
Tintinnabulation to Love & Mystery

Jennifer’s condition was inexplicable due to her exotic demeanor; it was either because of her being fallen a victim to the love of a super natural and then got addicted to it or she was suffering from schizophrenia. Sam, who was an investigating journalist and had always been in the pursuit of interesting stories for his magazine, was appalled when he ran into Jennifer, his unrequited love. Her bizarre condition caused him fall in sheer gloom; he committed to bring her back to normality.

squreshi15 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

The Abduction

"Wait…I'll have to perform Wudu (Ablution) before I begin my rituals. Wait here in the room…you can sit here on the floor and  I'll return shortly!" Hammad Syed whispered to Hadi Ahmed.

"Oh! O.K." Hadi entered her bedroom.

Hammad Syed flew to Sam who was waiting in the veranda. "Sam! I need to perform ablution before I begin the recitation from the Holy Quran."


"It's an obligation for a Muslim to undertake a certain purification procedure known as an Ablution before performing any ritual. Would you help me with some water?

"Oh, sure! Come with me." Sam ushered Hammad Syed to the backyard washing area, where Hammad Syed crouched and turned on the tap to check the water. The flow of the water was very slow… maybe because of a clog or the water tank on the rooftop had run out of water.

Sam watched intently while Hammad Syed began performing ablution. He recited Bismillah (Begin with the name of Allah) and then washed his both hands. He used his right hand to cup some water and rinsed his mouth three times with it. Swashed the water thoroughly to cleanse his mouth and then spat it out. He then rinsed his nose three times. He again cupped his right hand and sniffed it into his nose without taking in too much. He used his left hand; thumb and pinky finger to blow out the water and repeated this process three times. Then he cupped water in his hands and washed his entire face, beginning with his forehead, bringing the water down to his jawline, and finishing at his chin. After that, he began washing his right arm first, from the tips of his fingers to just above his elbow. He repeated it three times and the same he did with his left arm. He then made his both hands wet and wiped his hands through his hair forwards and backward; from forehead to the nape, and cleaned his ears from the inside and the outside. Using his index fingers wiped away any dirt or wax in the groves of his ears and with his thumbs cleaned the back of the ears. This he did only once. In the end, using his left hand, he washed his feet, beginning with his right foot, covering from the tip of his toes to just above the ankle. Then the same way he washed his left foot. He then turned off the tap, stood on his feet, put on his cap, and turned around.

"Are you done?" Sam asked.

"Yup!" Hammad Syed replied while wiping his face with both hands.

"It's a very comprehensive process of washing your body!" Sam showed his interest.

"Yeah! It's physical and spiritual cleansing of the body through it!" Hammad Syed smiled.

"Hmm….Should I accompany you to the room?" Sam asked with interest.

"I don't think so…because Hadi Ahmed is with me." Hammad Syed shook his head.

"No…actually, I'm getting bored sitting alone outside…and also I'm curious…if you could…? Sam insisted.

"Ok…come along!" Hammad Syed agreed and they both escalated their steps towards Jennifer's bedroom.

As soon as they both reached the entrance of Jennifer's bedroom, they found Hadi Ahmed standing there, utterly flabbergasted, his face colorless and he was shaking. "Hey…What happened?" Sam was the first to notice that.

"She…she…she has vanished!" Hadi Ahmed babbled.

"Vanished! When? Where?" Hammad Syed stared into Hadi Ahmed's eyes.

"While I was sitting cross-legged on the floor reclined against the wall, a grey shadow entered the room noiselessly and lifted Jennifer in his arms, and flew away. This all happened so quickly that I couldn't do anything except just watch!" Hadi Ahmed let it out breathlessly.

"Was Jennifer sleeping?" Sam, who was interested to learn if Jennifer had been abducted, asked in a quavering voice.

"No…She was awake…her eyes were opened…and her face glowed…the moment she saw the winged demon, she uttered…guard me as you guard your own eyes, hide me in the shadow of your wings!" Hadi Ahmed replied.

"Why did she utter that in all her senses?" Sam asked in a quavering voice again.

"She seemed to be spellbound!" Hadi Ahmed comforted him.

"Did you see him flying? He had wings?" Hammad Syed was curious.

"Yes… huge shadowy wings!" Hadi Ahmed stretched his both arms in opposite directions.

"Oh! He is an Ifrit!" Hammad Syed began scratching his bread with his right-hand fingers.

"Ifrit?" Sam wanted to learn more about it.

"You know dear…Ok, come here…let me tell you in detail!" They both made them seated on chairs.

Hammad Syed began, "You know that genies are the creatures that are invisible to the naked eye, they're made of smokeless fire. There are about ten types of genies; one of them is Ifrit, which has huge wings. They're well known for their energy and cunning. They're capable of throwing fire and are usually violent and evil by nature. They're said to live underground. They usually marry other genies, but sometimes they also marry humans. They can also use magic to spellbind their victims."

"So…you mean Jennifer is in the claws of an Ifrit genie, who carried her in his arms and flew away? But where has he carried her?"

"This is beyond my capacity and power, but Hadi Ahmed might help in this regard." Hammad Syed turned his face towards Hadi Ahmed.

"Well! I can speak the language of that particular type of demon…I'll have to get connected to one of those types to learn where that Ifrit has carried Jennifer…" Hadi Ahmed looked at Hammad Syed and then Sam.

"Come on… then hurry!" Sam spoke impatiently.

"Not overnight?" Hadi Ahmed shook his head.

"What do you mean?" Sam wide-opened his eyes.

"I mean I'll have to perform some rituals to get connected with a genie and request him to inform me about Jennifer." Hadi Ahmed pressed Sam's left shoulder with his right hand.

"Oh no! I can't wait… Where has that rascal taken my wife?" Sam began sobbing.

"Be brave dear! Don't lose heart…We'll capture that nasty nuisance In Sha Allah (If God wills) and Jennifer will be released soon." Hammad Syed tried to soothe him.

"Soothing merely won't comfort me… I want some actions…quick actions…right now! Please!" Sam burst into tears that rolled down his cheeks and dropped from the tip of his chin.

Hammad Syed brought him closer and gave him a comforting hug. "Too many tears dear?" He tried to tease him to change his mind.

"Tears are everywhere… they're not just in my eyes…they fall in my heart too… like the rain on the town!" Sam released himself from Hammad Syed's arms.

"I understand your feelings…After all, she was your love as well as your hard-earned wife." Hammad Syed slightly massaged Sam's head with his right-hand fingers.

"Yeah!" Sam nodded.

"But we're not dealing with a human. We've all human forces to deal with human criminals. In this case, it's a solely spiritual matter and only a supernatural can help us to find out about her whereabouts. I never expected this extent." Hammad Syed explained the complexity of the problem to him.

"Extent?" Sam wanted to learn more.

"I never knew that he was an Ifrit, a flying demon, and could carry her and fly away…that's extremely shocking for me. Such type of incidents never occurred in my whole array of practices. I always performed Ruqyah on the possessed human beings…and in two to seven sessions the demons disappeared forever; the hardest one took seven sessions at the maximum!" Hammad Syed shifted his stare from Sam to Hadi Ahmed. "Now we're waiting desperately for Hadi to get this issue resolved as early as possible!"

"I'll certainly begin from tonight…it's already midnight… I should haste to reach home to begin my rituals." Hadi Ahmed replied.

"Can't you do it here?" Sam offered him to stay overnight at Jennifer's house.

"This house seemed to be haunted…if I begin here, several other demons might appear." Hadi Ahmed showed his concern.

"So what? You can get connected with them to seek their help." Sam replied.

"No…no they are wicked genies... They'll begin playing with us…they'll do nothing but make the matter worse…I need to get connected with good genies." Hadi Ahmed further explained.

"Oh! Got it!"  Sam nodded.

"Good genies never enter a human body…never disturb humans…they can be your friends to help you." Hadi Ahmed added.

"Hmm…let's leave then." Sam gestured and accompanied them to leave the house.

All three of them exited Jennifer's house. Sam latched and then padlocked the main door from the outside.

"Let's have some meal together before we disunite." Sam's lips parted in a smile and he looked at both of them.

They nodded to Sam and headed towards a nearby restaurant. They had their night meal there and then set off to their houses.