
Tiberius, Reborn and Lazy

After defeating the Demon King - entirely on accident, and throwing his lazy life into turmoil - Number 1 Hero Tiberius 'Hades' Aurelian hoped that he could continue to live his life lazily, enjoying the attention of his wives and spending the rest of his long life in comfort, but sadly for him... Well, Heroes Numbers 2 - 10 had different plans, and despite having a large advantage over each as an individual, Tiberius is brought down to his knees and executed, his former companions afraid of what his power means for them. Even some of his wives aid in his demise, and as he slips from his mortal coil, Tiberius Aurelian... is relieved. No more needing to worry about being the strongest, no need to worry about powerful enemies vying for his head, he leaves his life behind with no regr- well, he regrets not marrying that Nun at the Church, not being able to play with his three headed dog Cerberus, or being able to eat the delicious foods that his best friend cooked all the time! Well, at least he can relax in the afterlife... or so he thinks, as he finds himself face to face with a crazy Goddess who wants to marry him and chain him up for eternity. Not wanting to deal with that, Tiberius reluctantly escapes back into the mortal world, but 250 years have passed, and the 9 Heroes who killed him are still alive and well. Hell, some of his wives even claimed to have borne his children, leaving his 'legacy' alive and well; the Aurelian Dynasty had been created, despite him having never once allowed his wives to bear his children, since that would NOT allow him to be lazy! What should he do about this..? (More in the first 'chapter' of the book, read that before making a commitment of your time...)

Ketsueki_Hasu · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

That Bastard Hades

Having seemingly settled my dispute with the neighbor for today, I dusted myself off and began to make my way through the city streets, listening to the passerby's so that I could pieced together anything important going on in the world, or at the very least inside this city.

People love to gossip, and if its a piece of news regarding something like the shift in power or a new rising star, it tends to be like placing a juicy, premium steak in front of a beggar.

Of course people are going to discuss it and contemplate on it, wanting to digest it and let everyone know that they knew about that steak first.

The common people are a power that few seem to be capable of understanding; as an individual they might be weak, but together they can do so much for the world, be it as a mob tearing down the walls of a King's castle, or by spreading rumors far and wide about someone or something, guaranteeing that everyone will hear about that tidbit of news by the same time tomorrow.

That is to say, I was getting to hear all the interesting tidbits, like the new Monarch of the City was named Romulus, that this Romulus' last name was Aurelian, and that the world was a-

Stopping, I turned back and began to follow that person, my jaw slack as I listened in on their conversation.

"Yeah man! That Romulus... fourth descendant of that bastard Hades! Thankfully for us, the Aurelian bloodline is still as clean and pure as ever, despite its originator being a greedy scumbag! I mean, abusing the Divine Maiden?! That's crazy..."

"You're telling me! Monarch Romulus has such potential to be a great ruler! Fair and kind, he has brought such wealth to us with his laws and treaties. Like that new law requiring merchants and businessmen provide their ledgers to the government so that they can guarantee that they are paying their employees? Otherwise they face multiple years inside the Baba Mines, or even death?"

Hearing that first man speak, I just stopped and watched them continue on, my mind blanking for a moment before I shook my head, turning back towards the church.

They... really besmirched my name then?

I abused Mariana?

And I apparently have offspring, to the point that I am now a... what did he say?

Fourth descendant... Great-Great Grandfather?



Shaking my head, I made my way to the church, my mind reeling slightly as I struggled with piecing my thoughts together correctly, only to take a deep breath as I knocked on the church's door.

Maybe the Sister's inside would have some better, more coherent news for me?

Though, honestly, considering everything that happened and how Mariana looked at me that day, I wasn't getting my hopes up there.

Still though... that was tough to hear...

The same elderly nun wearing black and green answered the door, and she smiled down at me as I bowed my head to her.

"Ah, you came back... most don't, surprisingly. Find issue with the difference in those we worship, or they simply... can't return. Ahem, anyways, you look much better without all that grime, dear! Are you back to work again?"

"Yes, Sister, if I may..."

She chuckled before letting me inside, gesturing towards the various clean pews and altars as she said "There isn't much to do right now, but we could always use some help polishing the metals..."

I nodded, accepting the small cloth she gave me that was dabbed in a bit of polish and beginning to go to work, making sure all the silver and gold was dazzling.

As I worked, I hesitantly looked towards the elderly nun - who was fiddling with the objects on the altar, making sure everything was right - and asked "Sister, might... you inform me on who Hades was?"

The older woman frowned, looking my way as she gravely said "Don't utter that name so freely, young man... Many don't take kindly to hearing it, least of all in places of worship. The reason was simple... He began to change. Many noticed that he was acting more like the Demon King then himself. Secretive, greedy, always alone... Disappearing without a trace! Then the Divine Maiden revealed that he was even abusing her! Not just with his fists, but with his words too..."

She shook her head, sighing as she steepled her hands together in the traditional Sylva prayer, before looking back at me.

"He was a despicable man, but thankfully it was just his soul and not his blood that was corrupted, led astray from the Divine's guiding light. The Divine Maiden gave birth to his child a short while after he was brought to justice for his crimes, and their son was a kind and gentle boy. Grew into a revered Monarch, he did! Then his son, his grand daughter, and now his great grandson have all taken the throne and led us into an era of peace and glory! Bless the Aurelian's... They've done so much good to wash away the sins of their forefather..."

I just nodded, finishing the polish on the door knocker as I asked a new question.

"Sister, how long ago was that? When Had- I mean, He was brought to justice?"

"Around two and a half centuries now. Sadly, the Aurelian's are incredibly strong, but their longevity seems to be lacking. They never reach much past fifty themselves... A shame, really, considering how good they are for the world."

More and more pieces began to fall into place, and whilst I personally hated puzzles, even I was putting those pieces together and painting myself a hideous picture.

Pursing my lips, I stared into the reflection of the small golden orb before taking a deep breath, shaking my head wryly.

If I was anyone else, or just a little more vain, I would despise what had been done to tarnish my name and do what I could to restore the honor to it, but...

Well, honestly, perhaps it'd be best if Tiberius 'Hades' Aurelian remained dead?

The world could learn from that death, and it would let me realize my dreams far quicker and far easier than if I tried to polish my own gravestone...

It's happened, so why bother worrying about it?

So much has changed in 250 years... like the sweets!

Or the breads... I wonder if there is a new kind of grain available now?

Oh, and if I ever did come across Mariana and I was of a decent strength, maybe I would ask her about it all, get her side of everything...

Maybe not.

What I do know is that the bread I was given for payment was delicious, and I had reestablished my normal state of mind after an hour of labor; there was something therapeutic about doing a job and getting to see the results...


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts