

The professor was a famous spaceship scientist who had written many books and articles on various topics relating to spaceship construction. He introduced himself and then asked Ariel and the girls to introduce themselves too. He seemed interested in their backgrounds and opinions, and he encouraged them to ask questions and share their thoughts. The class was lively and interactive, and Ariel found myself enjoying the conversation and learning new things.

"Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to the most awesome course in the universe: Imaginative Spaceship Design. I'm your instructor, Professor Zee. But you can call me Zee, or Zee-Zee, or Zee-Zee-Top, or whatever you like. I'm cool with it.

In this course, you will learn how to design and build spaceships that are so awesome, they will make Star Wars look like a documentary. You will explore the concepts of warp drive, wormholes, hyperspace, quantum entanglement, and more.

One of the most fascinating concepts is wormholes.