
Donuts(Part 1)

A simple and another repetitive day, as I got up and got ready for a boring day.

But, for today, it was a rather special and memorable day, for me, at the least

Skip past all the insignificant stuff, as I was with my friend, me and my friend decided to buy and eat donuts.

Unfortunately, I couldn't finish up my remaining donuts and got full. Not knowinh what to do i thought of ways to not make these donuta go to waste.

As I continued to contemplate, I thought of a rather simple but nerve wrecking move in my mind.

So, the plan I made was to find random strangers, go up to them, and ask them if they would take up on the offer of recieving free donuts.

It may seem easy, but trust me, it isn't.

As I have made my plan, all I gotta do was act on it. So, as I went outside of the building, nervously watching and looking around for people, I found 2 girls standing not far away from me, as it looked like they are waiting for a ride to get on.

I decided they would be my first pair of strangers that I'd go to and took a gamble that they'll accept my offer.

But sadly, the 2 of them rejected my offer. But I didn't let it get to me and just brush it off as an experience. Fortunately, I found another pair of girls not far from me and decided to be my new targets.

As I walk up to them, they notice me due to my recent action of walking to that 2 girls from before. So, they were apparently aware of my actions, and as I can see with my eyes, they were preparing and expecting for me to come to them next.

And in my head, I was like "Damn, this just makes it harder", but I wasn't shaken off.

But once again, I was rejected after their 3-5 seconds contemplation on whether they should accept it or not.

I was feeling kind of dejected, as i just got rejected twice in a row. And in a single day to boot.

There is still the part 2

Suckerrrcreators' thoughts