
Tintinnabulation to Love & Mystery

Jennifer’s condition was inexplicable due to her exotic demeanor; it was either because of her being fallen a victim to the love of a super natural and then got addicted to it or she was suffering from schizophrenia. Sam, who was an investigating journalist and had always been in the pursuit of interesting stories for his magazine, was appalled when he ran into Jennifer, his unrequited love. Her bizarre condition caused him fall in sheer gloom; he committed to bring her back to normality.

squreshi15 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Speak his language

Hadi Ahmed was a young man in his mid-thirties with medium height and a normal build. Attired in Abaya and Arabic footwear and covering his head with stylish Islamic taqiyya, he arrived before the time he had committed. He reached the restaurant where Sam and Hammad Syed had been waiting for him desperately. He received a warm welcome from both the guys and then made himself seated at their table.

Hammad Syed introduced both Sam and Hadi Ahmed to each other. They both exchanged smiles and good wishes.

"Would you like any beverages; tea or coffee? Sam offered Hadi Ahmed.

"Tea will do." Hadi Ahmed gave his preference.

"Here you are! Hot tea with snacks." In five minutes the high tea with some refreshments was tabled.

"Wonderful!" He seemed to yearn for it.

Hadi enjoyed the snacks while blowing and slurping the tea to enjoy its taste the best. "Shall we move now?" After he had consumed the high tea, he uttered.

"Yes…sure let's go!" Sam stood on his feet and pushed the chair back under the table.

"Wait! Wait…just for a few minutes... let me have a word with Hadi." Hammad Syed came close to Hadi Ahmed, while Sam stepped slowly to the cash counter to pay the bill. Hammad Syed and Hadi Ahmed exchanged whispers for about five minutes and then they left the table and beckoned Sam to follow them.

It was about 10 p.m. when the team reached Jennifer's house. The door was latched from the inside as usual. Hammad Syed used his spiritual method to unlatch the door. It was dark outside, but the inside… one room looked dimly lit; it was Jennifer's bedroom. The grand party had been over; all the ghouls had departed. The house was exuding an alluring ambiance and bizarre fragrances in the air.

"Sh…sh...sh…come this way." Hammad Syed whispered to the other members.

"Why is her bedroom reddish pink and dimly lit?" Sam seemed curious.

"The party is going on!" Hammad Syed smiled funnily.

"The party is not yet over?" Sam looked astonished.

"It's the real party for which the party was arranged."  Hammad Syed spoke faintly.

"You mean…now the rascal will play with her." Hammad's face flushed with anger.

"I'm sorry…but that's what he intends to achieve …don't worry…we'll try our best to hamper his advancements." Hammad Syed tried to assuage him.

"You both stay here and let me peep into the room!" Hammad Syed stepped up to her bedroom and peeped in and rushed back just as quickly when he perceived that Jennifer was in an awkward position on her bed.

"Well…well…well! I wasn't expecting what I just saw!" Hammad Syed touched his both cheeks with his both hands.

"What?" Sam asked

"She is in her bed." Hammad Syed replied calmly.

"So what?" Sam's eyebrows raised.

Hammad Syed pulled Sam aside and whispered into his ear, "She is lying in her bed….crouched on all fours on her abdomen! That was absolutely an awkward position."

"Did you see the rogue with her?" Sam wanted to confirm.

"He is unseen…I didn't!" Hammad Syed replied confidently.

"You're the faith healer…you've unusual spiritual powers…why couldn't you see him…or he was not there; Jennifer was alone?" Sam asked inquisitively.

"My spiritual powers will start working when I begin reciting certain verses from the glorious Quran. I found Jennifer in her bedroom alone." Hammad Syed placed his hands on Sam's shoulders.

"Come on! Then do something…why are you delaying?" Sam fell into an intense emotional state induced by this information."

"Yes…why not! That's why we are here! And that's the reason I called Hadi here to my aid …you know… one and one make eleven?" Hammad Syed's fingers of both hands interlocked, showing his confidence.

Sam gave a thumbs-up to him.

'You wait here! We're entering her bedroom." Hammad Syed extended his right arm and pointed his palm facing Sam. Then he signaled Hadi Ahmed to accompany him to her bedroom.

"I'll not start my spiritual ritual at first. I'll be with you and you'll communicate with the demon in his language and ask him to abandon the innocent lady. We'll see... if it doesn't work, I will begin the ritual to punish him so that he could take flight forever." They both exchanged thumbs-ups and entered Jennifer's room.

Jennifer had changed her position; she was lying on her back in bed and seemed to be in sound sleep. "If I utter anything now, she'll wake up." Hadi Ahmed whispered into Hammad Syed's ear.

"I don't think so. She looked in a state of deep sleep. It's hard to wake her up during this stage." Hammad Syed whispered back.

"Ok…" Hadi Ahmed replied in his breath and then both stood on either side of the bed.

Hadi Ahmed began speaking in the language of the supernatural, "Ahren inge imba meta hunnani…ikamaku nuves finnane…kudaku wahgadhaka benume (I know you're here, but I can't see you, I want to talk to you a bit)."

There was no response.

Hadi Ahmed made the utterance again and then again but there was no reply. He showed his long face to Hammad Syed. As he was about to move from his position to exit the room, he froze...  a horrifying voice, let out from an invisible figure, reached his ears, "Ahem…ahem…kihene daskuddi ahrengi bus? (How did you learn our language?)"

"Ahrenge baaiwaru ratta hunnani imba watteru. (I've several friends of your creature)" Hadi Ahmed spoke with a faint but confident smile on his face.

"koncha benume? (What do you want?)" The voice asked.

"Ahrenge benume imba mi anghen kujja dur kulla abud ves. (I want you to leave this lady forever)" Hadi Ahmed, without further ado, made it clear what he wanted.

"Noowaren! Noowaren! Mi gotta wahga dhakkani ahren imba khalas kullani (Impossible! Impossible! If you talk this again, I'll break you!)" The voice got enraged.

"Eh Addu ha inge! Rulhi noo inge…me angen kujja firimiha hunnani…enna wara dhera ve ena ambi meha duru dhani then. (Hey…listen! Don't be angry! This lady has a husband, who is very depressed without his wife.)" Hadi Ahmed tried to comfort him and spoke rationally.

"Warihama ingijja! Ena noo…Ahren ena firimiha…ahren dekhe ena ves wara lobi ve…mudkulla…duruda!(I don't care…He is not, I'm her husband…She also loves me very much…now stop and leave!)" the indignance in the voice persisted.

"Keeve e nulaffa meeha mita ginaee? Ena deka ahren wara rulhi! (Why did you bring this lousy man here? I'm annoyed to see him here)" The voice continued.

"Masla noo…meeharu dhani inge…konduwa den anna wahga dhaka? (no issue, I'm leaving now. When should then I come to talk to you again?" Hadi Ahmed extended to set the time for another meeting.

"Noowaren! Benume noo mitta anna ahrenga ambi miha kari abad ves…durdha!(Impossible! Never come again here to my wife…go away!) The voice escalated.

Without replying a word, Hadi Ahmed gestured for Hammad Syed to leave the room. They both exited her bedroom and stood just outside the room.

"The demon is very angry to see you here." Hadi Ahmed mutterer to Hammad Syed.

"What was he saying about leaving her?" Hammad Syed was intrigued.

"He was very reluctant to leave her! He said that she was his wife and he was never gonna leave her." Hadi Ahmed looked disheartened.

"See …I knew …It's not that easy to persuade such a nuisance to comply…dialogues don't work here." While they both were exchanging whispers, Sam joined them, "Any progress?"

To reply to his query, Hadi Ahmed briefed him about his dialogue with the demon.

"I already knew that straightforwardness with the straightforward, crookedness with the crooked!" Sam looked at Hammad Syed and uttered, "And this is the high time to hit the nail on the head!"

"I know the iron is hot…I'm prepared to perform my rituals! Hadi…let's get in again!" Hammad Syed signaled Hadi Ahmed and they both entered her bedroom again.