
Time's Up, Joker.

Ghost Rider in DC. --- Michael Anders, a family man, a loving husband and father... But all that changes when a visit from the Joker destroys his life. Now he's become the Ghost Rider, the Spirit of Vengeance and his goal is to Punish every single Villain in Gotham. Time's Up, Joker. I'm coming for your soul. 10+ chapters on Patreon.com/Saintbarbido.

Saintbarbido · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs

Chapter 17: Time's Up, Joker part 1/2.

More Advance chapters on P@treon.com/Saintbarbido.


-Michael's P.O.V-

"Nice place."

I whistled while looking around the living room.

"Please have a seat, Mr. Anders."

Dr. Fate motioned to a red couch, which was facing a lit fireplace, the gentle flame sending warmth through out the royal-esque chamber.

An appropriate description, given the high class mat, the art framing the walls and the expensive furniture that probably cost more than my salary.


The Doctor offered.

"Coffee please."

I wanted something to keep me alert during our conversation.

Fate snapped his fingers and a steaming cup appeared on the table in front of me.

"Thank you."

I took a sip and my mind was instantly stimulated. Must be magic beans. Seems rude to ask though.

What was not rude to ask however, was my reason for being here, the Tower of Fate.

The magician had portaled us from the crashed Watchtower. Which he'd left sitting out on a beach in Cuba.

"So doctor, you said you wanted to talk. Let's talk."

I leaned back on my seat, focus split between my ring and Fate, ready for anything.

Dr. Fate reached for his helmet...and removed it, revealing an old man.

Our gazes met, and I found myself being studied. The evaluation ended and placing the Helmet on the side, the old man spoke.

"Quite a conundrum you present Son."

I waited for him to continue.

"The Lords of Order and Chaos rarely agree on anything. Such is the way of Cosmic beings am afraid...and yet in this instant, a concession has been reached and an Ultimatum passed."

Uh-oh. I didn't like the sound of that.

"Michael Anders, you are to be banished from this universe immediately."

He dropped the bomb.

My first reaction was confusion, then anger. Instead of acting on it, I laughed at the absurdity of it all.

Truly, arrogance is married to self-importance. And none embody that particular trait more than these so called cosmic entities.

"On whose authority?"

I questioned.

"The council of the Lords of Magic. You would do well to heed the verdict, son. Some want to kill you, others to study you. Believe me, the second fate is much worse. In comparison, banishment is the-"

"I'm not leaving. This universe is my home."

I cut him off.

A sigh broke out of him.

"My name is Kent Nelson. I've been serving the Lord of Order, Nabu for decades. And through that time, I've learned that home is not a place but a feeling. Of belonging and love..."

His eyes contained nostalgia as he looked at a picture closeby. In it was someone that looked like a younger version of him and a woman at a carnival.

"I'll be frank, Son. You've messed with the timeline so bad that if the Lords hadn't stepped in, some other godlike being that governs reality would have."

That sounded ominous and yet, I was the Ghost Rider. Ominous is my whole deal.

"I'm not afraid. Let them come."

I shot back, eyes flashing with hellfire.

"Then you're dumber than you look. There's Some folks you can't beat with power alone. Take my advice kid, Run while you still can. Whatever that thing you have within you is...has garnered interest. And the interested parties won't hesitate to take it off you again. Only this time, they'll leave your corpse behind."

A bit of fear surged in me. Normally I would feed it to the ring but this time, I let it settle in my belly. Fear wasn't bad. It held back overconfidence and curbed recklessness.

"Okay...let's say for a minute, I leave, where would I go?"

I looked at him for an answer.

Kent tapped the helmet.

"With Nabu's help, I can briefly open a dimension portal. Where it would lead to, I have no idea. They just want you to be someone else's problem."

That's not too...convincing. And I told him so.

"You laid the bed, now you sleep on it. We wouldn't be here if you didn't get involved with the League. They have many eyes on them. Mystical or otherwise."

"And if I refuse?"

I asked.

A serious expression crossed over Kent's features.

"Then you'll have the full force of the Lords of Magic and anyone else interested in the Rider coming for you. And believe me, the planet would not survive that."

Shit. I guess that makes the choice obvious.

"Fine. I'll go...but there's something I need to do first."

Times Up, Joker. I'm coming for your clown ass.


"You have one day to handle your business, Mr. Anders, before the delayed spell I cast on you teleports you to another Universe."

Dr. Fate stated.

The two of us were on the roof of Selina's building. It was early dawn and Gotham was just waking up.

"Fine. But if you send me to a crappy world, I'll come back and kick your ass."

I made the warning.

A golden Ankh manifested behind him.

"We would like to see you try, Infernal creature."

The ankh swallowed him with a flash of light and I was left alone.


I snorted, still angry. A part of me wanted to stay and fight. But leaving could be a fresh start. To be honest, this world had taken away my reason to live. Everytime I cast my gaze at this city...I was reminded of what I'd lost.

"I was never going to save you, was I Gotham?"

A self deprecating chuckle left me.

Because I didn't want to. It was always about vengeance. About handling my pain. About hurting bad people because it was acceptable and made me feel good. Or less guilty for not saving them...

But after seeing Batman turn into a monster because of the Rider, I realized something. Sooner or later, that will be me. Sooner or later, I'll want to burn the sin out of this world too.

And I would justify all that suffering with their names. I would say, I did it because of my daughter and wife. And that would soil their memory.

Before I get there...I need to go.

"Ring, can you find out where they're keeping the Martian Manhunter?"

I requested, floating down the building.

(Hacking satellite feeds and intercepting communications. Nationwide scan initiated)

"How long will this take?"


"Just tell me when you find him. And hurry up, we don't have all day."

In the meantime, I stopped before the window to the third floor, where Selina in a robe, was seated before a mirror, applying make up.

I'd bent the light around me, using the ring to turn myself invisible. I didn't want her to see me. Not after our last argument.

"It's not the way I wanted to do this but...thanks for everything Selina. I'll miss you."

My fingers trailed down the glass window.

(Martian Manhunter is being held at Iron Heights penitentiary, Keystone City)

"Good job. Let's go get my butler."

I ascended, leaving Gotham. Though, I'd be back 20 minutes later.

(General P.O.V)

-Central City-

They'd lost. Incredibly so.

Captain Atom was missing, Batman was out of commission- after almost destroying the world and The Leaguers were butthurt that a villain had been the one to stop him.

The worst part of it all? Constantine was dead. Killed by one of their own. Possessed or not, Barry knew Bruce had to be taking it hard.

It was a failure on all levels.

All the Flash could do right now was focus on securing his city.

He was patrolling the streets following a fight with Captain Cold, when the news came in.

According to Cisco, Iron heights had been raided and Manhunter taken.

The Flash immediately zoomed off.

In a few seconds he was in Iron Heights, stopping in front of Manhunter's open cell.

Instead of the Martian, a different occupant was laid on the single bed.


Barry muttered.


"Welcome back J'onn."

Michael, aglow with a yellow aura, hang above Wayne Enterprises.

Coiled around his neck was a green viper. It's thin tongue slipped out and tasted the air.

"Itss good to be by your sside once again, master Michael."

"Just Michael, remember?"

He corrected, remarking,

"And I couldn't leave you behind, J'onn. As a matter of fact, I'll be leaving this world and I'm hoping you'll come with me."

"I'll follow you to hell and back."

J'onn immediately replied.

"Good. I don't sense doubt or hesitation in your words."

Michael said with a contented smile.

"However, I need you to understand, I don't know where we'll end up. If you're still keen on coming with, then help me handle some unfinished business."

"Anything for you."

"Scan the entire city, country, globe...every mind until you find me the Joker."

The Viper's eyes glowed green. A psionic field rippled out with them as the center, invisible tethers of mental energy invading every mind in Gotham.

It only took a minute and not even half of the city, for J'onn to locate a mind filled with chaos and laughter. A mind that was broken beyond reason yet fully intact.

"I found him."

J'onn stated, shuddering in revulsion.

"Like a black hole of Anti-reason. A clock that ticks the wrong direction. He's in an acid factory at the outskirts of the city."

J'onn sent the directions into his mind.

Michael's eyes narrowed. It was time, time for his revenge.

"Let's not keep him waiting."