
Tintinnabulation to Love & Mystery

Jennifer’s condition was inexplicable due to her exotic demeanor; it was either because of her being fallen a victim to the love of a super natural and then got addicted to it or she was suffering from schizophrenia. Sam, who was an investigating journalist and had always been in the pursuit of interesting stories for his magazine, was appalled when he ran into Jennifer, his unrequited love. Her bizarre condition caused him fall in sheer gloom; he committed to bring her back to normality.

squreshi15 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Relationship Reconciled

The demon was not visible to Sam. Jennifer thought Sam had caught her cheating on him; she fell into intense giddiness and then passed out. The demon kept sitting there and watched the whole scenario. Hammad Syed, who had accompanied Sam to Jennifer's house lingered out of the house, waiting for Sam to beckon him to get in. When Sam had been assaulted, he fainted and almost bled out.  He regained consciousness just after a couple of minutes. He wrapped a piece of cloth around his head and managed to get out of the house by any means. He then immediately contacted Hammad Syed informing him about everything he had gone through. Being very kind and supportive, Hammad Syed agreed to help Sam to keep him company at Jennifer's house to deal with the devilish demon.

When Sam had failed to bring Jennifer back to her senses, he flew out of the house to get Raqi into the house.

"Hey…get in…She has passed out!"

"Oh! How?

"I don't know how! The moment she spotted me, she collapsed in the bed."

"That means he is around!"

"You mean the devil?"

"Yep…let's get inside!"

"Come on! She is in bed in her bedroom." Sam entered her bedroom and was flabbergasted to find the bed empty. Being awestruck, he slapped his forehead. "She's vanished! She was right here, lying in her bed, right now! Where's she gone?"

"How could she disappear? This demon seems to have extraordinary powers! Ok…No issue… the bigger the challenge, the bigger the opportunity!" Hammad Syed uttered with a confident grin on his face.

"You mean the demon has taken her with him?" Sam tilted his head slightly forward while raising his eyebrows upward.

"Yes of course! She was lying unconscious right here on the bed and in a few minutes, while you went to the main door to get me in, she disappeared! Did she regain consciousness and moved out somewhere in a jiffy? No…I don't think so! Let's search the house." Hammad Syed looked directly into Sam's eyes.

The search began throughout the house including washrooms, storeroom, and the kitchen, but Jennifer was nowhere to be found. At last Hammad Syed and Sam made themselves sit and relax in the sitting room. "I don't know where she has gone, where the devilish demon has taken her." Sam took in and let out a long, deep, audible breath."

All of a sudden Hammad Syed jumped stood on his feet and dashed out of the sitting room. Sam followed him. Hammad Syed reached under the tall huge date palm that stood in the backyard. He looked up at its thick canopy of silvery green feathery leaves.

"Why here?" Sam was puzzled.

"Wait! Can you see that white shadow on the top of the canopy?" Hammad Syed raised his right arm with an index finger pointing at the top leaves.

"Oh yeah! There is something white like some smoke or a piece of silver cloud lining. What's it?"

"That's your favorite fantastic phantom!"

"Are you sure?

"Yes, I'm!"

"Where is Jennifer then?"

"I'm here! What're you both doing here under the tree? It's a male date palm; it doesn't produce dates." Smiley Jennifer was standing right behind them.

They both tilted their heads back to see Jennifer in her best outfit standing right behind them.

"How come you're here and where had you disappeared?" Sam got close to Jennifer and held her shoulders.

Jennifer shrugged her shoulders, released from his clutches, and took a step back.

"Hmm… you're still angry with me? Come on…let's go home!"

"This is my home…I'll stay here…not going with you."

"He is your husband… It's been just a few months of your marriage." Hammad Syed interrupted.

"I'm getting divorced…I don't want to live with him anymore."

"No…no you can't do that!"

"Yes, I'm going to file divorce papers tomorrow."

"No Jennifer, think about your husband…how much he loves you…He adores you…He made a lot of effort…strained his brain and muscles to bring you back to normality… you should regard his sincerity,  love, and dedication towards you." Hammad Syed tried to convince her.

"I thought he would remain the same, but he has changed after marriage. He is no more the same guy."

"Jennifer…listen! I'm the same…I'm not changed…I love you the same way I loved you before our marriage. Come on let's go home…We'll talk further at home." Sam interrupted.

"Don't you understand? This is my house." Jennifer raised her voice and spoke angrily.

"Ok…then if this is your house…then it's mine too! I can't let my wife stay alone in this house…I'll be here with you as long you are here in this place." Sam made himself seated comfortably on the wooden bench fixed on the ground.

"No way… You'd better leave or you'll suffer the consequences!"

"I'm not a sissy ok? I'll stay with my wife right here in this house and will see what happens to me. Only cowards attack from behind; it's cowardly to attack from the unseen!"

"What do you mean?" Jennifer lowered her eyebrows.

"Nothing!" Sam overlooked her question.

"Great! Brave all your hardship with courage…Take this bottle of holy water I carried with me… and make sure you take a bath with it in the morning and make your wife do the same." Hammad Syed took a plastic bottle filled with holy water out of his medium-sized leather cross-bag.

"Oh, lovely! You carried this… I'll certainly do that!"

"I know that you're falling yourself into a colossal risk…you can be harmed or I would say that you're staring death in the face. But…don't chicken out… if you believe in yourself and are confident to win the battle with the devil, you'll surely win. This demon is very cunning and every time he comes up with a new plot to carry out." Hammad Syed patted Sam's back and left.

"Where did you spend the night?" Sam looked into Jennifer's eyes.

"I was at Christine's."

"Then why did you come here?"

"Why do you ask too many questions?"

"Ok leave it…Have you had your lunch?


"Let's go to all our dearest Tai Pan!"

"I've no appetite!"

"Come on Jenny…Don't be cross…please … Shake off your anger."

"I'm not in a mood…I'm fatigued…I wanna rest."

"O.k... I'll order for home delivery."

Jennifer went to her bedroom and as soon as she lay on the bed, she fell into a deep slumber.

The demon, who was on the top of the date palm canopy, observing and listening to everything, was working on a wicked plot.

In an hour, the rider of Tai Pan arrived and delivered the meal to the address provided by Sam.

"Jennifer…Jenny…come on wake up…your dearest course meal and dessert from your dearest restaurant are here."

Jennifer did not move.

"Jennifer…Come on… wake up… Jenny!' Sam leaned over Jennifer and stroked her right cheek with his right palm. He then began rubbing his hand softly on the side of her face.

She opened her rather puffy eyes to see Sam. She then stretched her arms and sat on the bed. "I don't know what's going on with me. How come I fell into such a deep sleep as if I hadn't slept a wink last night."

"Hmmm… wash your face…you'll be refreshed." Sam looked at Jennifer full of love.

They enjoyed the meal and then talked for hours. Sam successfully mended all the broken and missed stitches in their relationship. The night arrived when the love birds were going to go all the way once again. Both were all set. Jennifer was also contended for not being fallen into unethicality.