
Time Space: The rough man’s sick beauty turned wild

Shen Zhihuan, a third-generation rich man, inexplicably traveled through time and transformed from a sickly boy with fair skin and long legs into a walking human skeleton... The future in-laws of the original owner want to break off the engagement? retreat! ! ! She, Shen Zhihuan, doesn't need men. Xiaobailian's best friend who stole the original owner's fiancé wants to be both an adult and an adult? Tsk! ! ! Look at her 18 moves to lower a bitch. Huge debt? Ah! ! ! Will she, a third generation rich person, be short of money? Are the fruits at her resort just decorations?

Line_Huang · Lịch sử
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
45 Chs

Chapter 37: Will not live to be eighteen.

"Mom, look at what she said, what stupid things she said. Could she arrange her own sister like this?" Shen Zhilan blushed with anger.

  "It's getting late, you'd better go back quickly!" Li Qiuhua said with a headache.

  "She Shen Zhihuan is your biological daughter. Could it be that I, Shen Zhilan, was picked up on the roadside? Mom, you can't be too biased in your heart." Shen Zhilan was emotional.

  "My eldest sister and I have been working in the fields with you and dad since we were five years old to earn work points. When we had some free time, we would go to the mountains to dig wild vegetables and collect firewood with the older children."

  Shen Zhilan pointed at Shen Zhihuan angrily, "Where is she? Behind her? She went to school with her schoolbags and went to school. Did she go to the mountains to dig wild vegetables or collect firewood

  ? , you can't see anything at all, you can only see this lazy and short-lived ghost..."


  A loud slap interrupted Shen Zhilan's words.

  Shen Zhilan covered her face and looked at Li Qiuhua in disbelief.

  "Mom, you actually live for this shortcoming of eighteen years old..."


  A loud slap interrupted Shen Zhilan's words again.

  "Go away! Go back to your Yang family." Li Qiuhua was so angry that his whole body was shaking.

  Zhihuan is her biological sister by blood! How could she be so vicious? !

  Shen Zhilan glared fiercely at Shen Zhihuan who was sitting at the door of the hall, and angrily pushed her 28 big bar and left.

  "Mom, don't be angry. It's not worth being angry with that kind of person." Shen Zhihuan stepped forward to comfort her.

  "You are not a good person either!" Li Qiuhua turned around and glared at Shen Zhihuan.

  "Mom, it was the second sister who bullied the third sister, how could you scold the third sister?!" Xiao Weidong pouted.

  "You're not a good person either!" Li Qiuhua turned around and gave Xiao Weidong a cold look.

  "Okay, okay! My little brother and I are not good guys. Mom, please don't be angry with us two bad guys!" Shen Zhihuan shook Li Qiuhua's arm and acted coquettishly.

  "Mom, we know we were wrong, so don't be angry with me and the third sister." Xiao Weidong also came up, took Li Qiuhua's other arm and shook it.

  "Why don't you go and cook? Do you want to go hungry tonight? Everyone is worried." Li Qiuhua gave the two siblings an angry look.

  What does it mean to have many children and be blessed?

  There are obviously a few more debt collectors.

  "I'm going to wash the pot and wash the rice." Shen Zhihuan scurried away.

  "I'm going to light the fire." Xiao Weidong rushed into the kitchen.

  Shen Zhilan angrily kicked her 28 big bar back home. When Old Mrs. Yang, who was sitting in the house waiting for news, heard the movement, she hurried out and asked anxiously: "Is it done?"

  "No, My little sister refuses to agree." Shen Zhilan's eyes flashed and she pushed the 28 big bar into the house.

  Old Mrs. Yang suddenly became furious, pointing at Shen Zhilan and yelling, "Why did my son marry such a useless waste like you! He can't do anything well, he can't eat anything, he can't do anything big, you What's the use of you? "

  What else does this trash have besides a face?

  When someone else's family marries a daughter-in-law, the entire in-law family will take care of the son-in-law. But her family is better off. Marrying a daughter-in-law is like marrying a debt collector.

  Not only can it not help the family, but it can also be a hindrance.

  If it weren't for the fact that she gave birth to a golden grandson for his old Yang family, she would have asked her son to divorce her.

  After all, her son is also the production director of a cotton spinning factory and eats commercial grain. What kind of yellow flower girl can't marry him? !     "If my mother doesn't nod, there's nothing I can do about it!" Shen Zhilan shrank her neck and whispered.

  "You wouldn't tell your mother and your sick boy that Mr. Zhu's family has three large tile-roofed houses, and Mr. Zhu is willing to give your mother a gift of 100 yuan, and also give your sick boy a watch. "Old Mrs. Yang said angrily.

  Because of her excitement, Mrs. Yang's spit sprayed Shen Zhilan's face like a water gun.

  Shen Zhilan lowered her head, not daring to wipe the foul-smelling saliva from her face.

  The hatred for Shen Zhihuan in my heart became stronger and stronger.

  When she was a child, she used her sickly body to pretend to be pitiful in front of her grandparents. When she grew up, she still used her sickly body to escape from work, cheat and cheat. It just happened that her mother was just a short-lived person. .

  The eldest sister and the little brat also looked like they were afraid that she would die.

  Good people don't live long, and disasters last for thousands of years.

  Just like a short-lived ghost, if their whole family is dead, she is probably alive and well.

  "I've said all this, but my mother just doesn't nod. It's because Mr. Zhu is old, a widower, and has three children." Shen Zhilan lowered his head.

  I scolded Shen Zhihuan eight hundred times in my heart.

  "Didn't you tell your sister that my son is now old and doesn't need anyone to help him eat and drink?"

  Mr. Zhu, who had been waiting at home for a long time without waiting for a reply, saw that it was getting dark and couldn't sit still. Who knew that he had just When I walked to the gate of Lao Yang's house, I heard Shen Zhilan talking about three children, and couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

  Yesterday at the entrance of the town, he fell in love with her at first sight, with her face, slim waist, and small mouth...

  Boss Zhu immediately dumped the pork given to the supply and marketing cooperative to the apprentice beside him.

  After asking around, I found out that the ox cart she was riding in belonged to the Panshi Village 10th Production Team.

  He personally went to Panshi Village and asked an acquaintance, and then he found out that the girl he was attracted to was Yang Zhongyi's sister-in-law. He learned that she had just broken off the engagement, and not only did the family pull the people from the production team There was a famine, and she still owed a foreign debt of 80 yuan to the family who had withdrawn from the marriage.

  Orphaned and widowed, there is no strong laborer in the family, and she has to take medicine every three days...

  He came to see Yang Zhongyi overnight. He thought it was a sure thing, but who knew...

  "I told you, my little sister's health... is not good. Okay, my mother... wants to... keep her for another two years to take good care of herself," Shen Zhilan stammered in explanation.

  I hate that short-lived ghost Shen Zhihuan in my heart.

  She doesn't know how to be content with being kicked off, and she drags her sickly body out to show off, for fear that people won't know that she has become a second-hand commodity that no one wants.

  Their family often asked Boss Zhu to help buy meat. If this offended people so much, how would they go to find Boss Zhu in the future...

  Thinking of this, Shen Zhilan shrank her neck and glanced at Old Mrs. Yang next to her tremblingly. .

  "With your family's conditions, what can you do to keep your sister healthy?" Boss Zhu sneered coldly.

  Shen Zhilan was so embarrassed that she couldn't even lift her head.

  The fact that her family causes famine in the production team every year is not a secret in these eight villages.

  There was no strong labor force in the family, and the short-lived man suffered from serious and minor illnesses. Since the death of grandma and father, the rice jar in the mother's house was basically a decoration.

  If it weren't for collecting money for the short-lived devil's medicine, how could her family have become a joke in every village? !