
Time I died and got powers

Ruffly_172 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: Pilot

Hi my name is "Tom" I'm gonna tell you how I died any got powers, it all started when I was on my way to school and I was robbed and then I was shot, I saw the blood and felt dizzy and then I dropped they was the last thing I saw the last thing I heard was "hurry run away before someone catches us " then that was the last thing I saw and heard.

Then I remember waking up in this weird room where I got sent to the outside world I thought I wasn't dead then I lifted up my hand, and I saw fire coming from my hand I shook my hand to put it out it went away, then I remembered those two dudes then I had and idea with this weird power I had acquired I will use it for revenge, then I decided to wait until tomorrow I went home and then my mom said "I heard on the news that someone was shooting outside your school are you ok" I didn't want to worry her so I said "yes i'm fine".

Then I went to sleep.