
Time-limited F-Class Housewife

“CONGRATS, Miss Baek— you’re pregnant with South Korea’s #1 Hunter’s baby!” Baek Gyubin, the leader of a flopped Kpop girl group, is beyond shocked after hearing that she's carrying Hunter Han Wooju’s baby. And to be informed that she's pregnant as a twenty-five-year-old virgin? That's crazy! It's even crazier that her ‘baby daddy’ is the Guildmaster of Blue Dragon— the strongest guild at the moment. Plus, Hunter Han Wooju is the CEO of a luxury shopping mall and a known member of Korea’s W1 Trillion Club. In short, Hunter Han Wooju is way out of Gyubin's league! “How did I get pregnant with your baby, Hunter Han Wooju?” Gyubin asked awkwardly. And then she remembered THAT incident, causing her to gasp out loud. “Is it because I ate your dragon ball?!” Wooju let out a long sigh. “Miss Baek, it was an egg and not a ‘dragon ball.’”

sola_cola · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs


"BINNIE Noona, I'm really a big fan of yours!"


'Binnie' was the pet name her fans gave Gyubin, so she was surprised to hear that adorable nickname from the Hunter who was escorting her to Captain Kim Cheol's "private room."

I guess he's really my fan.

"To be honest, I was sad I didn't get to watch your group's performance yesterday. I just came out of the dungeon this morning," the young Hunter, probably in his early twenties, said in a sad voice. But he quickly changed his demeanor when he turned to Gyubin with a shy smile on his face. "So, I'm really glad I was on gate duty tonight!"

Gyubin gave the young man a bright smile as a fanservice.

If this person didn't recognize her, the other Hunter on gate duty wouldn't have believed that she was the leader of F-Girls. After all, she wasn't dolled up.

"Thank you for being a fan, sir," Gyubin said using the high-pitched voice that she would often use when talking to fans. She was a grown woman in her twenties, so people might find it cringe. But acting cute was her bread and butter as an idol, so whatever. "I slept in so I didn't get the chance to doll up."

"You look fine, Noona1. Your signature red hair is very recognizable for the fans," the young Hunter said, and then he scratched his cheek as if he was shy. "I'm sorry, Miss Baek. I keep calling you 'noona,' and I even called you by your pet name."

"It's alright. You can call me 'noona' comfortably. And I don't mind being called by the pet name that my precious fans gave to me."

The young Hunter's face beamed. "You don't have to be so formal with me, Noona. I'm just the same age as Chaehyun-ssi. You can just call me by my name."


Chaehyun was only nineteen years old.

I thought this young Hunter was in his twenties because of his height and build.

Gyubin glanced at the Hunter's nameplate on the breast pocket of his uniform. "Thank you, Hoon-ah."

Choi Hoon was the name of the young Hunter, and he seemed pleased that she called him by his name fondly.

He looks innocent. Does he not know what's going on in the private room?

"We're here, Noona," Choi Hoon said when they reached an empty hallway. He then pointed at the room at the end of the hallway with an awkward look on his face. "I'm sorry, but low-ranking Hunters like me aren't allowed there, so…"

"Then I'll go on my own," Gyubin said, gently patting Choi Hoon's shoulder. "Thank you for bringing me here, Hoon-ah."




Wooju was shocked when he woke up and realized the funny-looking brown egg was gone.

It didn't seem like his room was robbed.

So, how did it disappear?

"System," Wooju said urgently while getting up. "Locate the funny-looking brown egg for me."




Gyubin felt a pang in her chest when her younger members cried out to her as soon as she entered the VIP room.

My dongsaengs…

Chaehyun, Yunha, Minha, and Fuko.

The poor girls were all wearing short dresses that showed too much skin.

And some Hunters in that room had their arms around her dongsaengs.

Worse, Gyubin could see bottles of different alcoholic drinks on the table.

This room is really like a big and fancy karaoke room.

There were six Hunters there.

Three of those Hunters, who all looked like they were pushing thirty, were having fun while singing a popular boy group's hit song.

The one sitting on a small sofa had his arm wrapped around Yunha.

On the other small sofa, one Hunter sat while almost hugging Minha.

And then…

"Aren't you the leader of the group?"

Gyubin looked at Captain Kim Cheol— a dirty old man in his late forties— who had his arms around Chaehyun and Fuko. "Yes, sir. I'm Baek Gyubin." She then bowed her head politely. "I apologize for my tardiness."

Captain Kim Cheol looked confused.

That reaction said it all— these damn bastards didn't want an "old lady" there.

[They really excluded me!]

Was it because Gyubin, twenty-five, was "too old" for these perverted bastards?

"You," the Hunter hugging Minha said while glaring at Oh Sungjae. "Did you call her?"

Oh Sungjae, the F-Girl's manager who was standing in the corner of the room with a pale look on his face, nodded weakly. "Our CEO said to bring all the girls here, sir…"

Ah, he lied.

"Our CEO scolded me when he found out I slept in, sir," Gyubin said in support of Oh Sungjae's claim, smiling with an apologetic smile on her face. There was no way for these Hunter bastards to confirm if she was lying or not since her shitty boss was dying at the moment. "So, I almost flew here."

Captain Kim Cheol frowned, obviously not impressed.

"Just let her stay, Captain," the Hunter whose arm was wrapped around Yunha's shoulder said. "She's old, but she's cute. I like her youthful look."


Idols in their early to mid-twenties were already considered 'old' in the industry.

Gyubin smiled anyway. "Thank you, sir. Now that I'm here, I'd like to perform our latest song with my members. Will that be alright?"

Her dongsaengs looked confused.

Don't worry, girls— I have a plan.

"You'll perform for us?" Captain Kim Cheol asked, his face beaming. "Why not?"

Gyubin smiled while gesturing for the girls to come to her.

Fortunately, the dirty Hunter bastards lowered their guard and let go of the girls.

Chaehyun, Yunha, Minha, and Fuko immediately stood up.

But the girls approached Gyubin slowly as if they were hesitating.

"Let's perform our song 'Knock, Knock, Knock,'" Gyubin said while removing her leather jacket, and then she glanced at Oh Sungjae who was approaching them carefully. "Sungjae-ya, hold this for me."

Oh Sungjae nodded while removing the leather jacket from Gyubin's hands.

Gyubin then looked at Captain Kim Cheol. "Sir, is it alright if we step out for a moment? The choreography of the song we'll perform requires us to knock on the door."

"I'll open the door," Oh Sungjae added. "A backup dancer is supposed to open the door in the original choreography. But since we don't have our dancers, I'll play the part."

"Ah! I remember that performance from yesterday," one of the Hunters said, sipping his beer before yapping again. "They had a door on a stage as a prop. After knocking, the girls entered the door one by one while doing aegyo3."

The other Hunters then chimed in.

"Oh, yes. I remember that part! Captain, you didn't see the performance because you were late."

"You have to see it, Captain! That's the killing part of the choreo."


Gyubin was impressed.

These perverts are quite gullible, aren't they? It's a good thing they're doing the convincing for me. I might have appeared suspicious had I insisted on doing a choreo that required us to leave the room for a moment.

"Alright, alright," Captain Kim Cheol said, waving his hand. "Go ahead. Give us your best performance, ladies."

Gyubin smiled and nodded cheerfully. "Yes, sir!"

She then ushered the girls outside while Oh Sungjae was opening the door for them.

"Don't be nervous, kids," Gyubin said to her young members encouragingly while they were coming out of the room. "Let's just perform as usual!"

"O-Okay, Unnie…"

The girls still looked nervous, but they looked relieved when Oh Sungjae closed the door behind them.

"Go," Gyubin whispered to the girls in a low voice. "Run away."

The girls' eyes widened in shock, and then they shook their heads and whispered back.

"Unnie, come with us."

"Let's run away together."

Gyubin shook her head firmly, and then she made eye contact with Chaehyun.

As the second oldest member of the group, she depended a lot on Chaehyun because she knew Chaehyun would understand her standpoint as the leader.

And she wasn't wrong.

Chaehyun nodded firmly, and then she grabbed Fuko and Minha (and Minha was already holding Yunha's hand). And then she whispered. "We'll call for help."

Gyubin just nodded while twisting the red daisy in her ring instead of pressing it as she did at her shitty boss' office earlier.

This time, she was going to use the ring's other function.

Here goes nothing.

Gyubin knocked on the door.

As soon as the door opened, she grabbed Oh Sungjae by the arm and pulled her outside.

She then quickly went inside and closed the door.

Heck, she even locked it.

Of course, by then, the Hunters inside the room had already caught on.

"What do you think you're doing?!"

Captain Kim Cheol let out a frustrated sigh, and then he waved his hand. "Teach that obnoxious lady a lesson she won't forget."

"Yes, Captain!"

All the Hunters in the room, except for the captain, run towards Gyubin.

However, before any of those bastards could even grab her, they fell on their knees one by one.

And then the Hunters were rendered immobile.

None of those bastards could even open their mouths.


It worked.

Captain Kim Cheol immediately stood up, his face red with anger. "What did you do to my men, you bitch?"

Gyubin gave the captain a business smile. "That's a trade secret, Captain."

The answer was the invisible dust that her ring produced when she twisted the red daisy gem earlier.

And now the poisonous dust had spread in the locked room.

The wearer of the ring will be affected the least, but…

How come Captain Kim Cheol was unaffected?

The poisonous dust should work even on A-Class Hunters!

"Are you surprised?"

Gyubin gasped when, in just the blink of an eye, Captain Kim Cheol was already right in front of her.

"You must have used a poisonous gas or whatever that is strong enough to knock down even an A-Class Hunter since my men can't move," Captain Kim Cheol said angrily, and then he grabbed Gyubin by the throat. "Too bad for you, little bitch— I have a skill that gives me immunity to any kind of poison below S-Grade!"

That was an OP skill!

Gyubin wanted to complain, but she couldn't do that while being strangled.

Can't breathe…

She clawed the hell out of the captain's arms, but he didn't let go even though he bled because of the scratches he got.

So tough…

She tried to punch and kick the bastard, but she lost strength when the captain gripped her neck tighter.

Worse, Captain Kim Cheol even lifted her.

She felt like fainting when her feet left the ground.

This bastard will snap my neck at this rate…

Gyubin already expected her fate when she felt her consciousness fading away.

I hope the girls made it out safely…

"Die, you bitch— argh!"


Gyubin was surprised when Captain Kim Cheol suddenly dropped her while groaning in pain.

It kinda hurt when she hit the floor.

But she was too nosy to miss out on what was happening, so she forced herself to get up and watch.

She then saw the captain bastard clutching his head tight as if he was in pain.


Is that a dragon ball?

It was the size of a chicken egg, though.

Actually, it looks like a brown egg.

But she decided it was a 'dragon ball' based on the star drawn on the egg.

It kind of resembles a dragon ball from a really old anime.

"Stop it!"

It was Captain Kim Cheol's cries.

And the bastard was begging the 'dragon ball' to stop 'hitting' him.

It was because the 'dragon ball' kept on bouncing up and down on Captain Kim Cheol's head…

… until the captain's head actually bled.


Then, with one final 'stomp' from the 'dragon ball,' Captain Kim Cheol fell on the floor— unconscious.

Is he dead?!

<"Eomma!" >


Gyubin heard the voice of what sounded like a little boy, but…

There's no child here…

<"Eomma, I'm here!">


Gyubin looked in the direction where the voice came from, and then she gasped when she realized that the floating 'dragon ball' was the one talking. "But why are you calling me 'Eomma?' I'm not your mother."

<"Eommaaaa!" >

She gasped again when the 'dragon ball' suddenly flew towards her… mouth?


Her jaws hurt when her mouth was forced open because of the egg that got stuck inside.

"My egg!"


Gyubin was so shocked when a man came out of nowhere and yelled, causing her to swallow the thing in her mouth.


The man cried dramatically, but she didn't have the time to explain since her vision suddenly turned blurry.

No, it seemed like the world was turned upside down literally.


Gyubin belatedly realized that she fainted.



WOOJU instantly teleported to the location that the System sent him.

But he was still too late.

When he arrived at the place— that seemed like a private karaoke room— he saw a young lady in the middle of swallowing the funny-looking brown egg whole.

"My egg!"

It was a wrong move.

The young lady looked so shocked that she accidentally swallowed the funny-looking brown egg.


Again, he was too late.

The stranger had already swallowed the funny-looking brown egg.

And then the young lady fainted after that.

Wooju immediately moved to check on the Civilian, but he stopped when his Status Window suddenly popped up in front of him.

[Congratulations on being a father, Hunter Han Wooju!]

Excuse me?


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sola_cola's thoughts: The egg has spoken! Congratulations to the new parents! :D

Reviews, comments, and power stones are badly needed and highly appreciated. Please let me know your thoughts if you enjoyed the story. Thank you. T_T <3

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