
Titan's Advent

The world witnessed a groundbreaking invention that shattered the boundaries of gaming as they knew it. The DivePod X, a marvel innovation from ISRI, promised an unparalleled level of immersion. It was the pinnacle of technology, capable of transporting players into the Hyper Virtual Reality MMORPG known as Titan's Advent. For Luca Angeles, a former professional Esports player turned office worker, gaming had become a distant memory. The competitive world he once dominated had faded into the background of his life. But when a life-changing opportunity came knocking on his door, he found himself drawn back into the realm he had once thrived. The allure of a second reality, where the line between the tangible and the virtual blurred. In this land of ethereal magic, untold mysteries, thrilling adventures, and lurking dangers, players could become anything they desired. Humans, orcs, fairies, gnomes, and countless other races coexisted on a planet blessed by the supernatural. With powers beyond his wildest dreams, Luca embarked on a journey that surpassed their wildest imaginations. The lush landscapes of Ethoria unfolded before him. Towering mountains, shimmering lakes, and dense forests beckoned with their secrets, waiting to be discovered. However, as Luca delved deeper into this fantastical world, he soon realized that darkness lurked beneath the surface. Luca must defy the odds, his determination burning like a flame in his chest, refusing to let his lack of magical abilities define him. With unwavering resolve, Luca set out to prove that he could rise to the top of Titan's Advent, even without the gift of magic.

LemArWolf · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs


As the inky darkness descended upon Larion, his world shrank to the whispers and murmurs that filled the air.

A cacophony of sounds danced around him, the marching of men, the rhythmic trudging of horses along the uneven path, making the cart beneath him jolt and bounce.

Amidst the symphony of noise, a voice rang out, brimming with anger and vengeance.

"We should have slit both their throats, sir! Don't you want revenge for Captain Eram's death?" A man's voice, filled with fervor, echoed not far from where Larion lay, his senses heightened by the darkness.

"I agree! Those bastards deserve nothing less than death for what they did to Captain Eram!" Another voice chimed in, fierce and resolute.

Yet, the man, silent as ever, said nothing.

Imprisoned and bound, Larion could feel the weight of his helplessness, his hands and feet immobilized, his head swathed in cloth.

As the murmurs surrounded him, his eyes fluttered open, roused from his slumber by the clamor that engulfed him.

The cover was lifted from his head, and he strained to make sense of the murmurs that filled the air.

"Lieutenant General, your prisoner is awake," a voice announced, the words piercing through the clamor like a ray of light breaking through the clouds.

Footsteps drew near, and Larion braced himself for what lay ahead, his heart pounding with anticipation.

As Larion sat inside the cart, his eyes fell upon Durin, who was accompanied by two vigilant guards.

The weight of rounded stones held his hands and feet in place, rendering him motionless.

Beads of sweat dripped from his temples, his lips parched from the scorching sun.

Squinting against the blinding light, he managed to utter weakly, "Where are you taking me?"

Durin, his voice tinged with a dwarvish accent, replied, "Somewhere where we can put your skills to good use, lad." His words hung heavy in the air, causing the entire caravan to come to a halt.

Men rushed towards their cart, their expressions a mix of shock and disbelief.

One man, positioned behind Durin, voiced his dissent, "Why would you consider this man as one of ours? After what he's done, I cannot accept him in our ranks!"

It became clear that this man held a high-ranking officer himself, as the troops began questioning Durin's decision.

Some shouted that Larion should be put to death, while others remained silent, contemplating the situation.

"I agree, sir. We cannot trust him. Why are you involving him in our affairs?" one of the guards who was tasked with watching over Larion interjected.

Durin, towering over the rest, rose from his seat inside the cart, his head almost touching the roof.

He stepped out of the cart, dragging Larion's immobilized body with him.

With a forceful motion, he flung Larion onto the ground, leaving him helpless and vulnerable.

Laughter and cheers echoed through the crowd as Larion was unceremoniously tossed to the ground.

The marching men, like ants in a parade, gathered around, their eyes fixated on the fallen captive.

Durin, with all the grace of a mountain, strode towards Larion, his boot coming down hard on his head. A cry of pain erupted from Larion, filling the air with his agony.

"Listen up, lads! This here man is without a doubt the one who took down Captain Eram," Durin bellowed, ensuring his voice reached the ears of even the last man in the caravan.

Turning to the bewildered guards standing watch over Larion, Durin commanded, "Get his weapon!"

The guards glanced at each other, confusion etched on their faces as they silently debated who should carry out the order.

"Any one of you! Use your noggin!" Durin's frustration punctuated his words.

Finally, one of the guards, their bewilderment dissipating, sprang into action, retrieving Larion's twin Khopesh. With a bow, he presented the weapon to Durin.

Gripping the swords in his hand, Durin plunged the tip into the ground. The metal quivered. "Many of you have been wondering why I would want this sorry excuse for a bounty hunter to join our ranks," Durin declared, his gaze sweeping over the faces of his men.

"Don't misunderstand me now. I mourn the loss of our skilled and illustrious captain," Durin shouted in his booming dwarvish voice before delivering another kick to Larion, causing him to roll over in pain.

"But let's face the facts, lads! This man bested a captain!" Durin's voice thundered, punctuated by another kick that made Larion curl up in agony.

"His goals may not align with ours. Well, guess what? Neither did Captain Eram's! He joined our cause not to free us, but to bring down the empire and stop the oppression of the people in Pir, his wife's land!" Durin's words resonated, his strong dwarvish voice conveying the weight of his convictions.

Durin's voice boomed through the air once more, his challenge hanging heavy. "Alright, men! Who among you thinks they've got what it takes to bring this lad down and prove me wrong?" With a swift kick, Durin sent Larion sprawling to the ground again.

Larion blinked, confusion etching his face. But amidst the chaos, a glimmer of understanding sparked within him.

Slowly, he pushed himself up, his gaze locking with each man surrounding him.

Every one of them wore a mysterious hooded cloak, blending as a unified force.

Behind him, Durin sneaked up, his voice a low, threatening whisper in Larion's ear. "Don't even think about running away, kid. I can end you in the blink of an eye."

Those dwarvish words echoed in Larion's mind, urging him to prove his worth and survive.

"But how can I defend myself with these blasted magical restraints?" Larion muttered, his eyes fixed on the enchanting rocks that held his hands and feet captive.

Without a moment's hesitation, Durin waved his hand and dispelled the magic, freeing Larion from his constraints.

As the enchantment faded, Larion's vision swam, a gnawing thirst and hunger setting in.

But even in the midst of his weakness, he refused to succumb to defeat.

With unsteady steps, Larion made his way toward his trusty twin swords, yanking them out from the ground.

Standing tall and resolute, he waited for a challenger to emerge from the murmuring crowd.

"Come on, my fellow men! Show me that I'm wrong and you're right!" Durin's voice rang out, determination lacing every word.

The crowd buzzed with whispers, some casting curious glances in Larion's direction.

Suddenly, amidst the buzzing crowd, a challenger emerged, brandishing a gleaming sword and sturdy shield.

With an air of bravery and a touch of arrogance, the challenger's confident voice boomed, "In the name of my captain, I shall bring you down!"

Without a moment's hesitation, the challenger lunged at Larion, leaving him no time to gather his thoughts or adjust his stance.

The clash was swift and brutal, the resounding clang of metal echoing through the area.

Larion expertly parried the challenger's sword, causing it to slip from his grasp.

Seizing the opportunity, Larion effortlessly pulled the shield using his Khopesh.

In one fluid motion, Larion swiftly swung his sword, severing the challenger's head as smoothly as a knife slicing through warm butter.

A spray of crimson splattered the ground, and a single droplet landed on Larion's lips, prompting him to wipe it away with a menacing glare.

Even in his diminished state, he demonstrated his mastery of the sword.

As the crowd watched in awe, they marveled at Larion's skillful swordplay.

It was abundantly clear to all present that, despite his weakened condition, Larion posed a formidable threat.

Amidst the fervor of the crowd, two challengers bravely stepped forward, their faces filled with both arrogance and determination.

Armed with a mace and an axe, they charged at Larion, ready to test their might against him.

But little did they know, Larion had already spotted a flaw in their technique.

With a calculated move, he deliberately slowed down their swings, creating an opening for himself.

With fast reflexes and masterful parries, Larion swiftly dispatched both challengers in a single, deadly moment.

Their heads rolled off, a chilling testament to Larion's merciless prowess.

A menacing smile crept across Larion's face as he surveyed the battlefield, reveling in the thrill of combat.

It was clear that his bloodlust toward his enemies burned brightly within him.

Meanwhile, Durin, with a cold gaze, watched his fallen men.

These lieutenants had once served under the late Captain Eram Jorde, and their loss was a bitter pill to swallow.

But Durin knew that his decision to exploit Larion, his captive, had been the right one.

Now, it all depended on whether he could persuade this bloodthirsty man standing before him.

In Durin's mind, he knew that Larion had proven himself capable of handling the local men from Belaiv. But now, Durin wanted to test him further.

With a commanding voice, he called out a name from the crowd. "Grand! Come forth!" The sound of his words rippled through the air, causing murmurs and whispers to ripple through the onlookers.

From the back of the tightly packed crowd, a knight in full armor emerged. The sight was one that Larion had somehow anticipated.

The new challenger strode confidently towards Larion, his tall, muscular frame encased in gleaming heavy armor. Larion assumed his stance, preparing himself for a formidable foe.

A serious expression crossed Durin's face as he spoke, his words heavy with meaning. "Let's see how well you fare against someone who wields the power of magic in combat."

The crowd cheered as they cleared out, creating a spacious arena for the epic battle between Larion and Grand.

The two warriors stood facing each other, their gazes locked in determination.

Larion tightened his grip on his twin swords, ready to face his formidable opponent.

Meanwhile, Grand stood tall, clutching his massive shield and sword.

Larion couldn't help but marvel at the sheer size of that shield, wondering how he would even manage to overpower it.

As his eyes scanned Grand's armor, Larion noticed a few weak points – gaps in the armor that could potentially be exploited.

The armpits, joints, and groin seemed to be the most vulnerable areas.

With this newfound knowledge, Larion felt a glimmer of hope amidst the daunting challenge before him.

But there was another puzzle to solve – what kind of elemental power did Grand possess?

Knowing this information was crucial for Larion's strategy, as he didn't want to be caught off guard by any magical attacks or enchantments.

He knew that magic could immobilize, conjure projectiles, enhance abilities, and manipulate the environment – the possibilities were endless.

Just as Larion was pondering his next move, the standstill broke in an instant. Grand made his move with lightning speed, catching Larion off guard.

Despite his agility and quick reaction time, Larion only managed to defend himself from Grand's powerful blow with his twin blades.

The impact was so immense that it sent Larion flying backward, creating a significant distance between the two combatants.

But thanks to Larion's instincts and resilience, he managed to stay on his feet and prepare for the next round.

The crowd erupted with excitement, witnessing this intense clash of strength and skill.

Larion knew he had to gather his wits and strategize quickly if he wanted to stand a chance against the mighty Grand.

With his heart racing, Larion prepared himself for the next round of their exhilarating battle.


In the lively streets of the town of Berkesly, Aldrin, also known as "Leo," slipped through the crowd, keeping a low profile. He was accompanied by three random players he had met along the way.

News of their presence had spread like wildfire across the eastern part of the Belaiv Kingdom, and guards were on the lookout to capture any players who didn't submit to questioning.

Most of the players had sided with the local government of the Aremnian Empire, hoping for a handsome reward in exchange for capturing players who didn't share their allegiance.

The news of these "otherworlders" had reached the ears of locals and nobles alike throughout the eastern part of the Kingdom.

Now, Leo found himself in a tight spot, desperately searching for a way out of town where hostile players and city guards were at a minimum.

"I never expected things to get this intense in a game. If only I had chosen a different kingdom!" one of the players accompanying Leo exclaimed.

"Keep your voice down, you idiot!" whispered the female player, her head lowered as they walked through the bustling streets.

"We need to move quickly, or we'll be captured in no time!" one of the men cautioned, keeping a vigilant eye out for guards and other players.

"It's already hard enough to distinguish a player from the crowd. Let's take a detour through the alleys," Leo suggested, leading the four of them into a nearby alley.

As they made their way down the narrow alley, they passed beggars and elderly people in need.

Their eyes were filled with sorrow and helplessness, but Leo and his companions couldn't offer assistance at that moment.

The Aremnian forces had issued a decree, fearing that these "otherworlders" would join the ranks of the Belaiv Rebels.

Aremnian officials and nobles of pure Aremnian blood had promised a handsome sum of money to players who didn't align with the rebels and captured other players who did not submit their allegiance to the empire.

Navigating the cramped and dingy alley, surrounded by beggars and impoverished locals, proved challenging for Leo and the others.

"I should've joined Bizfunk and lived a normal player's life," one of the men grumbled.

"If you're just going to complain, Wilson, why don't you leave? No one's forcing you to stay," the woman snapped, skillfully avoiding the beggars in the alley.

"If it weren't for Leo here, I would've joined them ages ago," the disgruntled man replied.

"Oh, for fuck's sake! Can't you just keep quiet, Wilson? If you want to leave, then leave!" the woman retorted in anger, trailing behind Leo.

"You know, guys, I never asked any of you to follow me. Just because you recognize me from our world doesn't mean you have to stick around. Besides, this is a vast world we're in, and we're free to do whatever we want," Leo said, his focus fixed on finding a way out of the alley.

"This game is a whole new world for me. It's nothing like the games we used to play. The quests, the job and class changes, the power and magic systems—everything is different from the MMORPGs we're used to. Even the NPCs are more powerful than the players!" Leo added with a hint of worry on his face.

As the group neared the exit, their hearts pounding with excitement, an unexpected turn of events brought their progress to a sudden halt.

Arrows whizzed through the air, landing with a thud just inches away from Leo's feet.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" a mischievous voice called out from above. Perched atop the roof, a man with a sly grin on his face surveyed the scene below.

Leo's eyes narrowed as he noticed four figures cloaked in hoods, their identities shrouded in mystery. It was clear, however, that they were players, just like Leo and his party.

The crest emblazoned on their hoods caught Leo's attention. A purple skull, grinning devilishly, with oozing purple goo.

It was the unmistakable mark of the infamous Bizfunk Guild, a group of players aligned with the Aremnian Empire.

Without wasting a moment, one of the hunters, a portly and towering figure, responded. "You know, partner, I think you might be onto something. Let's get a closer look, shall we?"

The Bizfunk guild members wasted no time, launching an assault on Leo and his companions.

Rock pillars rose from the walls of the alley, attempting to squish them within their rocky grasp.

But Leo was not one to be easily captured. With a swift motion, he conjured a blast of flame, causing the ground to erupt in a fiery explosion.

The force of the blast sent the hunters scrambling for cover, their agility allowing them to leap onto nearby rooftops, narrowly avoiding the chaos.

Leo's companions were equally swift, utilizing their elemental powers to evade the explosion unscathed.

The chase was far from over, and they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Those damn Bizfunk lapdogs!" exclaimed the woman player, effortlessly dodging the explosion with her wind element.

"Quick, let's get out of here!" Leo shouted, seizing the opportunity amidst the chaos.

Leo and his party swiftly dashed out of the alley and onto the bustling streets, seeking cover from prying eyes.

As the explosion sent shockwaves through the air, nobles and locals alike trembled in fear, witnessing shadowy figures emerge from the billowing smoke.

"It's the otherworlders! Alert the guards!" cried a concerned onlooker.

Their feet pounding against the pavement, Leo and his companions raced through the crowded streets, causing passersby to scatter like frightened mice.

Unfazed by the pursuit, the Bizfunk members leaped nimbly from rooftop to rooftop, their determination unyielding.

In a desperate attempt to halt their pursuers, one of Leo's party members conjured a water wall, but alas, it crumbled under the icy spell cast by a member of the Bizfunk guild.

The chase raged on, a symphony of elemental projectiles filling the air.

Fireballs exploded atop the roofs, and slicing winds whistled through the air, all unleashed by Leo and his formidable group.

Meanwhile, their relentless foes retaliated with shards of ice and spikes of rock, an unrelenting exchange of magical might.

Cornered, one of the pursuers launched a rock dome, aiming to trap Leo and his party, only to have it shattered by Leo's sheer firepower, the molten rock melting away in their path.

As the group carved a path through the city, the panicked civilians scrambled to safety, causing a commotion that attracted the attention of the guards.

Leo, spotting the city guards closing in, tapped into his magic, propelling himself towards them with astonishing speed.

Three guards caught sight of Leo hurtling towards them, but their response was too slow, their magic feeble in comparison to Leo's gigantic sword, ablaze with fiery energy.

The ground trembled beneath the force of Leo's mighty blow, one guard was sent sprawling with a resounding crash.

As the guards desperately tried to immobilize him with their magic, Leo unleashed a burst of flames, causing the ground to erupt in a fiery explosion with a thunderous boom.

The guards didn't stand a chance against the explosion that sent them flying.

But, Leo's companions knew that their victory was short-lived. More guards would come, and they'd come angry.

As they ran for their lives, the air crackled with the exchange of magic projectiles. Suddenly, one of the pursuers jumped down from the roof, brandishing a sword.

The woman with Leo managed to dodge the surprise attack, casting a wind gust to gain some distance from her attacker.

Meanwhile, the two men were still trying to shake off their pursuers. It wasn't long before everyone was engaged in combat.

One of Leo's companions was crushed by rock pillars, while the other was encased in ice. The woman and Leo were the only ones left standing.

Desperate to catch up to Leo, the woman pushed herself to the limit, only to be struck by an acid arrow.

The pain was unbearable, her screams filling the air as the acid burned through her skin, exposing her bones.

But even then, she didn't give up. Casting wind gusts, she tried to reach Leo, who was now facing his attacker.

Leo didn't waste any time - he flung himself towards his attacker, flames blazing behind him like a fiery comet.

But before he could land a hit, a sudden water dome engulfed them both, forcing them into a one-on-one battle.

Suddenly, a sharp crack sliced through the air, and Leo was flung back, his flames doused by the water barrier.

He looked up to see his attacker, a hooded figure with two water tentacle whips on each shoulder, wielding a sword enchanted with water magic.

Without hesitation, the hooded figure released a flurry of water slashes, each one aimed at Leo with deadly precision. But Leo was ready for it.

He cast a firewall on each slash, creating a cloud of steam that obscured his vision.

The hooded figure emerged from the steam, his whips and sword ready for another attack.

Leo imbued his gigantic sword with flames so hot they boiled the water whips on contact, but he could only defend himself against the swift and fast onslaught of his opponent.

Predicting, anticipating, and parrying each incoming attack, Leo knew he had to stay on his toes if he wanted to come out of this fight unscathed.

In a desperate bid to free himself from the relentless assault, Leo mustered all his strength and unleashed a clever trick he had concocted.

With a swift slash of his fiery sword, he forced the attacker to retreat momentarily, creating some much-needed distance between them.

Seizing the opportunity, Leo summoned a surge of energy and cast a powerful spell, causing the wall of water behind him to explode into a magnificent burst of flames.

As the water evaporated into a massive cloud of steam, a hole appeared in the previously impenetrable barrier, allowing Leo to slip through.

Though he had managed to escape the water's clutches, Leo's energy was nearly depleted. Time was of the essence, and he sprinted away from his pursuer.

However, his respite was short-lived, as a squadron of city guards suddenly blocked his path, shields raised and swords pointed menacingly.

Leo halted, trapped amidst the circle of guards. To make matters worse, one of them immobilized him with a deft use of magic, ensnaring his feet with wooden tentacles and hoisting him upside down.

The attacker emerged from the dissipating water barrier and approached Leo, a triumphant smile curling on his lips. "Did you think you could outrun us?" he taunted, his voice oozing with cockiness.

With blood trickling from his lips, Leo maintained a steely gaze, refusing to show any signs of weakness. "You hit like a pussy," he spat, defiantly staining the attacker's cloak with his blood.

The assailant chuckled, thoroughly amused by Leo's audacity. "Insult me all you want, my friend. But rest assured, I will be handsomely rewarded for capturing all four of you. And let's not forget the hefty sum of gold coins we'll receive for each player, dead or alive," he added, his voice laced with mischief.

The attacker's face curled into a mischievous smirk, radiating confidence as he spoke. "Hey, no need to worry! I've heard that players respawn in random places again, and guess what? Everything resets to zero," he taunted, his words oozing with mischief and a hint of amusement.

As the attacker's sword came inches away from Leo's body, the ground beneath them trembled as if the earth itself was in upheaval.

Panic ensued, spreading like wildfire among the onlookers.

But in the blink of an eye, a figure descended from above, appearing out of nowhere in a descending motion between Leo and his assailant.

The mysterious stranger, clad in a mask and a hood to conceal their identity, paused as they saw the attacker.

With a swift motion, the stranger sheathed their sword, causing a crackling of lightning to explode between Leo and the attacker, engulfing them in a cloud of dust.

The attacker, now disoriented and fearful, stepped back, realizing that he had narrowly escaped an unseen strike.

Slowly, the tip of the hood fell, revealing only a glimpse of his eyes. The assailant, on high alert, braced themselves for what would come next.

Meanwhile, Leo, freed from the wooden roots that had immobilized him, found himself engulfed in the dissipating cloud of dust.

With a shout, he exclaimed, "Looks like luck is on my side today! Until we meet again!"

Running footsteps echoed in the distance as Leo made his escape, leaving the attacker desperately trying to catch him with his tentacle-like whips, but to no avail.

As the dust settled, the attacker and the guards who surrounded them realized that Leo had slipped through their grasp.

In the attacker's mind, a hint of recognition sparked. He had a suspicion of who the mysterious man might be.

Just as the attacker's comrades from the Bizfunk Guild arrived on the scene, surrounded their leader in a swift and synchronized motion.

"We deeply apologize, guild master! We should have come to your aid sooner," one of the hooded figures, the captor of Leo's female companion, spoke, bowing respectfully with a quiver on their back.

"Oh, don't worry about it. We'll meet them again very soon," the guild master replied mischievously, his voice dripping with confidence.

"I can't believe it was Aldrin all along. I thought he was on vacation and had no intention of joining Titan's Advent?" murmured one of the hooded figures in the background, the surprise evident in their voice.

"Did you guys hear what their management said? Could it be that he's going solo?" The words escaped the lips of a portly guild member, who wore a hood to conceal his identity.

"Hmm... No matter what his motives are, he won't last long in this game if he plans on going solo," the guild master replied, his tone tinged with skepticism.

With a dramatic flair, the guild master turned his back on his comrades, pulling down his hood to reveal a head of vibrant green hair and a devilishly handsome face.

A mischievous smile danced across his lips. "Well, this just got interesting, didn't it?" he murmured to himself.

One by one, his comrades emerged from the smoke, each removing their hoods to expose a unique colored mane of hair.

Handsome as they were, there was an eerie aura about them that sent shivers down the spines of onlookers.

One guild member caught up to the guild master, curiosity etched on his face. "Guild Master Bizfunk, how did you know that Aldrin was using the name 'Leo'?"

Bizfunk chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Let's just say he had a particular reason for using that name in the game."

Confusion etched on the member's face, he asked again, "What reason?"

As they strolled along the cobblestone path, the bustling city around them, filled with civilians, nobles, and locals, couldn't help but turn their gaze toward the group.

Smoke billowed in the distance, remnants of the explosion that had just occurred. Some wore mixed expressions, while others simply ignored the scene.

The guild master answered his member's question without looking back. "Have you heard of the 7 Years Reign?"

"Yes, that was when they dominated the world championship of esports for seven consecutive years," the member replied, capturing the attention of the other guild members.

"That was the only time Aldrin used the in-game name 'Leo.' After that, he switched to a different alias under United's management," the guild master revealed, his hand gripping the hilt of his sword.

"And?" another member prompted.

"It's just a hunch, but it's a distinct possibility," a member from the back piped up, causing the entire group to come to a halt.

The guild master's eyes widened, a foreboding aura emanating from him.

"It's possible that 'he' is here."