

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

boninggou · Huyền huyễn
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450 Chs

Chapter 66: Going through the back door? No need to take assessment?

Lin Changsheng sighed, thought about it, and decided to tell the story about Daoyi Academy.

 This matter was extremely important. Lin Changsheng sealed the surrounding void and only allowed the core figures of the sect to enter to prevent being eavesdropped by certain forces.

 "Do you know about the First Academy?"

 Lin Changsheng glanced at everyone with a solemn expression.

 The elders looked at each other and shook their heads.

 Then, Lin Changsheng began to tell the whole story.

 At the same time, many outsider monks emerged in Xuan Qing Sect's territory, all wanting to cause trouble for Chen Qingyuan and make a name for themselves.

 Everyone spent a lot of money to inquire, but they still couldn't figure out why Chen Qingyuan didn't fight Wu Junyan.

 After much thought, everyone decided to wait for a while.

 However, it would be useless for them to wait for another two years, because Chen Qingyuan had already left Fuliu Star Territory.


 Chen Qingyuan's body was out of control, and he was brought to the broken void crack by the young man in white. He crossed the star sea with extremely strong strength, traveling countless miles in one step, and his speed was faster than the large teleportation arrays of many top forces. quick.

 Three hours later, Chen Qingyuan came to a place like a fairyland.

 There are thousands of high mountains connected here, and a light mist floats in every corner, adding a sense of mystery to this place. The land is green and the lake is crystal clear. From time to time, spiritual fish jump out of the water, leaving a beautiful arc in mid-air.

 Chen Qingyuan looked into the distance, as if there was a huge palace in the center surrounded by mountains, standing in the air and indestructible.

 "Stop being stunned, let's go!"

 The young man in white untied the restraints on Chen Qingyuan and stepped forward.

 "Oh." Chen Qingyuan came to his senses and followed the steps of the young man in white.

 While walking, Chen Qingyuan admired the scenery of this mysterious space, which was simply a paradise.

 "Old Wu, I really don't want to break my promise. I will definitely compete with you next time we meet."

 Thinking of Wu Junyan's extremely serious eyes, Chen Qingyuan sighed in his heart and said secretly.

 Chen Qingyuan knew that Wu Junyan valued his promise more than his life, so he never thought about running away and was ready to fight with all his strength. What he never expected was that people from Daoyi Academy suddenly came, and he missed the duel again.

 At the foot of the mountain, there is a jade staircase leading to a higher place. Each step is not connected and is suspended in mid-air alone. There is thick fog floating around, as if you are stepping on clouds and going straight up to the blue clouds.

 The young man in white walked in front and led Chen Qingyuan all the way to the heights.

 Looking closely, a huge palace came into Chen Qingyuan's eyes, and he was shocked in his heart.

 Above the outside of the hall, two big characters are vaguely engraved - Dao Yi.

 Both the palace and the buildings within it are mostly white and made of extremely precious jade.

 The gate of the academy is about thirty meters high. There is a transparent barrier in the void at the entrance. Occasionally, there will be a few light golden lines flowing, which is mysterious and mysterious.

 Standing at the door were hundreds of extremely talented young people, evenly divided between men and women.

 These people came from various places, and Chen Qingyuan didn't know any of them. They were definitely not in the Fuliu Star Region or its surroundings.

 Everyone has a fate with Daoyi Academy and has obtained the qualifications for the entrance examination.

 Every thousand years, Daoyi Academy will select suitable candidates, and only the top nine will be admitted, so the competition is particularly fierce.

 As soon as Chen Qingyuan arrived here, he heard an ancient voice, echoing throughout the void: "The time is up, the assessment has officially begun."

 The young man in white jumped to a high place, with his hands behind his back, overlooking the hundreds of assessors.

 Then, the young man in white flicked his fingers to his side, and a dark vortex appeared, leading to an unknown secret realm.

 "Enter the secret realm and start the assessment."

 The young man in white is the assessor of this entrance test. He pointed downwards, and everyone's eyebrows flickered, and they instantly understood the specific rules of the assessment.

 This assessment can test each person's character, talent, perseverance, character, etc.

 There are many tests in the secret area, and the rankings are based on points.

 The nine people with the highest points will eventually become students of Daoyi Academy, and the assessment period will be five years.

 Whoosh -

 some people did not hesitate at all and plunged into the secret realm, looking forward to the next assessment content.

 When Chen Qingyuan was about to go in, he was suddenly blocked by a soft force: "What's wrong?"

 "Little guy, you don't need to take the assessment."

 A kind voice fell into Chen Qingyuan's ears and was not heard by anyone else.

 "Huh? Why?"

 Chen Qingyuan was slightly startled, guessing that the voice must come from a certain powerful person in Daoyi Academy, and asked in a low voice.

 In the void, the young man in white had sent the other assessors to the secret realm, except Chen Qingyuan.

 When the young man in white saw the laws emerging around Chen Qingyuan, he immediately understood who was interfering and looked towards the depths of the academy as if questioning.

 "Yichuan, this person does not need to be tested."

 A sentence echoed in the ears of the young man in white.


 Zhao Yichuan, the name of the young man in white. His status in Daoyi Academy is not low, otherwise he would not be able to become an assessor.

 "He is from the Qing Sect of the Imperial State. Is this reason enough?"

 the old man in the academy said.

 Hearing the sound, Zhao Yichuan's pupils expanded slightly, and there was a trace of shock that was difficult to conceal between his brows. Then, Zhao Yichuan lowered his head and glanced at Chen Qingyuan, his eyes softening a bit.

 "That's enough."

 After getting the answer, Zhao Yichuan agreed that Chen Qingyuan did not need to participate in the assessment, and he had no qualms in his heart.

 The Qing Sect of the Imperial State was reduced to the Xuan Qing Sect of the Northern Wilderness Fuliu Star Region.

 The senior officials of Daoyi Academy knew how much the former Qingzong had contributed to the stability of the world.

 A long time ago, the Qing Sect gradually declined. The Holy Master at that time did not want the inheritance of the Qing Sect to be cut off, so he made a choice to abandon all the resources in the imperial state, gather the few remaining foundations of the sect, and cut off the world between heaven and earth. Due to the cause and effect, Qingzong disappeared from the eyes of everyone in the world, and no one knew where Qingzong was.

 After many years, countless people in the imperial state believed that the Qing Sect had become extinct. Only a handful of top forces knew that the Qing Sect still existed. However, they were not bound by the law of cause and effect and could not find the current specific location of the Qing Sect.

 As everyone knows, Qing Sect has been renamed Xuan Qing Sect and is located in a relatively remote star field in the Northern Wasteland.

 "No wonder you want me to pick up this kid in person, that's it."

 All the doubts in Zhao Yichuan's heart disappeared. He looked deeply at Chen Qingyuan and turned to head to the secret assessment realm to prevent any accidents.

 Chen Qingyuan stood there with a confused look on his face. What's going on?

 "Little guy, come along this road!"

 The old man's voice fell into Chen Qingyuan's ears again.

 As soon as he finished speaking, the clouds dispersed to both sides, forming a white cloud road leading to the depths of Daoyi Academy.