
Time to grow

Learning how to transcend from being a teenager to being an adult. 19 year old Cole was what you'll call a typical rich spoilt brat who thinks he can use his father's wealth as a source of his power and bully those he thinks is beneath his league. Well, life had other plans for him when his parents died in a car accident and all his father's wealth was taken over by the government as Cole's father didn't prepare any will in the case of his demise . Now Cole has to learn about life the hard way and appreciate it on the long run.

Daoist2000 · Võ hiệp
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21 Chs


The rain can't seem to stop, it's been falling for almost three hours now. I need to get to the factory on time or I'll get scolded again and my pay for the day will be reduced and this rain won't just bear with me even if it's just for a little while for me to get to the factory.

   After what felt like an eternity, the rain finally stops and let's me walk the remaining distance to the factory. On seeing the gate of the factory I can't help but curse the rain for being so wicked, now I'll have to serve punishment for my lateness. Not that I mind the lateness, but come on.... my pay will be fucking reduced.


   That's what I have to put up with if I have any dream of surviving in this cruel world. I walk into the work section and the first person I meet is my best buddy, Harry. He has always been by my side for as long as I can remember and has taught me everything there is to know about survival. We always have each other's back in times of affliction and trouble.


    Walking up to meet him, he says "hey man what's up, you're pretty late today. Your pay is gonna be cut".


"I don't need you to tell me that" I reply.


"well you better get to work so you can earn some extra, maybe then the cut wouldn't hurt like its supposed to" he tries to encourage me.


"yeah yeah I get it " I try to sound indifferent. 


     Just as we were about to start the business of the day, we heard someone yell "COLE !!!" we both turned to see an angry Joe. Joe is one of the supervisors in the factory, popularly called angry bird by both the workers and his colleagues because of his unquenchable temper.

"yes chief" I said turning to face him

"you're late again"  

"I'm sorry chief, the rain.... " 

  "oh cut the crap, that's not an excuse"      

   'I know it's not an excuse for me being late dumbass', I said in my thought.   Well, the thing is I haven't been getting enough sleep for the past month due to the nightmares that keep coming, why.... I don't fucking know.

     The sound of Joe's voice brings me back from my little solitude.

"so you're not trying to defend yourself today eh"    

  "no chief"   

  "you son of a.... "   

    "whoa there chief, I know what we can do" Harry says trying to save my skin, 

  "well speak up then"    

  "why don't you cut out of my pay too"

  I could see Joe's eyes beaming with unspeakable joy,  

"now that's what I like to hear " he says patting Harry's back.

  Turning in my direction, he says "you better thank your lucky stars " before leaving.

     I just stared at his back watching him leave and the only thing that keeps repeating in my mind is that I should really teach him how not to mess with me.

"jeez, I always keep asking myself why that guy has taking a liking to you" Harry says facing me.

I give him a shrug saying "I don't know, beats me".

"that's guy really needs to be taught a lesson " Harry says nudging me.

"what do you have in mind" I ask.

"I say we gather the boys and beat the living daylight out of him" Harry suggests.

"we can't do that, it's not right"

"that's why people keep taking advantage of you, you never stand up for yourself "  

  I reply with just a shrug of my shoulders. Somehow I keep forgetting that this friend of mine is as dangerous and baneful as the devil but his looks often deceive people to believe he's an angel.


Our working hours are finally over so we pack our things to leave the factory but not before giving Joe the cut he asks for.   After all that is done, we head to a food kiosk in the neighborhood to eat our dinner before heading home for some good night's  rest cos tomorrow we'll be continuing our battle for survival.


When it all comes right down to it, I keep asking myself 'what exactly happened',   'did I do anything to offend this world',   'why does it have to be so cruel',   'how did it even get to this point'


I might not know the answer to all this questions but one thing I know for sure is that I must survive no matter what it takes.