one day when Suzy decides to get her revenge she gets to know that Arthur is also some one who is like her will these two hearts be able to get their revenge by joint their hand or fall in love after knowing each other's past .
Some where in the east of Asia a gang was discussing like this . One person in the gang called Trend was telling this the fit of my hand was enough to smash her another person behind him said is that the reason why you always loose the fight match with her . Trend said it is all in the past now I have become even more stronger a way more intelligent. Another person standing beside the Trend wearing tattoos on his hand said laughing you beating her in the intelligence you can't even stand the Strom of her intelligence she is way more talented than you in every possible way the rest four sitting over there started laughing . All of them having beer infront of them . Trend broke a bottle and kept on his neck now support her a little I am going to kill you . She was the one who killed our boss and almost killed her we don't what her or her gang is doing all we know is that one of her gang member is shot dead in a jail because she sneaked a phone . What call do you thinknshe might have made . Whom do you think she called ?tell me tell me Trend was shouting . The other person at the sharp side of the voice with a shivering voice he was telling he might have called to Hyena . Trend said what ? what did you say ? the other person with the same shivering voice I said it might be Hyena .Trend shouted it is not may be Hyena it is Hyena . One day I will catch her and kill her the way she killed my boss or even worse .
In Hyena's cabin . Arthur went to call Hyena for the lunch . Hyena was looking at few cases in the internet magazines. Arthur asked Hyena what are you doing ?Hyena replied nothing much just checking any old news about Oliver so that I can know more about him . Arthur asked these days you are getting to know more about Oliver are trying to make me smell vinegar . Hyena replied it's not like that before revealing you the truth about me . I got to know everything about your enemies . But after knowing about Oliver I got to know that all your enemies are just puppets in his hands which made me to understand that he is your actual villan but unfortunately I don't know much about him so I got know more about him so that the probability of we winning him will become more . Arthur said now I understood you but isn't it high time that you have lunch . Hyena said ok I am coming and left that cabin . At that time a article from internet downloaded . The name of the article was .An art of abuse .
In the suzy's father office he was getting continuous calls from different collaborators. Few calls even went to Eva stating that she should bring back Arthur. Eva to Suzy's father I think Arthur did all of this to prove that he can handle the company a better way compared to us . Suzy's father replied I don't think he is that silly . Any way do you have any idea about how we are going to prove our innocence in coming few days . Eva replied I thought Oliver might be figuring a way by now . suzy's father smiled and said Oliver,if can't figure out a way don't forget he might even kill one of us . Eva replied even that is true the person I least trust is him . suzy's father that would be the best decision you could take . Meanwhile Oliver called them and said I figured a way to prove our innocence. Eva asked what is that way ?