

Voye turned the corner and saw Havok strike Lucius in the face.

"I'm not risking anything by staying here!" With a fist pressed to his chest, Havok shout.

"Wits and dirt is two sides of the same coin, so goes for fist and words." Myster gave Voye a quiet speech before moving in their direction.

"The flame you condense at the moment of anger will turn even stronger than simply letting it all loose," Myster uttered in a loud voice.

"What do you know!?" Havok turned to face Myster, as if preparing to tackle him next.

Myster calmly retorted, stepping forward, "Solid is more powerful than just farting, is it not?"

"You!" To that, Havok was at a loss for words.

"Words with no action is also just like letting out gas..." Myster turned to face Lucius. "To what extent can it inspire the one with a fist?" he asked.

With his face bruised, Lucius had already moved a few steps away from Havok. His eyes narrowed as he looked at Myster warily.

"I am your team's guardian from now on," Myster declared to the three, crossing his arms.

'Why?' Voye could not help but wander, causing his eyes to glow slightly white.

"Why? Its because there's potential."

He heard a female voice.

"What kind?"

A rough hasky voice asked.


Voye felt his ears buzzing, as if he were wearing a past conversation beside his ears, and shook his head slightly to get out of his daze.

Voye felt a cold wind blow past his spine and noticed Myster staring at him.

Even with Myster's visor on, Voye felt as if a pair of cold eyes were staring directly into his soul.

But this moment was as fleeting as the wind, disappearing as if it never existed.

Voye let out a breath he had not realized he had held in.

"Alright now, calm down. And let's go." Myster said, turning around to leave.

Havok took a deep breath and followed silently, while Lucius raised an eyebrow at Voye.

Voye did not understand what Lucius was saying with his eyes, so he simply introduced Myster, "I call him Myster. Cause, mystery man. He doesn't tell me his name."

"Eh. Okay." Lucius muttered.

The two joined Havok and quietly followed Myster.

Voye checked the time and saw that there were still 20 minutes left.

Myster returned to the main street and continued walking forward.

Myster paused outside a building with a visible window and said, "You two were actually very close to your target, if only you did not stop just to fight each other." Myster spoke while stopping outside.

Havok crossed his arms and glared at Lucius, who gave a helpless smile.

The building was neither taller nor shorter than other buildings, and it lacked any distinguishing features.

It stood out during the day due to its window, but behind it was only an ordinary lobby.

Myster looked over his shoulder to see how the three behind him were examining the sign.

[Armoury] was written boldly on the sign.

Although they all had prominent bags under their eyes, each of them had a unique gaze.

Voye appeared to be thinking about something as his gaze became apathetic. There appeared to be hope in Lucius's gaze—hope for the future. Havok's eyes seemed to flicker with an eerie light, as if he were planning something.

Myster turned back and muttered, "I hope you three find your own salvation one day."

His voice was only audible to him in his helmet, as it did not reach the three people standing behind him.

He placed his hand on the door, and a light scanned his glove before sliding open.

Looking down again, the three saw that Myster had entered the building already.

Gathering their thoughts, they followed him inside.

The scene was the same as it appeared through the window.

A typical lobby featuring a lengthy counter and a sleeping person behind it.

A few small round tables near the entrance, each with chairs. The ground was wooden, which felt like a stark contrast to the outside metallic buildings.

There was a lavender scent in the lobby, a delicate, sweet herbal scent that put them at ease.

When Myster approached the counter, the person behind the desk was still soundly asleep.

Myster tapped on the counter a few times, but when he saw she had not gotten up, he sighed and turned to face the three.

He said, "There's ten minutes left, let's just wait first."

He walked over to one of the chairs and sat down.

"Why not just shout to wake her up?" Havok stomped towards the counter.

"This won't end well, would it?" Voye mumbled.

Lucius shrugged, "You try logicing with him."

"Is logicing even a word?"

"It probably is..."

The two were talking about it when Havok slammed the counter top.

"Hey, wake up."

The young woman yawned as she cocked her head, rubbed her eyes, and fixed her gaze on Havok.

Her eyes were a brilliant yellow, in stark contrast to Hanok's empty black eyes.

As soon as he saw her, Havok lost his train of thought and blurted out, "Wake up."

"Ah huh?" She stretched her arms and yawned in response, saying, "Ah, I forgot the time! Thanks for waking me up."

"Ah...yeah..." Havok mumbled, glancing away.

The young woman had yellow eyes and short brown hair, and she was dressed in a knight uniform. Expect that her uniform was black rather than white, with yellow stripes instead of blue. She wore goggles on her head, which pushed her fringe back.

She looked over Havok's shoulder and exclaimed, "Captain! You are the first team here, do you guys want to get your team's measurements first?"

With a slight tilt of his head, Myster looked up and said, "You are surprisingly not snappy after waking up..."

"Ah... haha..." She coughed while rubbing her neck, "I...had a good dream. I was going to wake up anyway..."

She kept mumbling more words as Havok stood back with Lucius and Voye.

The two boys smirked and shot him a sidelong glance, but he pretended not to notice.