"It's not what I want; it's what my Master wants, and he believes your blood is the key to his plans," answered Karai confirming what Venus had a vision and dreamt about it.

"What does my blood have to do with anything," asked Venus trying to get her to provide the answers.

"You foolish girl, did you honestly think I'm going to be willing to tell you everything my Master's planning. You're coming with us to my Master, and all your questions will be answered," answered Karai smiling wickedly at them.

"Over my dead body, I'm I going with you," shouted Venus, furious, knowing it was a lie.

"Funny coming from someone who has no idea about what my Master's capable of, you foolish girl, it would be wise to hold your tongue before it gets you into trouble," mocked Karai.

"You're going to find trouble in a minute if you don't take your sorry excuse of soldiers. You ninjas and your ammeter tactics, out the window, you just busted. Before I accidentally let my hand slip, releasing this arrow aimed at your heart," challenged Venus, not blinking once.

The guys looked at her with shock spread across their faces, never seen that side to her before, and quite frankly, she was good at trash-talking for a shy, sweet-hearted girl. They looked back at Karai, who was not expecting to be challenged by this freak that had no idea. Karai unsheathed her katana, walking a foot stopping getting into her fighting stance. Venus continued to point her arrow at Karai, telling the guys this was just between the girls. They went after the Foot soldiers knocking them around with swift ease. Karai engaged at Venus, who shot her arrow, hitting Karai in the shoulder. Karai staggered, pulling out the arrow, throwing it to the ground, looking to see Venus engaging at her with her katana unsheathed swinging it at her.

Karai, this time dodged it, kludging her katana at Venus' gut stops the blade with her katana. The guys finished off the Foot, sending them running away while watching Venus knocking around Karai with ease. Leo noticed something Karai was doing; she was faking getting hurt by Venus' last blow sending her into the wall. Leo saw Karai secretly pull out a syringe holding it against her thigh, and knew she would hurt Venus as soon as she engaged back at her. Leo pulled out, throwing stars ready to throw them at Karai's hand holding the syringe. Venus engaged at Karai with her quickly sending the needle straight at Venus' neck but was stopped by Leo's throwing stars. They looked over to the guys with Leo pinning Karai against the wall while Don grabbed the syringe to analyze what chemical would be injected into Venus' bloodstream.

"Leave Karai, you've lost you leave my family and friends alone for you have to go through me to get to them, got it," ordered Leo angered.

"For now, you've won; I will get the girl turtle for the Shredder," threatened Karai.

Leo's blood boil and the others were angered too. Mikey pulled Venus behind him and Raph. Leo throws Karai across the room with her already hurt shoulder landing on the broken window with her grunting in pain. Leo pulled her close a couple of inches away from his face making sure Venus' eyes were level with his eyes.

"You ever lay one hand on Venus, we will find you and hurt you no mercy, you can count on that understand Karai," shouted Leo, not blinking once.

Karai smiled wickedly at him with blood trickling out of her mouth, saying, "Loud and clear."

Leo let her go with her staggering out of the broken window she entered from leaving the guys turning to face Venus. She just stared at Leo with her eyes cloudy, for no one had ever stuck up for her before. Don finished analyzing the chemical looking over at the others.

"The chemical was used to knock out Venus for at least 6 hours. They wanted her to be alive," explained Don.

"What's special about Venus' blood? What the heck would the Shredder what it for," asked Raph.

"Eric Sacks and Shredder wanted our blood to mutant the city, and we were normal turtles. Whereas Venus was mutated as a human who makes her blood more valuable, and he can create an army of hybrid mutants," explained Don.

"What do we do," asked Mikey.

"We can't let them get Venus, and Venus will have to stay with us for a while," answered Leo.

"Guys, I'll be fine on my own. Besides, Donatello installed the security system into my lair, and there's a gate at the entrance. You're just a phone call away. I'll save, and if it makes you feel better, you each can take turns guarding the entrance to my lair at night," reassured Venus smiling.

"Venus, I'm going to agree with guys on this one. Trust me, you'd be better off staying with them," suggested April.

"Okay, fine, I'll stay with you guys just until this whole thing blows over," said Venus.

The guys were leaving the apartment, saying goodbye to April and Vern apologizing about the window. Don said he would come by tomorrow night and fix it for her. They headed back to the lair to tell Splinter what happened to them tonight and found out something's the Shredder wanted like Venus. The guys and Venus told him everything, and Splinter was not happy about this at all.

"This is just as I feared Venus, my sons are right about you staying with us, but one of my sons will go with you back to your lair to get something's," said Splinter.

They bowed their heads to him while leaving out of the dojo to the main room.

"Dude, I'm going with Venus," shouted Mikey.

"What makes you think you're taking her," said Raph.

"You just want to go because Mimi likes you a lot," mocked Mikey.

"Mikey, you're seriously cracked," said Raph smacking him in the back of the head.

"Ow," moaned Mikey rubbing his head.

"Leonardo's going with me," said Venus.

"Why does Leo get to go," asked Mikey.

"Because he's not fighting over who gets to go with me and Don's going to because I'd like him to check to make sure the security system before I leave," explained Venus.

"I'll check it when you get back because I've got to go to my lab to work on something. Just let me know when you guys get back," explained Don heading into his lab.

"Okay, let's go, Leonardo," said Venus heading out of the lair.

They were walking for a while, not saying a word, which was getting a little awkward. They made it to Venus' lair with her rushing over to Mimi to make sure she was okay. Mimi was sleeping, not understanding why Venus was holding a little too tight for but was glad her friend was there.

"Venus, what are the things you bring back with you to our lair," asked Leo, wondering what to grab.

"Well, my cloak, weapons, Mimi, of course, and some books," answered Venus grabbing her shoulder bag filled with books.

"I'll care that for you, or would you want me to hold Mimi," asked Leo.

"You can hold Mimi because she hasn't got to you or Donatello yet," answered Venus handing Mimi over to Leo, placing her gingerly in his arms.

They walked out with Venus locking the gate to her lair while walking back to the guy's lair.

"You know, to be honest, I was expecting move stuff you'd bring with you, not just a light load," said Leo.

"Oh, I think I can go back and grab some more stuff if carrying Mimi is too much for you," said Venus smiling at him.

"No, I'm good, thanks," said Leo smiling back.

"Thanks for helping out back at April's apartment, by the way," said Venus.

"It's no problem," said Leo with Mimi watching the whole thing, wondering what was going on.

"Well, it was to me, and I'll be telling the others the same," said Venus.

They entered the lair with Raph and Mikey showing Venus where she was going to staying. After she got settled in her new room, which was roomier than her old room, she would make it work. She went into the lab to find Don working on something and covered it up before she could see what it was.

"You want me to check your security system now," asked Don taking off his welding goggles.

"Yes, if you please, Donatello," answered Venus smiling at him.

"Okay, then just let me grab my tools, and I'll go make sure there are no glitches in it for you," said Don smiling back at her, leaving the lair.

"Thank you, Donatello," said Venus.

"You're Welcome, Venus," said Don.

She went into the dojo to find Master Splinter sitting on the bamboo floor meditating; she about to leave when he stopped her.

"Venus, I sense something is troubling. Please sit down," said Splinter, not opening his eyes from mediating.

Venus walked over to sit down in front of Splinter, not making eye contact with him. Every part of her being was screaming on the inside, but it was a neutral expression on the outside. She didn't know how to explain how she had a vision about everything Karai had said to her confirmed everything in her sight.

"Master Splinter, before Karai told the guys and me about the Shredder's plans about what they were going to do to me, I had a vision about it. I should have told you and the guys, but I didn't want you to worry about it. I wasn't sure if it was just a dream, but now I know it was true. I'm just scared about what to do now," said Venus holding back her tears, letting out a sigh.

"Venus, I had a feeling you would eventually come to me about this, and you're right about not telling the guys because they would go out and investigate anyway. I think, for now, the best thing to do is not say anything about it until the time is right," suggested Splinter.

"Hai Master Splinter," said Venus.

She left the dojo to find Don was back and walked over to tell her that everything is in order. She thanked them all for everything they've for her, and she felt it only fitting to do something nice for them back. Venus stayed up for a while, watching movies with the guys until she got tired of going to sleep. Venus mediated as usual before calling it a night. She had the same vision about her blood getting drained, blacking out in the process, but this time, a figure was getting her out. When Venus opened her eyes, she wondered who this figure was and why it was helping her. She'd have to talk to Splinter about it since he was the only one she could tell. She went to sleep with these questions swimming throughout her mind.