
Time Space: The rough man’s sick beauty turned wild

Shen Zhihuan, a third-generation rich man, inexplicably traveled through time and transformed from a sickly boy with fair skin and long legs into a walking human skeleton... The future in-laws of the original owner want to break off the engagement? retreat! ! ! She, Shen Zhihuan, doesn't need men. Xiaobailian's best friend who stole the original owner's fiancé wants to be both an adult and an adult? Tsk! ! ! Look at her 18 moves to lower a bitch. Huge debt? Ah! ! ! Will she, a third generation rich person, be short of money? Are the fruits at her resort just decorations?

Line_Huang · Lịch sử
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
45 Chs

Chapter 1: A knife at the beginning

 As soon as the ambush was set, the temperature rose sharply. The sun was baking the earth with all its strength, and the scorching heat wave was wreaking havoc in every corner of Panshi Village.

  The cicadas kept shouting at the top of the tung trees.

  Under the big tung tree at the east end of the village, a group of men, women, old and young shook small bamboo fans in their hands and chatted enthusiastically about the most popular gossip in Panshi Village recently.

  The noisy waves ruthlessly crushed the cicada's clamor.

  "Did you go and see it yesterday?" A short, fat aunt glanced towards the west end of the village with complex eyes.

  "Look, her neck is almost broken. The girl from the Shen family looked so weak and silent. She didn't expect her temper to be so fierce. How can she cancel the engagement? How could she commit suicide?"

  "Su Changhe and his wife are not afraid of Butcher Li. Climb out from the ground and settle the score with them!"

  "As long as he can take advantage of Accountant Xu's family and marry Accountant Xu's most precious daughter, Xu Jiaojiao, he doesn't care whether Butcher Li's coffin can hold it. "

  Actually, we can't blame Wang Chunmei for being snobbish. One is a rich accountant's daughter, and the other's father has died. There are only orphans and widowed mothers left in the family. They don't even have a strong labor force. They are extremely poor. And A sick boy who needs to be cared for, even a fool knows what to choose."

  Everyone was chatting enthusiastically, and a voice of gnashing teeth sounded from the left rear of the crowd.

  "Su Changhe, Wang Chunmei, you two were struck by a thousand knives and struck by lightning. I will fight with you today..."

  Before anyone could react, the woman who spoke had already rushed in with a polished butcher's knife. Enter a courtyard gate not far away.

  After a moment, a scream was heard from the courtyard wall, followed by a burst of chickens and dogs.


  thatched roof with hanging spider webs, the earthen walls made of yellow mud mixed with straw, the yellowed old-fashioned pure cotton mosquito net, the canopy bed with a simple structure and rough workmanship...

  Shen Zhihuan looked at everything in front of him, and he was completely confused. .

  She was not the Huaguo Mountain Resort left to her by her grandparents...

  Her eyes glanced at the mirror that had begun to oxidize and turn black due to age, and Shen Zhihuan walked over like a ghost.

  The girl in the mirror looks about thirteen or fourteen years old. Her fleshless cheeks are deeply sunken, as if the skull is covered with a layer of yellow-brown human skin. Her two big braids are dry and yellow, and she looks very similar. Straw in the field during autumn harvest.

  After looking up and down at the man in the eye, Shen Zhihuan frowned with difficulty.

  This is exactly a walking human skeleton.

  Seeing the person in the mirror frowning as well, Shen Zhihuan's empty head buzzed, as if something exploded, which caught her off guard.

  She stiffly raised her right hand, and the person in the mirror also raised...

  his hand? ? ?

  Shen Zhihuan stared at his raised right hand like a ghost...

  Even if it was skin and bones, it was black and black...

  Where was this hand? It's clearly a chicken paw.

  It's a black chicken!

  After being stunned for a moment, Shen Zhihuan tentatively pinched her thigh.


  Not dreaming! ! !

  Before she could figure out the reason, a flood of memories that didn't belong to her flooded into her mind.

  Shen Zhihuan! ! !

  The original owner of this body was also named Shen Zhihuan.

  The original owner's father, Shen Jianguo, was a refugee from Panshi Village, and somehow he met Li Qiuhua, the youngest daughter of Butcher Li.

  Later, there were four siblings: Shen Zhimei, Shen Zhilan, Shen Zhihuan, and Shen Weidong.

  Seeing that Butcher Li's family, which had been called extinct from all over the country, began to flourish.

  Unexpectedly, there was a natural disaster...

  Butcher Li and his wife, Shen Jianguo and the villagers from Lincun who went to the city to go to the market were all gone.

  According to villagers living near the mountain collapse, they heard a loud noise that day, and then the ground shook. By the time the half-asleep villagers ran out of their houses, the two mountains leading to the county seat in the north of the village had collapsed. Looks like it.

  A few years ago, Shen Zhilan, the only one who could help, also got married.

  After a lot of back and forth, the Shen family was left with two women who couldn't carry anything on their shoulders and a boy who only knew how to make soy sauce.

  Men earned 9 to 10 work points for a day's work, no matter how bad they were, they only earned 8 work points, but women only earned 6 or 7 work points for a day's exhaustion.

  The original owner was a premature baby and had been frail since she was a child. Shen Jianguo, Li Qiuhua and Li Butcher were particularly fond of her.

  Girls of the same age as her were working in the fields to earn work points for the family, so she and Accountant Xu's daughter Xu Jiaojiao were the only ones carrying schoolbags and studying in school with a group of underage boys.

  Although the original owner has a somewhat boring temper, he is also very ambitious. He ranks first in exams every year, and the certificates at home are almost all over the wall.

  Without this movement, if the three pillars of Butcher Li and Shen Jianguo were still there, the original owner might have been able to continue studying in high school or even college.

  Without strong labor, the original owner was weak and unable to do much work, so the family of three relied on Li Qiuhua's seven-minute work, which came and went.     If you earn less work points, you will naturally receive less money and food throughout the year.

  Those who are strong and laborious can still spend money to buy rations if they don't have enough. The original owner's family couldn't even deal with ordinary daily expenses and favors with the few cents they got, so there was no money left to buy rations.

  This also indirectly caused people with slightly better families to walk around when they saw the original owner's family, for fear that the original owner's family would make excuses for them.

  Even a fool would know to avoid such a bright and big pit, not to mention that Su Changhe and Wang Chunmei's family are smarter than monkeys.

  Shen Zhihuan touched his neck lightly tentatively.


  The severe pain made Shen Zhihuan take a breath.

  The original owner is really a cruel person!

  For such a treacherous and treacherous scumbag, he would do such a cruel thing to himself.

  "Third Sister! You're awake!"

  Little Weidong, who carefully entered the room with a bowl of medicinal soup, found Shen Zhihuan sitting on the bed in a daze. He walked quickly to the bedside with his short legs and looked up happily with his thin little face. Dedicated to Shen Zhihuan.

  "Third sister, don't do stupid things for that bastard Su Zijie anymore. Xiaopang said that he will marry you when he grows up." Xiao Weidong said as he handed the cold soup to Shen Zhihuan.

  If it weren't for the fact that his biological siblings couldn't get married, he wouldn't be able to take advantage of Xiaopang.

  A White Rabbit toffee...

  it makes me lose money just thinking about it!

  Another day, I must ask Xiaopang to give him another one.

  His third sister is the smartest and most beautiful girl in these ten miles and eight towns.


  Shen Zhihuan, who had just swallowed a mouthful of soup, almost spat out the rest of the soup in his mouth.

  Are all children in this era so mature?

  If the memory of the original owner is correct, the chubby boy in this kid's mouth seems to be as big as him, right? !

  "Third Sister, don't worry! I have already made an agreement with Xiaopang that the gift of 800 yuan will not be less." Xiao Weidong continued before Shen Zhihuan could say anything.

  Shen Zhihuan held his breath and drank the last sip of the medicinal soup, handed the empty bowl back to Xiao Weidong, and lay back down again.

  "Are you sure you want to call a fat man who is two months younger than you as your third brother-in-law?"

  He also asked for the eight hundred yuan gift.

  Have these two brats ever seen eight hundred dollars?

  A family that couldn't even afford ten yuan was asked to take a gift of eight hundred yuan...

  It was really a dare to speak out and a dare to respond.

  Su Changhe's eldest brother, Su Changjiang, the party secretary of Panshi Village, married his daughter a few years ago, and the bride price of 300 yuan was already considered an extraordinary amount. It is said that the groom was a cadre of a machinery factory and was fed commercial food.


  Xiao Weidong was stunned for a moment, and then his whole body felt bad.

  Shen Zhihuan raised his eyebrows and looked at Xiao Weidong's extremely confused and cute face, and his heart was filled with joy.

  Although she didn't know how she came here, since she took over the original owner's body, she would take good care of her widowed mother and young brother for the original owner.

  "Where's mom? Have you gone to work?"

  Thinking of this, Shen Zhihuan glanced at the empty door.

  According to the original mistress's character of a loving mother with twenty-four filial piety, shouldn't she stay by the bed with tears in her eyes and never leave her?

  It had been at least an hour since she woke up, and the loving mother in the memory of the original owner didn't even show her face. This was obviously unreasonable.

  "Mom made some medicine for you and asked me to watch the fire. Then she went out." Xiao Weidong said matter-of-factly.