
Tiger falls for leaders daughter

When Jason sees Amelie for the first time, he knows he can't be with her because she is the clan leader's daughter.

CherryBlossom1990 · Kỳ huyễn
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First Meeting

It was a lovely, warm evening in Austin, Texas, in an old building outside the city. The Tiger clan was about to have their annual meeting. Quinn is the leader of the tiger clan. I was standing there, arms crossed, looking. "Everyone, please meet my daughter, Amelie," he said. When I looked up, I knew she was the one I had to be with. Seeing her long black and red hair with her bright yellow eyes, I swallow, seeing her tight body. She smiles and bows. She saw Jason and went around like she was meant to, so everyone could get her scent.

Not only that, but she got up to Me and hugged me. I took the deepest breath; my eyes flashed, had to shake my head to clear the fog. She got back to the front of the room. "Listen to me. Leave her be; I already have her mate picked out," Quinn roared for everyone to hear. She glares at her father and growls under her breath. He looks at her. She hated her future husband. "He is my cousin," she said. I made a face in disgust, "her cousin, that is just," I whispered as a shiver moved up my spine. "He has leader blood in him. Don't start a fight you can't finish," he said. She got pulled away by her mother. "I am not having sex with my cousin. That is straight-up nasty," she said. Her mom slapped her. "Shut it; you will marry him and be happy," she said. Amelie swallows and nods. "He is to marry you, and he can touch you whenever he likes. Don't fight him," she said. "So let him rape me, got it," she said, pulling her arm away and leaving. She put her headphones in and sat outside, listing to music. Quinn pulled Me aside. "Yes, sir," I said, about to leave. "Could you watch over Amelie for me," he asked. I glance over at her, fighting with Scott. "Why, if I go over there, I will punch him in the face," I said. "She needs to deal with this," he said. "I mean, can you blame her? You are making her marry the family. It's kinda fucked" I told him. Quinn glares at him. "Don't look at me like that. What you are doing is messed up. I am just pointing it out; look how unhappy she is," I pointed out as tears came down her face. Quinn looks and sees Scott forcing himself onto her, and she tries to fight back.

"That isn't healthy, and Scott hits women, so," I state as I get on my bike. "Your daughter will be dead by the end of the week if she doesn't submit to him," I added and left. Quinn sighed and sat down. Scott put Amelie on his shoulder. "Put me down. I don't want to have sex with you, please, Father, help me," she cried out, and Scott threw her in the truck and drove off before Quinn could do anything. The following day, Amelie had to go shopping. She had makeup covering up all the bruising and could barely walk. She was at the door and swallowed, feeling pain. I was shopping when I could smell blood. I followed the smell to see if someone was hurt, and when I saw it was Amelie. "Do you need help?" I asked. She shook her head. I noticed her face and reached for the sunglasses. She stopped me. "Please, if I take too long, he will get upset," she said. I knew what happened and sighed. "Okay, just know that you can see a doctor, and they don't have to tell him shit," I said and walked off. She knew she had to go to the doctor, and she checked out and went. "Let me call Scott," he said. "Never mind, I was never here," she said, running out.