

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

boninggou · Huyền huyễn
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450 Chs

Chapter 78: The assessment is over, Chen Qingyuan becomes the target of public criticism

Zhao Yichuan was famously strict in Daoyi Academy. Not everyone became his student before, but they were all forced to leave later.

 Chen Qingyuan had just arrived at the academy that day, and Yu Chenran asked Chen Qingyuan to skip the assessment.

 Zhao Yichuan was unhappy and directly questioned Yu Chenran, the vice president. When he learned that Chen Qingyuan was the successor of Qingzong, Zhao Yichuan gave up and thought it was reasonable.

 If it weren't for this causal relationship, Zhao Yichuan would definitely not agree, and might even fight to the end with the vice president.

 "I won't regret it."

 Song Ningyan, who won first place in the assessment, is naturally very powerful, crushing her peers and feeling arrogant.

 "I hope so!"

 Zhao Yichuan lost his previous serious expression and chuckled.

 At this time, Yunxi lives.

 Yu Chenran's message fell into Chen Qingyuan's ears: "You brat, the entrance examination is over. You have to go there." "

 Master, what should I do?"

 Chen Qingyuan asked in the direction of the void.

 "Although you have entered the school, there are still many procedures that have not been completed. Just go as you are told, and don't leave any traces."

 Now that Chen Qingyuan has been deceived into becoming his apprentice, Yu Chenran will definitely not be polite. So what about the inheritors of Qingzong? They are not my disciples yet. They should be beaten and scolded, so don't show mercy.


 Chen Qingyuan smiled bitterly, put on a clean light-colored clothes, and headed towards the mountain gate.

 Not long after, Chen Qingyuan arrived at the mountain gate.

 Looking at Zhao Yichuan standing in the void, Chen Qingyuan bowed and saluted to show respect.

 Zhao Yichuan nodded in return, a hint of softness flashed in his cold eyes.

 This guy's attitude towards me has improved a lot, probably because of Master's sake!

 Chen Qingyuan murmured in his heart.

 As everyone knows, Zhao Yichuan didn't care about the vice president's face at all, but because of Qingzong.

 "Come on!"

 Zhao Yichuan glanced at Chen Qingyuan and asked him to stand in the first row.

 On the way Chen Qingyuan came, Zhao Yichuan had already read out the names of the top ten in the assessment and asked them to stand at the front.

 Including Chen Qingyuan, there are a total of eleven people in the first row.

 Everyone's eyes were all focused on Chen Qingyuan, their eyes full of doubts.

 "Where did this guy come from?"

 "I've seen this guy. He was standing next to me before the exam. He didn't seem to take the exam."

 "He was standing in the row that passed the exam. Why?"

 " Does anyone know him?"

 Everyone frowned and whispered.

 The Northern Wilderness is very vast. Although Chen Qingyuan is famous, there are still many people who have never seen him.

 "Hey! Who are you? What's your name?"

 Wang Qing, the 11th ranked talent, asked loudly and unwillingly.

 Regarding everyone's dissatisfaction, Zhao Yichuan stood high and watched the show without intending to take action to solve it.

 "Me?" Chen Qingyuan noticed that everyone's eyes were gathered, and he didn't hide anything. He answered truthfully: "I am from Xuan Qing Sect, and my name is Chen Qingyuan."

 Hearing this sentence, many people showed surprised expressions.

 Wang Qing stared at Chen Qingyuan, his eyes condensed into a single line, and exclaimed: "Ten heroes of the Northern Wilderness, Chen Qingyuan."

 Chen Qingyuan smiled and acquiesced.

 The woman in black skirt standing on the right side of Chen Qingyuan was Song Ningyan. She frowned and asked in a cold voice: "According to the rules of Daoyi Academy, those who take the entrance exam cannot be rated as the top ten of the Northern Wilderness and need to keep a low profile. What are you doing?" What's going on?"

 "Is there such a rule? Why don't I know?"

 Chen Qingyuan was stunned. This was really the first time he heard about it.

 "You don't know?"

 Everyone looked at Chen Qingyuan with strange eyes, wondering why Chen Qingyuan didn't know the rules of the academy and didn't need to take the assessment.

 Students and assessors from Daoyi Academy cannot participate in the selection of the Ten Elites of the Northern Wilderness. This has been the rule for countless years. Due to the remote location of Xuan Qing Sect, this is indeed unclear.

 Moreover, no one has told Chen Qingyuan about Master Yu Chenran!

 "I really don't know." Chen Qingyuan looked confused and complained: "I'm still wondering which bastard chose me as the ten heroes of the Northern Wilderness, so that I can't live a peaceful life for a few days. However, the Ten Heroes of the Northern Wilderness and Dao Yi What does the examiner of the academy have to do with it?"

 When everyone heard Chen Qingyuan's complaints, they really believed that Chen Qingyuan was unaware of it, and many people cast their eyes with admiration and a hint of sympathy.

 "You're done."

 Song Ningyan looked at Chen Qingyuan for a few times, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and sneered.

 "What do you mean?"

 Hearing this, Chen Qingyuan became even more confused.

 I just complained about the Ten Heroes of the Northern Wilderness, how could it be over? Can you speak clearly, bitch?

 When Chen Qingyuan wanted to ask further questions, Zhao Yichuan, who was standing high up, suddenly spoke: "The bastard you are talking about is me."


 The moment he heard this, Chen Qingyuan's body froze.

 Then, Chen Qingyuan's expression became extremely rich, he raised his head and looked at Zhao Yichuan, his voice trembled slightly: "Senior...senior, what did you say?"

 "The list of the ten heroes of the Northern Wilderness in recent times is mine. Chosen."

 Zhao Yichuan said with an indifferent expression.


 After receiving the confirmation, Chen Qingyuan was like a thunderbolt, his mind went blank, he was dumbfounded, and seemed to be petrified. He was temporarily unable to recover.

 Since ancient times, the list of Beihuang Tianjiao has been promulgated by Daoyi Academy in order to stimulate the fighting spirit of the new generation and grow up as soon as possible.

 People who have a predestined relationship with Daoyi Academy are eligible to participate in previous admission assessments, so these people are not allowed to enter the list.

 The affairs of Daoyi Academy have always been kept secret and not known to the world. Naturally, they do not want the students of the Academy to be exposed, lest they violate the ancestral precepts.

 For countless years, Chen Qingyuan has been a special case. He is both one of the ten heroes of the Northern Wilderness and a student of the Academy.

 Two hundred years ago, Yu Chenran knew that the Xuan Qing Sect in the Fuliu Star Region was the Qing Sect that had disappeared for many years. However, he did not tell anyone about this, nor did he say that Xuan Qing Sect was destined to Daoyi Academy.

 Therefore, Zhao Yichuan felt that Chen Qingyuan a hundred years ago was very talented and selected him as one of the ten heroes of the Northern Wilderness.

 As for the newly promulgated list of the top ten, Zhao Yichuan did not consider Chen Qingyuan at first, but Yu Chenran forcibly added it.

 Therefore, Chen Qingyuan, who was still in the Tianling realm at that time, inexplicably became the top ten heroes of the Northern Wilderness, causing countless people to want to use him as a stepping stone.

 The love from Master is so warm.

 Yu Chenran had to give Chen Qingyuan enough pressure to grow up as quickly as possible and shoulder the responsibility of Qingzong.

 "It turns out..."

 Chen Qingyuan thought for a long time and suddenly realized.

 "Senior, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that just now."

 After coming back to his senses, Chen Qingyuan quickly apologized.

 "It doesn't matter, there are so many people scolding me."

 Zhao Yichuan smiled at Chen Qingyuan, which made Chen Qingyuan's skin numb and gave him a very bad feeling.

 Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yichuan called some people over, intending to send the eliminated ones back to their place of origin.

 After leaving Daoyi Academy, there will be no chance to become a disciple of the academy in the future.

 "Senior, I don't accept it!"

 Wang Qing, who was ranked eleventh, mustered up his courage and said loudly.

 "Huh?" Zhao Yichuan glanced at Wang Qing, showing his composure.

 "Why doesn't he need to take the assessment? Moreover, according to the rules of the academy, the ten heroes of the Northern Wilderness have no chance to join the academy and are not allowed to enroll."

 Wang Qing pointed at Chen Qingyuan and vented his dissatisfaction.

 Everyone who participated in the assessment had extremely high talents and strengths. Many of them were no weaker than the top ten heroes of the Northern Wilderness, and the top few in the assessment were even stronger than the top ten heroes.

 Just because of his affinity with the academy, he could not participate in the selection of the top ten.

 "Do I need to explain to you the affairs of Daoyi Academy?"

 Zhao Yichuan was condescending and could not be doubted.

 "No need." Wang Qing didn't dare to confront Zhao Yichuan head-on, so he could only point his finger at Chen Qingyuan: "I just feel that this person did not participate in the assessment and it is difficult to convince the public."

 It's not that I don't want to participate in the assessment, it's none of my business!

 Chen Qingyuan was stared at by hundreds of pairs of unkind eyes and felt depressed.