

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

boninggou · Huyền huyễn
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450 Chs

Chapter 64 The day of the battle is approaching, and someone from Daoyi Academy is coming


 Upon hearing this, Wu Junyan turned and looked at Yan Qianling and said coldly.

 "I have never heard that peers are not allowed to compete. Are you trying to protect him?"

 Yan Qianling was very afraid of Wu Junyan and said in a deep voice.

 "He is my opponent." Wu Junyan said bluntly: "No one can disturb me before I fight." "

 A fight with you?" Yan Qianling was stunned for a moment: "You have always been among the ten heroes of the Northern Wilderness. The top monster in the world. If the Chen Qingyuan of the past could be on an equal footing with you, is he qualified to be your opponent now?"

 "Weak people will not understand."

 Regarding this matter, Wu Junyan did not explain it, it was meaningless. .

 Yan Qianling's face turned extremely ugly after hearing this.

 The monks watching the show also widened their eyes. Yan Qianling is a famous figure in the Northern Wilderness. He is extremely talented and powerful. If geniuses like him are weak, then who are we?


 Everyone felt that they had been ridiculed, but they were unable to refute.

 "You are indeed very strong and have arrogance. However, there are many people in the world who are stronger than you."

 This sentence came from Wu Junyan's mouth. If he were an ordinary monk, he would have been stepped on by Yan Qianling. .

 "There are indeed many people who are better than me. I don't deny this." Wu Junyan stood with his hands behind his back and said in a calm voice: "At least you don't count." "

 You!" Yan Qianling gritted her teeth and wanted to compete with Wu Junyan. Fan.

 However, Yan Qianling did not have this confidence, and even the hope of winning was extremely slim.

 After controlling his emotions, Yan Qianling had no plans to start a war with Wu Junyan for the time being. After he has stepped on Chen Qingyuan first, and if he becomes stronger in a few years, he will definitely consider Wu Junyan as his next target.

 "People like you only know how to regard people who are temporarily inferior to you as opponents and enjoy the feeling of having a chance to win. No matter where you go in the future, you will never become a truly strong person."

 Wu Junyan never does this Bullying the weak, he only has eyes for higher mountains.

 If he were to fight at the same level as Chen Qingyuan, Wu Junyan would not be sure of winning, and everything was unknown. It is this kind of unknown that makes Wu Junyan constantly strengthen his foundation and think about getting stronger every moment, so that he can be able to face the unknown.

 Listening to Wu Junyan's remarks, Yan Qianling turned pale and did not reply.

 "Don't stand too high, be careful of falling."

 Wu Junyan continued.

 After thinking for a while, Yan Qianling no longer stood in the void above the Xuanqing Sect's mountain gate, turned around and landed on the ground, staying in a nearby city, waiting for the right time.

 If Yan Qianling did not leave, he would probably be attacked by Wu Junyan in the next moment.

 After driving away the people blocking the door, Wu Junyan found a comfortable place at the foot of the Xuanqing Sect mountain, sat on the ground, closed his eyes and rested.

 No one among the fellow monks dared to ignore Wu Junyan's words.

 In the next four years, if anyone dares to come to provoke Chen Qingyuan and disturb Chen Qingyuan's life, the end will definitely be extremely miserable.

 "When did the relationship between junior brother and Wu Junyan become so good?"

 The elders of Xuanqing Sect looked at each other, unsure of the situation.

 "Young people's affairs should be resolved by young people. As soon as Wu Junyan came forward, our Xuan Qing Sect's territory instantly became quiet without any noise."

 Many elders sighed, he was worthy of being one of the top ten geniuses, and he was full of intimidation.

 "Wu Junyan is going to fight with his junior brother, can he do it?"

 Many elders felt a sense of crisis, and for the first time they felt that Chen Qingyuan might not be able to handle it. There was no way, the sense of oppression brought by Wu Junyan was too strong.

 "We are all the top ten heroes of the Northern Wilderness, why do our juniors look so inferior!"

 Dong Wenjun, the elder of the Sect Protector, complained. Looking at Wu Junyan, if you put out one sentence, how many of your peers would dare to disobey. On the other hand, everyone wanted to step on Chen Qingyuan, scrambling to be the first, for fear of being half a step behind others.

 For the next four years, the Xuan Qing Sect was peaceful and quiet, and no one of the geniuses of his generation dared to call for battle.

 A person as strong as Yan Qianling also needs to temporarily avoid Wu Junyan's sharp edges and give him some face. If you were an ordinary genius, of course you wouldn't dare to be presumptuous.

 Inside the house, Chen Qingyuan was stabilizing his cultivation and further laying a solid foundation.

 He has no plans to break through to the Golden Core Realm for the time being, and will wait until after the battle with Wu Junyan.

 "There are only ten days left."

 After calculating the time, Chen Qingyuan was ready for a battle, and his energy and spirit were in an excellent state.

 At the foot of the mountain, Wu Junyan slowly opened his eyes and murmured to himself: "This time, I will definitely decide the outcome with you."

 Whether he wins or loses, Wu Junyan has settled a worry. Take a step forward and become stronger.

 Eight more days passed, and there were only two days left before the duel.

 Suddenly, a guest came from Xuan Qing Sect.

 A young man eight feet tall was dressed in a white robe with a flower pattern embroidered on his left chest.

 The young man was elegant, avoided the eyes of countless people, and stepped straight into the gate of Xuan Qing Sect, ignoring the obstruction of the barrier.

 The gatekeeper elders and disciples of Xuan Qing Sect did not sense the existence of the young man and passed him by.

 The next moment, the young man came to the depths of the apse and slowly walked in front of Lin Changsheng.

 It wasn't until the young man was within ten feet of his body that Lin Changsheng noticed it. He turned around like a frightened tiger, with a few strands of cold sweat appearing on his forehead: "Who?"

 Lin Changsheng didn't react until he was at such a close distance.

 If the young man wants to take away Lin Changsheng's life, he can do so with just a snap of his fingers.

 "Daoyi Academy."

 The young man's body was somewhat transparent, as if he was not in this space, and his appearance seemed to be obscured by a layer of white mist, making it difficult to see clearly.

 Hearing this, Lin Changsheng's body trembled slightly and his expression changed drastically.

 Immediately, Lin Changsheng bowed his hands and said, "It turns out to be the envoy of the Academy. I'm sorry."

 "Where is the person who is taking the assessment?"

 Since it was the wooden token that Lin Changsheng crushed, the young man in white could accurately locate it.

 "It's at Yunxia Palace, a hundred miles to the west."

 Lin Changsheng pointed in one direction.

 "I'll take him away." Although the tone of the young man in white was calm, he could not be disobedient.

 Before Lin Changsheng could reply, the figure of the young man in white disappeared.

 Immediately afterwards, the young man in white came to Yunxia Palace and saw Chen Qingyuan who was meditating with his eyes closed.

 "It's time to go."

 A mysterious voice came, waking up Chen Qingyuan with his eyes closed.

 "Who are you?"

 Chen Qingyuan looked at the young man in white who suddenly appeared in front of him, extremely vigilant, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

 "People from Daoyi Academy."

 The young man in white replied.

 After being startled for a moment, Chen Qingyuan still said without letting down his guard: "What's the proof?"

 "That's a long way to go." The young man in white didn't bother to explain. He pointed at Chen Qingyuan and directly sealed the spiritual energy in his body, making him unable to move.

 Then, the young man in white took Chen Qingyuan away from the Yunxia Palace and penetrated the Xuan Qing Sect's sect-protecting barrier like a ghost without being noticed by anyone.


 Gongsun Nan, who was sitting in the room, suddenly opened his eyes and his face changed drastically: "Where are Chen Qingyuan and the others?" It wasn't

 until Chen Qingyuan was taken away from Xuanqing Sect that Gongsun Nan realized that Chen Qingyuan was no longer there, as if he had disappeared from the world. No trace to be found.

 "Is this a blind trick of the Xuan Qing Sect, or is it man-made?"

 If it was a blind trick, Gongsun Nan could accept it in his heart. After all, the Xuan Qing Sect was a behemoth in the past, and it left a little bit of heritage.

 If it was man-made, Gongsun Nan couldn't imagine what it would be like, and his heart couldn't be calm for a long time.

 "Senior, I have a very important duel. Can you finish it before leaving?"

 Chen Qingyuan pleaded as his body could not move but his mouth could still speak.