
Time Loop: Rebirth of the Time God [My Time System]

On the eve of a celestial alignment, four children were born under an extraordinary convergence of stars. As the heavens whispered their secrets to the ancient seers, a prophecy was unveiled, foretelling the intertwining destinies of these young souls. "When four shall be born, blessed by celestial light, Their paths shall intertwine, in the tapestry of might. Together they shall rise, a force both fierce and bold, To forge a new era, as the prophecy foretold. In the twilight of chaos, when darkness taints the land, Their union shall spark, the cataclysmic grand. The beginning of the end, mankind shall bear witness, As their powers converge, a destiny so boundless. Time, like a sword, shall be their chosen might, A new world god born, to set the world aright. With wisdom in their gaze, and courage in their hearts, They'll weave the strands of fate, embracing their noble parts. Through trials and tribulations, their spirits shall ascend, The realm of mortals to transcend. From shattered ruins, they'll build anew, A world reborn, radiant and true. Yet, heed this warning, dear mortal kin, The balance hangs on a delicate spin. For their actions hold weight, both light and dark, A choice must be made, to ignite a spark. Embrace unity and love, the ties that bind, Or succumb to greed and power, leaving morals behind. The fate of mankind rests in their hands, As the prophecies unfold in shifting sands. So, mark this day, when their journey begins, The four shall rise, as destiny grins. The birth of a new world god, they'll bring, With time as their weapon, and hope as their wing." Thus, the prophecy was passed down through generations, spoken in hushed tones, revered and feared by those who understood its magnitude. The four children, unaware of their intertwined fate, would soon embark on a journey that would shape the very fabric of existence, and the world would hold its breath as their destinies unfolded.

Zone8 · Kỳ huyễn
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38 Chs


The sun had not yet risen, but the air was already alive with the sounds of morning in the Shing military academy. Cadets shuffled out of their dormitories after the loud dorm bells had gone off, groggy and bleary-eyed, but moving with purpose. Some of them were dressed in full uniform, while others were still half naked trying to get their act together, and others grabbing a quick breakfast from the vending machine before morning exercises.

Lin had woken up ealier and gotten fully dressed all thanks to Zen. He had never dreamt of joining the academy. Hell, he didn't even think he will be alive till now. Alot of teenagers thought same. But now that he was finally here, he was determined to make the most of it.

Lin took a look at his stats as they were visible before his eyes.

[ Level: 2]

[ HP: 60/60]

[ Speed: 14]

[ Strength: 8]

[ Stamina: 11]

[ skill level: 1]

[ Exp: 0/50]

Lin noticed his health was now replenished. He felt different from how he had felt the previous day. He was bubbling with a new found energy. He felt like he could conquer the world.

He then noticed a free stat point that was made available to him to improve any of his attribute. He contemplated where to add the extra point.

"Zen, recommend a preferred attribute to develop" Lin whispered.

His wristband beeped.

"Remember, improving yourself is an ongoing process. It requires dedication, effort, and a willingness to learn and grow. But with the right mindset and actions, you can achieve your goals and become the best version of yourself. Your attributesare not independentof each other, " Zen had replied.

Lin then decided to add the free stat points to his speed.

"If I am fast enough, I should be able to handle whatever the academy throws at me" he thought to himself.

Lin went ahead to add the tat point to his speed.

[Speed: 15]

Lin felt a palm on his shoulder shaking him out of his thoughts.

"I can't find Draco anywhere. Have you any idea where he has ran off to?" Feng had asked Lin.

"He is probably already left for the training camp" Lin replied smiling at Feng.

"Someone seems to be in a good mode" Feng smiled back at Lin with his wired framed glasses sitting comfortably on his nose.

The both jogged across the quad, there boots striking the pavement of the hallway with a satisfying thud.

The sun was just starting to peek over the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the campus. In the distance, he could hear the sound of reveille being played on the trumpet, a call to all the cadets to rise and shine.

As they neared the training hall, Lin caught a whiff of fresh coffee and bacon. His stomach grumbled, reminding him that he had consume at least 500 calories daily in order to keep his energy bar up and prevent another scene.

The hall was bustling with activity, with cadets chatting and laughing as they gathered together in pairs. The mood was light, but Lin could feel the underlying tension in the air. They were all here for a reason, after all - to train to become warriors in the military, the bridge between humanity and the hellhounds. And that meant early mornings, long days of classes and training, and a strict code of discipline.

Lin hadn't noticed leaving Feng behind while they were jogging to the hall till Feng touched him. He looked at the figure that was bent over trying to to catch his breathe.

"I have never seen a horse in person before but you ran like one" Feng muttered till trying to catch his breath.

"I won't let you ride me though" Lin had replied mocking Feng.

Lin and his fellow cadets filled up in neat rows, their boots shined to a mirror-like finish. They marched in unison across the quad, the sound of their footsteps echoing off the surrounding buildings.

As they reached the parade ground, they fell into formation, each cadet standing at attention with their arms at their sides. Drill sergeant Brooke barked out orders, and they began to go through their routine, marching back and forth across the field with military precision.

Lin's heart swelled with pride as he marched, knowing that he was part of something bigger than himself. He had chosen to come to the academy to serve his country, keep his father's honour going, and every morning like this one will remind him of the sacrifices he was making to do so.

"After your classes, your physical training commences" Sergeant Brooke barked out.

As the drill ended, the cadets left for the mess hall, Lin's stomach grumbled, reminding him to eat enough to keep up his energy.He quickly grabbed a tray and filled it with eggs, bacon, and a cup of coffee before hurrying over to a spot next to Draco at a long table filled with his fellow cadets.

The mess hall was bustling with activity, with cadets chatting and laughing over their breakfasts except for Draco who was quietly eating.

"Where did you run off to this morning. I looked for you everywhere" Feng asked Draco trying to break the silence between them.

Draco paid no attention to Feng nor Lin. He sat still and continued eating with a cold gaze.

"Is he always like this?" Lin whispered to Feng.

Feng shrugged and continued eating.

After it was time for breakfast, his wristband beeped indicating its time for his next session.

Lin and his fellow cadets dispersed to their morning classes. Lin had a full schedule ahead of him, with courses in tactics, leadership, and physical fitness. But he was ready for the challenge.

He had already gotten here, and he was determined to make the most of it.

They got to their classes that was situated at the cadet block a stone throw away from the Rangers block.

He settled for a chair at the back of the class 1B and Feng sat next to him.

As the day wore on, the pace never let up. Lin pushed himself through each class, taking notes, asking questions, and striving to be the best.


The loud alarm had gone off in the halls, indicating a break before the cadets physical training.

Cadets were swarming out of classes like hoard of minions paranbulating aimlessly.

Lin ditched Feng and walked to the back of the class block to be alone and have the chocolate he got from the vending machine earlier.

While he had his snack a group of rangers walked past.

"Isn't that the celebrity cadet?" One of the Rangers signaled to the group pointing to the direction of Lin.

Ryan, the tallest of the group, walked up to Lin and slapped the chocolate bar off this hands.

"I ain't looking for no trouble" Lin had said his voice shaking, as he looked up to the group of rangers.

"Or what?" Ryan replied amused, walking up and towering over Lin.

[Hostile activity dedicated]

Zen had dedicated it's host being disturbed.

Ryan picked up the chocolate bar Lin had dropped earlier and took a bite. Ryan pulled up Lin by the collar and slammed him against the wall.

[Defense mode activating]

"Lin, you lack combat skills to take on these bullies. I can help you with handle them if you let me" Zen's voice could be heard in Lin's head.

"No zen. Trouble could only breed more trouble" Lin thought trying to keep Zen from getting involved.

Before Lin could think of what to do next, Ryan had dealt him a heavy blow to the stomach. The pain had washed over him, and he fell to his knees.

"That is for my dad," Ryan had shouted bending over to Lin's, who was groaning on the floor. "Your Father's heroic act left a lot of us without a fathers. Tell him that when you are finally reunited with him"

Lin could hear the anger in his voice and wondered if that was how every cadet who had lost their fathers because of his father felt. If that was the reason, maybe they had the right to be angry. He lost his father too that day and he has nobody to blame.

Before he could finish with his thoughts, two other Rangers came over and started hitting and kicking him. He was handicapped and help was far from him.

[Health critical]

Zen alerted Lin as he kept taking blows from all directions. He tucked his head between his arms to avoid a fatal hit to the head.

[HP: 15/60]

"Help! Help zen!" Lin whispered as he could feel the light of day slipping out of his grasp.

[Permission granted]

Lin blacked out as zen took over his motor functions.

[Autopilot activated]

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