
My Father

You couldn't believe what she just said, that boy in the front row was the Russian mafia boss's son. It doesn't sounds true, if he's the son of a Mafia boss then why in the world would he be doing this kind of school

When you were still with your father, you attended one of the most expensive schools, while this boy who is the son of a mob boss is in... It doesn't make any sense

"I disagree to agree" you told her

"Well if you don't believe me, ask him after class or during lunch, he seems to like you so no big deal" she said with a serious face, "With that aside, My name's Marie"

"I'm Y/N" you said with confusion in your eyes

"Nice to meet you Y/N, welcome to a school filled with secrets"

You were still staring at the boy when he turned back and made eye contacts

He smiled again and you quickly broke the eye contact feeling quite embarrassed

"Okay! Submit your work after lunch....." He was interrupted by the sound of the bell, majority of the students wanted to rush outside but his death glare stopped them

"The bell doesn't dismiss you I do!" Taking a deep breath he continued speaking, "It's in page one hundred and twenty, exercise three, do the entire hundred questions" with that he walked away

"What the!?" A boy shouted seeing the lengthy questions, "each questions has a,b,c,d,e,f,g and h"

"Only to be submitted after lunch, is this man mad?" Another girl shouted angrily

The entire classroom was filled with commotions but you looked ahead at the boy who waved earlier, he was just writing and solving

"Whoa, he didn't even complain" you walked over to him, "erm, escuse me can I sit with you so I can understand it better?"

"Of course sure" he had a wonderful Russian accent just like your father who had Italian accent

Sitting down, you solved some questions and he also showed you other solutions, one which your brain could never format in the next century

"You are damn smart" you complimented him

"Thanks, my father was actually the one who taught me" his face was sorrowful when he said 'father'

"..... My name's is Y/N" you beamed with the brightest smile

"Oh..... Sorry where are my manners, My name's Lev" the more he spoke with that accent your head was falling dreamily in love

"Thanks for helping me solve all this work Lev" you thanked him honestly before someone screamed on the top of his voice

"Lev has solved all!" With the speed of light, they dragged him work to copy

Finally, everyone was done with work and they ran out for lunch.

Lev and you however strolled around the school chit chatting,

"Would you ever miss someone who mistreated you but still deeply loves you?" Lev asked a very familiar question

"I may or may not miss the person but I will truly miss them inside my heart" you replied and he shook his head in deep understanding

"Why do you ask?" You questioned the boy whose face changed guilty

"For asking purposes...."

"Now who is this girl!!" A male's voice with a heavy thick Russian accent asked making both you turn back

"Oh she's my friend" lev quickly answered like he was trying to protect your life

The man looked heavily young with a piercing on one ear, he was sparkling handsome and his clothes screamed money, his rich brown hair went backwards with some covering one eye, he wore a black face mask which matched his clothes.

"Friend you say?" He narrowed his eyes towards you and it suddenly twitched

"Why do you look like that son of a bitch who almost drained me out of money"

"What!" Came your reply

"There's a striking resemblance between you and him, it's like I've seen you before but where?" He was trying to remember the place when Lev spoke up.

"Why are you here, I thought you said your feet will never touch a useless ground?"

"Of course I said that, but now I want you to follow me..... Now!" The Man sounded serious .



"Who's this man?" the words escaped your mouth without warning.

"My father!"