
The Beginning - Part one




'ugh, where I am?'

It was a little blurry. This seems like an office.

'who is making noises here?'

I barely opened my eyes fully. I was really in an office except it's a police station.

'How do I know? It has all the things which is only found in police stations.'

'What am I doing here?'

'I remember I was doing... What was I doing? I don't remember. Actually who am I? I can't remember!? Why can't I

remember? '

'Why am I so calm about this?'

'I don't feel anxious or something.'

'Ok, let's calm down first. Even though I am eerily calm. Let's found out where I am?.

Third person POV

It was past midnight. The lights were still on. There were noises. Noises from screams of women and chattering of males who were enjoying themselves.

In a certain corner of the police station, a person woke up.

He was bloodied, his clothes were stained with blood and wounds can be seen through the ripped clothes.

Even though he just awakened, his eyes were calm, like he was on the bathtub, there were no fluctuations.

He wiped the blood from his face. He looked a little weak. Beside him lied another person, like him he was wounded and there was a small pool of blood around his body. A small hole was seen on his head, it looked like a bullet would.

A desk and a chair were placed in front of them.

The man or presumably a boy as it was hard to guess from his facial features looked at his surroundings. The moment he looked at the body beside him, he clutched his head, he was panting like he was out of breath.

First person POV

'I remember, I was going to buy some groceries and then... and then I was kidnapped by a group of people, they took me to the Police station.'

'The Police wanted to get our signatures for something. The person beside me refused so they started beating us.'

'At last we relent to their demand and signed on the blank papers.'

'What happened after that?'

'And who am I? What was name? I did signed, so why can't I recall it? and what is this noise?

I looked outside the cabin, their was no one. The voices were coming from the left side.

Third person POV

There were men in the Police cell. They were committing ****.

There were three girls inside the cell. They were begging the Policemen to leave them.

A group of guys were filming the scene in their recording devices, they looked different than the Police as all of them were in normal clothes.

There was just one person outside the cell and he was scribing something on a report file. All the others were inside the cell.

First person POV

'Raakshas.' ( demon/monster)

'How could they do it? They are the Policeman. How could they?'

'What should I do?'

'I can not escape, one of them is just beside the main door writing something.'

'What should I do?'

*Looking around the cabin*

There are some kerosene tanks, a chain and many handcuffs, a stick, and a gun and a torch light.'

'hmm, a gun?'

'A gun!!'

A gun was placed on the main desk.

I picked it up. Once again, my head started to hurt, have to keep my voice down or it will be my end.

"When holding a firearm, always remember to keep the gun point away from you face... This is beretta... Final lesson,always keep it in mind that a weapon is for killing, only you can decide whether to kill to save someone or for your own personal pleasures...'

'These memories , from when was these from and who was that person?'

I looked at the gun again.

Beretta m9, effective firing range 50 meters, 15 round magazine, Barrell length 4.9 inches,weight 970g without bullets and 1045g with bullets.

What was I?