
Donuts (Part 2)

Though that wouldn't get me to stop what i would be doing. Not until all the donuts are all given.

As I was rejected twice, I increasingly got nervous and scared if whether what I was doing was the right choice. And i started wondering if I should just start eating it on my own.

But again, I thought of how I would make someone else's day with the simple thing I'm about to do. So, I once again regained my confidence and energy to do it and gained some positivity.

Well, it still doesn't change the fact that what I am doing is a first for me. Thats why it is making me so nervous and uncomfortable.

So, as you would expect after those 2 attempts, I still got rejected a lot of times.

And I was beginning to loss all hope and just go home due to it being almost night time, I saw to another pair of girls sitting on a stone chair, watching and overlooking the sunset thats about to happen.

I once again decided upon them to become my next targets. Luckily, they seem to be a welcoming pair and I actually felt comfortable talking with them.

So, as one would expect, I got my hopes up and that made the conversation way more easier. And fortunately, after what seems to be some odd second of waiting due to them contemplating and talking to each other, they luckily decided to accept it and took up my offer.

Which at the time, made me really happy and joyous at how a simple word such as "YES" could make myself as happy. And, it came from a complete stranger, so, it was a much more wierd and completely new feeling and experience for me.

After that, I went home feeling happy and energized due to the recent happenings that occured to me.

Due to that, I got to contemplate on it, and it made me realize that how a simple act of kindess, such as giving can make others happy. And as simple as that, I made their face smile and can feel that I atleast improved, even a little, their day.

And for me, as a human, it made me feel better. And it impacted me pretty big, and due to that, I got a mindset where in if I have some leftover food or simple things that I dont use, I would much rather give it to some unprivileged people, rather than just throwing it.

And in that way, I could help some people and hopefully, make their days, even their lives, a little bit better.

A simple act of kindness goes a long way.

Suckerrrcreators' thoughts