
Have a good reason

Eric's POV 

Sir, your meeting starts in an hour time ".my secretary announced to me.

"Alright ". I replied and went back to my work.

I worked for few minutes before leaving my office, I got out of my office and met my sectary standing by my office door.

He bows his head and took the files from me.

We took my private elevator and left the office.

We got to my private parking lot and met my driver waiting for me.

He bows his head and open the back seat for me, I got in, and he drove off.

In a few minutes we were at the venue of the meeting.

I walk into the hall and saw that few people were already seated.

I sat on my seat and waited for the meeting to commence.

"Eric". I turn and saw Elliott sitting beside me.

"You came early, that's unlike you ". He said those words while staring at me.

"I was less busy ". I murmured

"I see".he replied.

In a few minutes everyone came and the meeting started.

In less than three hours we were done and the meeting ended.

"See you later at the club". Elliot spoke up, 

I turn and stared at him with disbelief

"When did you start coming to the club this often ". I asked, 

He chuckled softly and stood up from his seat. 

"I'm interested in someone".he replied firmly

I raise a bow and stare at him 

"You, interested in someone". I asked in shock, 

He chuckled softly before speaking up 

"There is something so special about that girl ".he said those words with a big smile.

"I see".I replied and stood up from the chair 

"Must be lucky then"

"Yeah, but she is a newbie which is playing hard to get ".he murmured

"I see "

I wanted to walk away, but he calls me back 

"Let's forget about what happened the other day ,I wasn't trying to touch you ". He spoke calmly.

"It's okay, you know I don't like been touched".

"I understand ".he replied.

"So I'll see you are in the club then ".he asked, 

"Hopefully". I replied and walked away.

I got into my car and my driver drove off.

"Back to the office?".he asked 

"No, back home ". I replied

He took a u turn and drove back home.

"Welcome sir ".my housekeeper greeted, 

I stared at him and realized something was wrong.

"What's wrong ?". I asked 

"Your dad is here ".he replied, 

I hissed in frustration and ran my fingers in my hair.

I walk pass the downstairs sitting room and went to the sitting room upstairs.

I climbed upstairs and met dad having a drink.

"Good day, dad ". I greeted, 

He stared at me and look away.

I hissed softly and walk over to him.

"How are you ". I asked.

He took a sip of his drink and stared at me.

"As you can see am not dead yet ".he spoke angrily

I hissed and sat beside him.

"You didn't tell me you were coming ".

"Do I need permission to see my son ".he asked in anger.

I hissed softly but did not say a word.

We sat there in silence until he spoke up.

"What are your plans, it will be full moon soon, you need to mark your mate and claim her as yours ".he uttered those words as an order.

I groaned in frustration and lean on the chair.

"Can you stop this, father"? I demanded in irritation.

Das glared at me and I could see the anger in his eyes.

"Stop what if I may ask ".he yelled in anger 

"You are an alpha who doesn't want to accept his mate, do you know what that means".he asked in anger.

"If this gets to the ear of your followers, do you know how they will lose their respect for you ".he asked in anger.

"You have no choice Eric, I give you one month, just one month to mark your mate and make her yours or else I will be force to do the unthinkable".he expressed those words as a promise.

I groaned angrily and roughly ran my fingers in my hair in frustration.

Whenever dad says words like this I knew he always meant it 

"I'm ashamed of you alpha Eric".he expressed those words like he meant it.

“You should be proud that you have such a beautiful and pure hearted girl as your mate ,but instead you are rejecting for no good reason "

"I have a good reason for rejecting her ". I replied angrily.

"Which is ?".

"She is too weak, too weak for my liking". I spoke angrily.

"Too weak ?".dad asked in anger 

"Yes Dad, I can't let such a girl be my mate, I will have to be there to protect her and am not ready for such ". I explained in irritation.

Dad howl angrily and stared at me with darken eyes. His light green eyes were now darken, and I knew I have to count my words.

"I'm ashamed of you, son, really ashamed of you ".he expressed those words like he meant it.

Ever since I became an alpha, dad has never said such words to me, but today but of that girl he looked at me in the face and said such hurtful words to me.

"Your duty is to love and protect your mate no matter who he or she is, and here you are blabbering rubbish about she being weak".he yelled in anger.

I felt anger run through my blood and my wolf was silent, it seems he was happy with what father was saying.

"One month Eric, I give you one month".he muttered out those words as a promise and left my house.

I groaned angrily and threw the glass on the floor with anger.

I roughly ran my hand in my hair in frustration before walking to my room.

I got to my room and pull off my shoes and clothes in anger.

I sat on the bed, but anger and frustration was still boiling inside me.

I need a distraction, but I don't want Sophie, if I have a play with her, I might hurt her and I don't want that.

Only in the club can I get a submissive I can handle the way I want.

I groaned in frustration and stood up from my bed, I open my closet and brought out a simple black jean and a black T-shirt.

I put on the clothes and pick up a black mask in my drawer and left the house.