

There is magic in everyone's life, it's just that in some people's life the magic is small, and in others it is big. ""Titan, a planet of Brahman in which amazing creatures live, who have amazing powers. "But he also has a shortcoming. He has powers, but he cannot use them alone. They need a Ghost (companion) to use their powers. Because of living in Titan, everyone started calling those creatures Titan. And after the name of the planet it is also named Titan. And the name of one of these Titans is NV, who is a prince, but he can choose his guest (companion) only 9 times in the life of this Titan. “But NV you have already lost 8 guests. Now he has only one chance left. And on the same earth, there is an 18 year old boy Vikram who is much weaker and helpless than children of his age. Vikram is neither good in studies nor in anything else. "But one day in an accident at school, NV and Vikram meet. NV wanted to choose some other guest but by mistake he chooses Vikram. " Now NV is going to face a lot of difficulty in becoming strong with Vikram's weak body. “Not much time has passed since NV came to Vikram when he comes to know that his family members are after Vikram's life. And the surprising thing is that it is connected to the planet Titan. "So will NV and Vikram together make you strong enough to save your life? Stay with me to know what is going to happen in the story. ((This is my first story, so I don't know anything. I don't know how to write the gist of the story. That's why I have written it as I felt. You guys should read the story so that you guys can understand everything from the story.) Know what I mean. Enjoy the story. Thank you))

MRK_story_Time · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
32 Chs

Ep 7 / 800 million

""" Okay this is it, Golden Bank.

Looking at the crowd of this place, it seems that this is a very famous bank.

Yes, this is the biggest bank among all the banks around us. There is so much money in it that it can run our city comfortably.

Whenever someone needs money. This bank gives it to him.

Without any interest or curiosity, that's why it is so famous.

, If it had given the money without interest or interest. If yes, then how does he earn?

* # Yes, you do not know the working of this bank, this bank invests the money collected by you in your business, which is being run by many people related to this bank. And who knows, he has many other jobs as well.

And Vikram is quite surprised to see his way of working.

NV starts going inside the bank with Vikram.

When he went inside, there was more crowd inside the bank than the crowd he faced outside the bank. ,

,, Vikram asks NV. _/ Have you been here before?

Yes, I have been here before too, don't worry; I will take care of everything.

Just follow me.

The CEO of this bank is my good friend. We walk straight and talk to him.

And NV ," takes Vikram straight to the room of the CEO of the bank, ;

As soon as Vikram reaches the bank CEO's room.

Then you saw that a small rat was standing outside that room. Seeing him outside that room, NV asks him. _Sir is inside.

Yes it is inside. But what do you care about it? ,

They don't meet people like you and who let you come this way; Don't know what, only VIP people can come here. Small people like you are not allowed to come here.

It looks like you are new here.

Yes, I have started working here from yesterday itself. That little mouse talks.

Look, you go and tell your boss that Rajkumar NV has come.

And when NV calls himself prince. So that rat starts looking at him with very strange eyes. Looking at NV, he could not believe that he was a prince.

And Vikram was also in the same condition when he heard that NV was calling himself a prince.

And he starts looking at her very carefully.

That little mouse did not trust NV but he could not take a rickshaw. It has only been 2 days since he came here. And he doesn't know much about this place.

What if he is really the prince here, and thinking this he goes inside to tell his boss.

, as soon as he goes inside. Vikram starts looking at NV with strange eyes and asks while looking at him.

Are you a prince?

If you are a prince then why did we have to come here to take a loan? We need to take a loan.

You must have so much money. And if you don't have it, then in your family, if not then your father definitely has it.

NV's face falls on talking about Vikram.

And he says with a very sad heart _/ Neither do I have that much money, nor am I a prince now.

  What! But just now you said that you are a prince.

Look, I may come from a royal family, but I am no longer a prince.

My rights have been taken away from me.

"Have your rights been taken away?

I did not get it ?

Look, we have made some rules here.

It is a rule of our royal family that, whichever Titan changes more than 7 guests (companions), all the power of the royal family will be taken away from him; And he will not have the right to use any power of the royal family. He will remain just like a common man, without name and power, without anyone's help.

Now I am a prince in name only. Now I neither have the right to use any princely power nor anything else.

She is my mother, she loves me very much," that's why this news was not allowed to go out.

And that is why I am able to add Rajkumar to your name now. But as soon as possible, this word will go out. I won't be able to use my name or anything else.

Vikram was understanding NV's situation. How sad it is that this happens.

Now a prince, "The prince is no more.

Vikram was very sad for him. He asks NV. _/ Now how can you get your power back, is there any way to get your name power back. There must be some way::

The way is, I have to be so powerful that I can prove myself that the former Ghost was there; They were not good for me at all. And the GOST (all) that I have received now is a fair price for me.

That's fine for me.

"Then my rights will be returned to me.

* Vikram was understanding what he meant. But this is not a strange rule. After all, why make this rule for only 2 guests. After all, he has already chosen 7 guests. Now in such a situation why only 2 companions?

"*/ Yes, perhaps the one who made the rules must have thought that if this continues then he will lose both your guests.

After all he is getting all the things. In such a situation he will become completely careless. Perhaps this rule might have been made so that they live well with these two guests (all) and do not commit too many mistakes.

And thinking all this, Vikram is about to ask some questions to NV when the door of the room opens.

And from inside the room comes out a tall man who looks like a crocodile. Seeing her, Vikram's mouth drops open. His height was much bigger than any normal crocodile.

And he comes out and looks at NV and bows his head.

Seeing him bowing his head, that rat-like man says to himself. _/ Thank God ! I didn't bother him much.

"Otherwise the consequences would have been very bad.

Just then he looks at NV and says.

You are the prince. you here? If there was any important work, I would have been called and I would have come.

And seeing that man giving respect to NV; Vikram understands that the abomination he is facing is because of his family. If this is known, then NV will not be so frequent.

It's my work, so I felt better coming," so I came.

He felt very happy to see so much popularity of NV. This is how a prince should be.

The crocodile starts taking NV to his room with great respect.

And seeing NV going inside that room, Vikram also starts following her. And as soon as Vikram tries to go inside, the rat-like creature standing outside stops him from going inside.

As soon as that rat stops Vikram. She feels that he is not letting her go. And when he realizes that he is stuck, he tries to remove that rat.

The very next moment he threw himself on the ground and realized, "Vikram doesn't understand anything, all this has happened just now."

A sound was heard due to Vikram's fall. Hearing it, NV turns and starts looking towards Vikram.

As soon as nv looks back, he realizes that Vikram is lying on the ground. And that little mouse is standing next to him.

It doesn't take long for NV to understand Waha's case," Waha goes back to them.

And looking at that rat he says. "He is with me, let him come in.

He tried to touch you, for that I apologize to you.

He is greatly influenced by NV's words. He apologized for a weakling, this was a big thing.

And anyway he had no complaint against Vikram. This happened unknowingly. She felt that I was stopping her and she was in a hurry to go, so she tried to push me aside, and in the meantime all this happened. You don't need to say anything in this.

" And anyway, in front of the one in front of whom his boss is talking so nicely. In front of him, now he can only speak like a bitch.

*/ NV goes to Vikram. And that rat goes to the side and stands.

How many times have I told you that things are not as they seem.

From now on, always remember my one thing, don't make the mistake of considering anyone weak here.

With this one stumble, Vikram understood that no one is weak here, be it an ant or an elephant, everyone here is powerful. And there the ear gets chipped. And you say in your mind. _0 I am not going to make the mistake of considering anyone weak from now on.

Then Vikram stands up groaning in pain, and goes inside the room with NV following him.


After reaching the room, the crocodile-like man asks NV and Vikram to sit.

After both of them sit, the crocodile-like man starts looking at Vikram, and after looking at him like this for a while…

Yes story can I serve you?

Prince, tell me how I can help you.

"Vivid I need a little help from you.

(Vimukh was the name of the one who looked like a crocodile)

But the condition is that this matter should remain between us only. This thing should not go out of the room.

And understanding the delicacy of the matter. Vimukh says _/

Let me know how I can help you. If it is in my power, I will definitely help you.

On this nv says _/ I need money.

Hearing NV's words, Vimukh laughs and says _/ Why are you joking, how can you need money. Rather give us the money, we need a Patnar for a work.

*_ And where else can we find a better Patner than you?

By working with you our work will reach greater heights.

Whenever Vimukh looks at Nv's face, he becomes alert. NV's face doesn't look funny at all.

And looking at NV's face, I am also a little disgusted.

Becomes serious and says._ Do you really need money? ,

, But why don't you ask your father?

""  This is for some important work of mine. "And you know that father will not give money for such things.

"Vimukh did not know the work. But if there, he had come to take money, it means that it was true that  he needed money.

By the way, how much money do you need?

80 crore ...........