
Time to grow

Learning how to transcend from being a teenager to being an adult. 19 year old Cole was what you'll call a typical rich spoilt brat who thinks he can use his father's wealth as a source of his power and bully those he thinks is beneath his league. Well, life had other plans for him when his parents died in a car accident and all his father's wealth was taken over by the government as Cole's father didn't prepare any will in the case of his demise . Now Cole has to learn about life the hard way and appreciate it on the long run.

Daoist2000 · Võ hiệp
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21 Chs


   The next morning, Harry and the other guys had already left the house before I woke up leaving me and Julian alone in the house.

"good morning cupcake " he greets me as soon as he sees me entering the kitchen.

"good morning.....where are the others? "

"they had a delivery to take care of "

"oh " I eyed the time. My goodness! I had slept in!

"why didn't anyone wake me! Ah! I'm going to be late for work"

"don't worry about that, you don't have any work to do today so Harry said I should let you sleep in for as long as you want"

"eh...is that allowed to happen? " I asked shocked.

"is what allowed to happen "

"Harry deciding for me to stay back at home "

"haha, of course, he's practically Nico's sword. So he gets to make decisions of his own, as long as he doesn't interrupt Nico's business...and besides, he already informed Nico about it "

"and he was okay with it... Nico I mean"

"yeah, he was okay with it "


"here" he puts my breakfast in front of me and I started filling my tummy.

I'm still surprised that Nico would just agree to let me take a day off because Harry asked.       Just how close were those two? I have to find out.

"so if I'm to stay here all day, who's going to cover up for me at work? "

"it's been settled already, stop worrying yourself and eat your breakfast "

"but what am I supposed to do here? "

"well, I'll be running some errands later in the day, you could come with me if you want "

"okay ".

I finish up my breakfast and assist Julian in cleaning the kitchen. He always likes the kitchen spotless at all times as he views it as its his personal territory.

After we were done cleaning, I went up to take my bath and get dressed for the day. In about an hour later, he had already gotten dressed too so we hit the road.

"where are we going? "

"we're going to pick up some ammunition"

My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets as I looked at Julian in disbelief.

"we're running out of ammunition, so we need a refill "

"is that legal? "

"we...my dear cupcake, are not legal " a little emphasis on the 'we'


"we're not gonna get arrested for carrying ammunitions on the road "

"<sigh> nope"

With every new discoveries I make, my curiosity intensifies. I can't help but want to find out whatever secrets this group has.

"so where are we picking up the ammunitions? "

"at the docks "

"OK "

For the rest of the trip, I kept quiet and looked out the window. Julian tried his best to make a conversation going but I was too distracted by my thoughts to listen to whatever he was saying so he gave up.

Thirty minutes later, we were at the docks. I made for the door but was held back by Julian.

"wait! You don't get out of the car immediately. You wait until you're sure there's no sign of an ambush before getting out of the car "

I slowly nod my head then rest back into my seat watching as Julian kept searching the perimeter to see if the dock was clear.

When he confirmed that the coast was clear, he signalled me.

We both got down from the car just as the arm-dealers car was approaching ours. Their Honda jeep was heavily tinted so you couldn't see whoever was inside. It was so big in comparison to our little *sedan saloon car*

"Mr Kim, a pleasure to see you "

"it's been a long time Jules, how have you been "

Jules?! Julian has a nickname and it's Jules?! Hahahahaha, so funny!

"I've been okay, you don't look so bad yourself "

"ah, you flatter me " just then his eyes meet mine as he looks me up.

"who's this? "

"this is Cole, he's our new member"

"oh, is that so?...a pleasure to meet you Cole "

"it's a pleasure sir " I say shyly.

"haha, he's a shy one"

"yes he is, haha" they both laugh.

"come, why don't we do some catching up "

Mr Kim drags Julian with him as they walk towards the jeep with me tagging along. We left the dock to the nearest cafe where Julian and Mr Kim caught up on a lot of things while I just sat there sipping my tea and listening to their interaction.

When they had fully caught up on things, they finally decided to go back to business.

"so back to business Mr Kim "

"oh yeah, the ammunition are at the dock. Do you have my money? " he asked, his faced completely changed to full business mode.

"yes I have it, the complete amount "

"good good, then let's get going shall we? "

We got up from our table after Mr Kim settles the bill and head back to the dock.

Immediate after getting to the dock, the transaction commenced. Mr Kim's men brought our ammunitions and we gave them the money.

After they confirmed that the money was complete, both Mr Kim and Julian shook hands then Mr Kim came to me and patted me on my back.

He left afterwards with his convoy leaving me and Julian standing and looking at the cars until they were out of our sights.

"well that went fantastic "

" I guess "

"come on, let's hit the road. We already missed lunch, don't wanna miss dinner too"

He's pretty right about that because my stomach agrees with him a hundred percent.

We left the dock after making sure the ammunitions were safely secured in the trunk of the car.