

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

boninggou · Huyền huyễn
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450 Chs

Chapter 76 The true origin of Chen Qingyuan, the longing of the girl in the red dress

"I don't know when we will meet next time."

 If possible, the girl in the red dress would like to stay with Chen Qingyuan and never leave. But she couldn't do this and could only stay in Tianyuan, hoping that the longing could slowly drift into Chen Qingyuan's heart with the breeze.

 "You have smiled more in this life than before. Taking off your mask so that you don't have to live so hard is one of the few things I can do to help you. I hope you don't blame me in the future. "

 Every time I think of the smile on Chen Qingyuan's face, the girl in the red dress feels warm in her heart, feeling that she is no longer so lonely and cold in this lonely Tianyuan restricted area.

 Her thoughts slowly drifted along this thread of thought, which reminded the girl in the red dress of something that happened more than two hundred years ago.

 Two hundred years ago, the girl in the red dress looked at the sleeping baby in her arms with tears in her eyes.

 She gently stroked the baby boy's cheek and murmured: "Let me make the decision in this life!"

 Later, the girl in the red skirt sent a message to Shangguan Rong of Xuanqing Sect and asked him to come to the outskirts of Tianyuan.

 Shangguan Rong had just awakened to inherit his memory, and suddenly there was a voice in his head. He was very surprised and very curious.

 When Shangguan Rong arrived at a place in Tianyuan, he saw the girl in the red dress carrying a baby boy: "Who are you?"

 "You don't need to know." The girl in the red dress did not reveal her identity, but The baby boy was placed on the stone next to Shangguan Rong: "Hold this child and leave. In the future, he will fulfill Qing Zong's will."

 Upon hearing "Qing Zong", Shangguan Rong's whole body tensed up. He also just learned about the history of Xuan Qing Sect. This matter was top secret, but unexpectedly, the mysterious woman in front of him revealed it.

 "This child?"

 However, Shangguan Rong then thought about it. The Tianyuan restricted area is a place of great terror. The origin of the mysterious woman in front of him must not be simple. Knowing Qingzong, don't be too surprised.

 "God turns a deaf ear to Qing Zong's merits. When the time comes, he will seek justice for Qing Zong."

 The woman in the red dress kept her eyes fixed on the sleeping baby boy, feeling very reluctant to part with him, but she had to say goodbye to him. The land of Tianyuan is too dangerous. The woman in the red dress is afraid that she cannot take good care of the baby boy, and she does not want the baby boy to be unhappy since he was a child.

 Going to the human world and letting the baby boy live a somewhat normal life is what the woman in the red dress hopes for.

 At least, don't let him suffer so much in this life.

 "Senior, how should I take care of him?"

 Shangguan Rong did not dare to refuse. He just glanced at the eyes of the girl in the red dress, and his soul trembled inexplicably. Even if he awakens his inherited memory, he still doesn't have the slightest courage to feel disrespectful.

 Moreover, Shangguan Rong wanted to complain for his sect, but his own strength was too weak. After learning from the girl in the red dress that the baby could seek justice for Qing Zong in the future, she gained hope.

 "It's up to you." The woman in the red dress said.

 "Do you have any other requests?"

 Shangguan Rong asked again.

 "Be nice to him."

 The woman in the red dress believed in the character of the inheritor of the Qing Sect.

 She was relieved to leave the child in the hands of someone from the Qing Sect. This not only allows the children to live a carefree life in Qingzong, but also allows Qingzong to have a trace of good luck.

 "Yes." Shangguan Rong nodded heavily and made a promise.

 Then, Shangguan Rong carefully picked up the baby and left.

 The woman in the red dress looked into the distance, reluctant to leave. Her eyes were moist.

 This time, can you make it to the end?

 The woman in the red dress had very complicated emotions and could not look away for a long time.

 She will never forget the back of Chen Qingyuan in his first life, wearing silver armor and holding a silver gun. At that time, Chen Qingyuan had a cold personality and had never smiled more than once in his life.

 In order to break the prison of this world and repel the foreign creatures, he never took a day off.

 He lost that battle.

 Soon after, Mo Yuan appeared in Dizhou, intending to devour everything. Fortunately, the martyrs of the Qingzong set up a shocking formation, trapped the Demon Abyss, and prevented the situation from getting out of hand.

 It was for this reason that the girl in red skirt decided to let Chen Qingyuan go to Xuanqing Sect.

 Without the protection of Xuan Qing Sect for more than 300,000 years, the disaster of the Demonic Abyss would have broken out long ago. Chen Qingyuan's remaining soul would definitely not be able to survive today, so there would be no chance for it to happen again.

 After eight reincarnations, the remaining soul of Chen Qingyuan was gradually restored. The girl in the red dress spent a long, long time creating a flesh and blood body for him, ushering in the ninth life.

 This body is too fragile. The girl in the red skirt must let Chen Qingyuan grow up for a while.

 When the opportunity was right, he used special techniques to call Chen Qingyuan back to Tianyuan.

 Firstly, the girl in the red dress can finally be alone with Chen Qingyuan, which is the happiest time for her in countless years; secondly, she must do her best to help Chen Qingyuan rebuild her foundation, so that she can be able to accomplish what she has never been able to do before. matter.

 As for bullying Chen Qingyuan, it is purely a personal grudge and a proper act of revenge.

 "If I don't bully you now, I won't have a chance in the future!"

 Every time she bullied Chen Qingyuan, the girl in the red skirt felt very happy. On the outside, she was like an ice lotus, keeping strangers away, but behind her back she smiled. Have to be in full bloom.

 "I don't know if I can leave Tianyuan in this life."

 In the abyss, the girl in the red dress slowly closed her eyes, looking forward to the next time she meets Chen Qingyuan.

 After living for so many years, the girl in the red skirt has become integrated with Tianyuan's laws and cannot leave even half a step. If you try to force your way out, you will definitely trigger the cause and effect of the law of time, and you will be punished by God, and your body and soul will die.

 "It doesn't matter, as long as you are still alive, everything is hopeful."

 The girl in the red skirt's eyes were full of expectation, and she turned back to the bamboo house.

 In all walks of life in the Northern Wasteland, the vision lasted for several days, causing a great impact.

 Many forces thought that some strange treasure had come to the world and sent many experts to investigate, but unfortunately to no avail. Other forces believe that monsters blessed by heaven have been born, and are looking for monsters who meet the corresponding conditions.

 All in all, Beihuang is becoming more and more chaotic, and the younger generation is gradually fighting more and more.

 As the person involved, Chen Qingyuan knew nothing about these matters.

 Time kept passing by, and the cheap master Yu Chenran kept waiting outside Yunxiju, waiting quietly.

 It wasn't until Chen Qingyuan's fourth year of retreat that he completely stabilized his Taoist body and cultivation.

 Chen Qingyuan knew the importance of the three sacred elixirs, so he immediately used a jade bracelet to cover up the true appearance of the golden elixir, and faked the appearance of a heavenly elixir.

 After leaving seclusion, Chen Qingyuan found Yu Chenran standing at the door of Yunxi's residence, and exclaimed: "Master, why are you here?"

 "Go in and talk!"

 Yu Chenran looked at Chen Qingyuan and found that it was actually The aura of the Tianpin Golden Pill secretly revealed that this boy had quite a lot of secrets, and he could actually hide them from his own eyes.

 Seeing Yu Chenran's solemn expression, Chen Qingyuan nodded slowly and welcomed him in respectfully.