

Here I lay, on this soft bed of mine, closing my pair of eyes shut.

Trying my hardest to arrive in my wonderland of dreams and in perpetual sleep.

But, be as it may, my effort was in vain, for i couldn't even get that miniscule of feeling drowsy and languid, for all I was getting was irritation.

Tossing and turning, on this battle that I must win, in order for me to get that what I must desire, and that is to simply, sleep like how a certain princess fall asleep.

And, here I am, putting my effort, to what it seems like a dumb and idiotic struggle.

And as I was almost stepping in my dream, I got to remember a certain word, that may be able to describe this strange phenomenon.

And that would be, and may also a problem of many people, INSOMNIA.

Hope you guys can sleep.

Suckerrrcreators' thoughts