
Tide of Heroes

An unthinkable crime has been committed: someone has broken in to Yahwehs' Soul Locker! Even worse, a Divina landed in his realm & directly claimed a high ranking soul itself! But could this horrendous crime lead to the greater good? After all, whomever these powerful souls reincarnated to be innately had the potential to reach Ascension. Descend in to this story of unprecedented proportions as we re-imagine myths & blend it with original story line. Follow Verihk as he journeys to end the plight of his home planet, Arcian, while he encounters familiar beings from all traditions. Truly, a legend within legends. TIDE OF HEROES! [MAJOR NOTE: During this story please remember: chapters will vary in notation. Some will detail status menus, equipment, etc. because of the location of the characters. Hopefully, indulging in this fantastical universe I have created for all of you will clear any confusion!] Vol. 1 titled "Tide of Heroes," the first in "Rebirth: Arcian" series by YungApophis

YungApophis · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


This version of the series is being officially retired. I will keep it up for the sake of remembrance & tangible evidence of my progress as a writer. I plan on a brand new re-release within the next few months. Thank you to every one that showed interest & support. I hope the newest version of Re:Arcian series speaks to you on an even deeper level as the story progresses!