
Time to grow

Learning how to transcend from being a teenager to being an adult. 19 year old Cole was what you'll call a typical rich spoilt brat who thinks he can use his father's wealth as a source of his power and bully those he thinks is beneath his league. Well, life had other plans for him when his parents died in a car accident and all his father's wealth was taken over by the government as Cole's father didn't prepare any will in the case of his demise . Now Cole has to learn about life the hard way and appreciate it on the long run.

Daoist2000 · Võ hiệp
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21 Chs

New project (2)

The night went by pretty fast that by the time I got out of bed, Jeff, Conny, Mike and Harry had gotten ready for the day's work.

"hey, good morning " I greeted Harry.

"good morning sleepy head "

"you're all set? "

"yeah, me and the others will be heading out in a bit "

"okay "

"come down for breakfast will ya "

"alright, I'll be down in a bit"

  He left me in the room to freshen up which didn't take me up to five minutes. When I was done, I went downstairs.

"good morning everyone " I greeted them to which they all acknowledged.

"good morning, hope you slept well? " Julian being his cheery self I guess.

"yeah, I did"

"oh that's good " he served me my breakfast

"bon appetit"

"thanks "

"don't mention sweetheart "  jeez is he always like this or is there something I'm not getting.

  Anyways I let go of that for now as I enjoy the breakfast of sweet omelette. It was slightly different from the omelettes I always tasted.

  The others were already done eating and preparing to leave the house before I was halfway through mine.

"so buddy, you're gonna be sticking with Julian today, kay? " he says patting my shoulders.


"alright, I'll be seeing you when I get home tonight "

"okay "

"oh and be a good boy while I'm gone, don't wanna be cleaning your ass when I get back" he joked and gave me a wink before leaving with the other boys.

       <time skip>

Julian pulled up in the parking lot of a building that looks like it has been abandoned for years.

"what are we doing here? "

"you'll see when we get inside "

"come on" he says getting out of the car with me following suit.

   We both walked towards what looked like an emergency exit and entered.

   Well...the inside was nothing like the outside, I'll tell you that. The inside was sparkling with clean white walls and white floor tiles that were shining. It almost makes you feel like you're the spot.

   After walking for what felt like hours with no single soul in sight, we took a turn for the right and then another turn to the left and another left before we got to a door.

   The door was automated so it can be opened and closed by the push of a button...like the ones used in prisons but slightly different because it also opens with the input of a password.

   When Julian and I got to the door, he inputed the password and the door opened for us to enter. What I saw was nothing like what I was expecting...but what was I expecting anyway...hmm, I just shrugged it off.

   So I'm going to be real quick in describing what I saw. It was some kind of laboratory with people dressed in white coats and googles. The machines weren't like the ones used in a medical laboratory so I'm guessing this isn't a medical laboratory.

   Julian snapped his fingers in my face to bring me back from my daze. He must have noticed that I had stopped walking.

"not what you were expecting, right? "

"yeah, definitely not "

"haha, come on, this isn't even the best part yet"

  Now that got me curious and I'm sure you're curious too, so let's have a look around and find out.

  He led me through another door, and what I saw blew my mind away. On each table was a heap of silvery black stones, some cut to tiny pieces while some were still very big.

"those babies are uranium "

''uranium? '' these stones contain elements used in creating nuclear weapons.

   They used to be legal until when some group of terrorists started using the weapons created to wreck havoc everywhere they went. So the government instead of banning the use of the weapons created, banned the uranium itself.

"aren't they supposed to be illegal "

"yeah, but not entirely "

Seeing the quizzical look ony face, he explains further.

"listen, the uranium is a very valuable source of power for the big guys. Just a tiny piece can create a weapon that can wipe out an entire civilization. They need it and that's why it's not completely illegal...not when they're the ones buying "

"they? "

"yeah, the government "

"oh...so you guys sell these uranium? "

"na...we use them to make badass weapons for them " the way he said it is like they were making popsicle.

   Now that's what I call mind-blowing. So practically, these guys are arms dealers and not just ordinary arms dealers, they deal out their own made weapons created from uranium.

"hey Cole, come on" I hadn't even realized he'd continued walking.

"jeez, if you keep spacing out like this I wonder if you'd be able to get any much work done "

   We continue through another hallway until we got to a room that had a couple of people...scratch that, a whole bunch of them.

"hey guys" Julian calls for their attention.

"here's a new member to the gang. He's name is Cole, please let's give him a warm welcome "

  There were a couple of hey's and hi's and a little bit of 'welcome to the family '. So many faces, that I lost count. All of them welcoming, it might have been faked but I didn't care, I had some backing, if you know what I mean

  If you guessed Nico, then you're not entirely right. Nico wouldn't always be here, Julian would. Shocked? you should be. I noticed that the workers here regarded Julian with high regard.

  After the introductions, everyone got back to work while Julian and I continued with the tour.