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How will Drac, the soldier from the future change humanity's fate by leaping time with his ai gf gen? P.S. the book cover isn't mine if you're the author of the picture and you don't agree with me using it as my book's cover then leave a comment and ill take it down. Warning this novel is R-18. (Read-only if you're okay with dark, gory stuff and sex scenes and a lot of profanity) Discord to discuss the book:https://discord.gg/dvMzh9N5

scifiistheway · Quân đội
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18 Chs

Party 2!(Warning Mature Context R-18)

Back at AM's house.

So how did you and Drac got together?

K asked while sipping on her light beer cocktail.

Genesis burped while sitting in her armchair with her bare athletic legs on the empty beer can-covered table showing off her sharp black leg nails while acting like a tomb boy.

Hmph, I was trying to wake that idiot up.

And do you know what was the first thing he did when he finally woke up?

That idiot got all horny on me and splattered his load all over my stomach and after that, I dislocated his nose.

AM almost choked on his beer.

Hmph, that horny Baka got off light!

Genesis roared while slamming her empty beer can on the table.

I see.

K blushed.

Gen, I think that's enough beer for you.

AM said while still chugging down his beer himself.

Hmph, I want more.

Genesis shot back while reaching for another beer can only to almost fall out of her armchair.

AM sighed in desperation at the current situation.

As they say like boyfriend like a girlfriend.

Drunk AM murmured under his breath while remembering how I after drinking the first time the cheapest and strongest beer ended up dead drunk and turned AM's toilet into vomit soup.

Suddenly the door opened up revealing Me and boys still riding the magic nicotine tututu train.

My Horny Baka you're back!

Genesis jumped off from her armchair and stormed off to Drac.

Hahaha! And do you remember that time then...

Before I could finish my sentence I saw and heard Genesis running over with her E-sized breasts jiggling up and down while threatening to burst out.

...oh, fuck no.

Genesis jumped on me coiling herself on me like a panda and started grinding her E-sized breasts with her hardening nipples and her moistening pussy against my chest and my dick.

I grabbed Genesis's medium-sized heart-shaped athletic, perky, and curvy ass and while supporting her weight with my hands I barely managed to keep my center of gravity while being halfway dead drunk and still under the effects of magic nicotine.

Hmmm, So you're the touchy and horny kind of drunk just like me huh.

I murmured under my breath while barely reaching the armchair and sitting down without collapsing to the ground while Genesis kept giving me love bites on my neck with her sharp canines grazing my skin drawing blood.

My friends started booing and chirping as they sat down and popped open another set of beer.

I gave my friends the stink eye while trying to control myself but I was finding it quite hard with my dick already loaded and cocked ready to shoot.


After a couple more rounds of drinking beer, we all went off to sleep with me and Genesis sleeping in the master bedroom while D and K slept In AM's bed while the rest of the boys made do with sleeping in the living room.

I hissed silently as I sat up on the bed only in my underwear because it was too hot to sleep with clothes on.

Fuck bloody insomnia...

I said while trying to fight off the head-splitting headache.

....it seems like my mind won't be used to sleep normally in a while.

"After all, as a supersoldier with demigod stats, I almost didn't need sleep because my brain and body were passively recovering even when I wasn't asleep."

I looked at Genesis only in her tight-fitting underwear sleeping like a dead man sprawled on the bed in the way that with the rising sun's sun rays I could see the details of her still slightly moist pussy.

''Is this even real maybe it's just a world created by my own brain right before it got vaporized?''

''Because it's just too unbelievable.''

'A guy like me whose hands are soaked with blood got a second chance and Gen...''

''...Gen, I think... I truly love her... but is a monster like me in human skin even capable of love at this point.''

''Even if let's say all this is real and not just a figment of my imagination I'm not someone who thinks that I'm the chosen son of heaven.''

''I know who that I am just an above-average joe who lucked out and survived till the end.''

''So why would the system choose me there are plenty of people that I can think of who would be more fitting for the job.''

I rubbed my head in frustration.

"Hmmm maybe I'm just overthinking things and I just won the lottery and that's it."

I thought as I suddenly felt my stomach's contents rising up to my throat.

I quickly ran to the bathroom and started vomiting my guts out.

A pungent smell assaulted me.

I looked down only to see the toilet full of my vomit mixed with undigested food, beer, and red blood with patches of black blood which seemed to be squirming as if it was alive.

I leaned against the bathroom sink with my hands grabbing the sink and supporting my body weight.

I wiped my mouth with my hand only to see it covered with the same stuff as in the toilet.

Suddenly I started feeling inhuman pain all over my body down to my last cell.

My consciousness started becoming blurry while my 5 senses went haywire.

I started breathing heavily gasping for air while my body felt so weak that I could barely keep myself from collapsing.

Suddenly my heart started beating in my ears like a drum faster and louder with each hit.




While the bathroom's lights started flickering on and off faster and faster.

As I started hearing my own multiple voices in my head speak louder and louder at the same time.

"Look at us!"

"Look at us!!"

"Look at us!!!"

While with each second the temperature in the room seemed to be decreasing to the point that white mist came out from my nose.

Suddenly I felt an overwhelming sense of power spread from my heart to my whole body and as I did I saw black veins and arteries spread out on my hands at a naked eye visible speed turning my skin into unhealthy pale while my nails turned black with black blood leaking from them.

With my newfound strength, I raised my head and looked at the frost-covered mirror only to see an image of my own reflection only that my body was made out of dozens of faces with blood-red glowing irises and pitch-black scleras and razor-sharp teeth patched together with maggots crawling and squirming in the stitches and the wounds all over my body showing muscles and bones soaked in black blood which was leaking and dripping from my wounds, stitches and my teeth gums, eyes, nose, and ears.

Who are you...

...no I already know...

...you are me...

"...and we are you."

Multiple sets of my voices sounded in my ears while my image's faces in the frost-covered mirror smiled in a grotesque smile exposing their shark-like razor-sharp black blood-stained teeth.

Suddenly the image disappeared only to show my current physical appearance with my blood-red glowing irises and pitch-black scleras with black veins and arteries running and pulsating under my unhealthy pale skin with my black lips and nails with black blood leaking and dripping from my ears, eyes teeth gums and nails.

As I breathed heavily while soaked in my sweat with my hand I clutched my chest right over my heart pounding like a gong in my head with an upside-down cross with a skeleton with shark-like teeth nailed on it made out entirely of my squirming and pulsating black arteries and veins under my skin.

My body and especially my heart hurt so much that I subconsciously dug my fingers into my skin so hard that my nails pierced my skin and dug into my chests muscles while drawing black blood.

Mind over matter.

I kept muttering under my breath trying to get used to the inhuman pain of my cells constantly tearing themselves apart and reconstructing themselves.

Finally, I managed to adjust my mind to somewhat tolerate the inhuman pain I was feeling all over my body.

I took a glance at my status.

Race: Ghoulification in progress 1 month left(P.S. then the ghoulification is complete it's game over for you host so less drinking yourself to death and more chop chop)

Strength: 1.0

Perception: 1.0

Endurance: 1.0

Charisma: 1.0

Intelligence: 1.0

Agility: 1.0

Luck: 1.6

All host's stats have been raised to host's DNR limit.


[Batlle scarred and Battle hardened soldier(Machine gunner assistant): Host has received basic, specialized, advanced soldier training which is enriched by the host's fighting on the battlefield experience and the host has the scars to confirm it.]

[Psychopat:Due to the host life's experiences the host has developed murderous and aggressive tendencies which can be invoked at any time by the simplest things.]

[Dead Heart: Due to the host's life experiences the host is numb to almost  everything.]

[Devils luck: The host has been blessed by Satan Lucifier himself with demonic luck but due to the blessings nature the host will experience misfortune equivalents to how lucky he gets +1 to Luck stat]

[Passive abilities:]

[Regenaration tenth order: The host can regenerate ewrything.]

All stats except for luck increased to the host's DNR limits.

"Although I'm dying I still get some benefits for it but it's gonna be a pain in the ass to explain my current appearance."

I thought while I started to clean up the bathroom.


By the time I was done cleaning the bathroom it was already 09:00 am.

"Damm it was a pain in the ass to collect all that melted water from the formed frost in the bathroom."

I thought while already dressed and walking into the master bedroom to wake up Genesis.

Gen, wake up...

As I was trying to wake up Genesis who was sleeping like a deadman with drool running down from her mouth by shaking her my eyes made contact with Genesis's carotid artery in her neck.

Suddenly time seemed to slow down and all I could hear and see was Genesis's carotid artery slowly and loudly pulsating in my view and ears.




As I was about to sink my teeth into Genesis's neck and rip her throat out and suck her dry I managed to snap out of it.

As I did time seemed to return to the normal flow of course time didn't slow down it's just my brain went into overdrive that's why it looked like time slowed down for me.

I clutched my out-of-control heart over my sleeveless gray T-shirt-covered chest.

''Fuck! I almost riped Genesis's throat out!''

''And it doesn't take one to be sherlock homes to put 1 and 1 together!''

''It's the side effects of my ghoulification!''

My reasoning was only further confirmed by the system's notification.

Warning user's bloodlust is increasing(If the user refuses to consume human blood when the ghoulification process will accelerate but if the user chooses to consume human blood when the progress will be delayed).


Here drink some water.

I said while giving Genesis a bottle of water while continuing to dress her up because Genesis was like a vegetable now after all that beer she drank.

...Drac I'm never going to drink again.

Sure Gen that's what I always say and everyone else, but hey look at the bright side at least you didn't vomit.

Eh? Drac you look like a corpse.

I looked at K who was going to the bathroom but stopped after seeing how I look thankfully I had my black sunglasses and mask to cover my eyes and lips as for the black arteries and veins they didn't look that noticeable on my face, arms, and legs except for my chest which looked like an infection spreading from the heart which was thankfully covered by my shirt.

I haven't drunk and smoked like that for 9 months so I lost my natural resistance.

I joked which seemed to be a reasonable explanation to K because she just shrugged her shoulders and went to the bathroom.

I breathed out a sigh of relief.

''Thankfully K didn't notice my black nails.''


Alright bye K see you around.

K gave me a goodbye hug and to Genesis too.

And give my goodbyes to the boys.

''Who are still sleeping like dead men.''

Sure while you take care of Genesis.

Ma'am!Yes!Ma'am! I gave K a hushed salute.


K laughed her ass off at my antics.

Alright bye, Drac.

By K.

Edited 2021-10-18

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