

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

boninggou · Huyền huyễn
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450 Chs

Chapter 448 A ruins in the old soil

  Everyone looked at Wu Junyan and Chang Ziqiu, but stopped talking.

  A few days ago, under the arrangement of Chen Qingyuan, Chang Ziqiu officially became the guest elder of Qingzong, which gave him sufficient status.

  With Chang Ziqiu's talent and strength, it was naturally not suitable to be his disciple. Moreover, Chang Ziqiu majored in the art of swordsmanship and had it passed down from his ancestors. No one in Qingzong was qualified to teach him.

  "That's not right!"

  Great Elder Fang Qingyun said worriedly.

  After several trials, Chen Qingyuan walked in the red mist near Qingzong and did not encounter any danger. Only then did the senior officials of Qingzong nod in agreement and their worries were reduced.

  If Wu Junyan and Chang Ziqiu are allowed to travel together, if they encounter danger, the consequences will be disastrous.

  "It's too boring to stay in the house all the time."

  Chang Ziqiu didn't want to stay in Qingzong and just wanted to go out for a walk. He was full of great curiosity about the rumored old land.

  "As a cultivator, you should swim against the current."

  Qingzong faced crises many times, and Wu Junyan was unable to protect them. Although he was usually taciturn, he felt very hurt in his heart, resenting that he was weak and could not help much.

  Coming to the old land, although there is danger, it is also accompanied by unknown fortunes.

  Wu Junyan is not afraid of death, he just wants to become stronger and does not want to be as helpless as before.

  "Let them go!"

  Many elders wanted to dissuade him. After all, this was too dangerous and he needed to proceed with caution. Lin Changsheng interrupted the elders and said with a serious face.

  People like Wu Junyan and others are the top evildoers in the world and should not be trapped in a cage.

  This is their decision, and the sect should not stop it.

  So, under the gaze of everyone, Chen Qingyuan and the others were gradually swallowed up by the red mist and disappeared.

  There was a long red mist, and I couldn't see what was going on around me.

  Chang Ziqiu and Wu Junyan followed Chen Qingyuan closely, believing that there would be nothing wrong.

  "Brother Chen, don't lead the wrong way." Chang Ziqiu held the long knife tightly and whispered: "Our lives are in your hands, don't be careless." "Don't worry,

  I know it well."

  Chen Qingyuan said while moving towards Walking in the direction where the aura gradually became stronger, he recorded the surrounding situation and carved it into a map.

  After the environment around Qingzong is clear, the disciples of the sect can go out to practice without getting trapped.

  It is difficult to become successful if you hide in the house and practice without experiencing wind and rain.

  Although the red mist obscures his eyes, Chen Qingyuan can record some special locations. For example, there is a mountain here. Write down the height and general appearance. Use this mountain as a coordinate to tell which direction you can walk back to Qingzong, etc.

  The map also shows which places have ancient laws of time and cannot be touched.

  The traces of the past years hide unimaginable murderous intentions, and even encounter the residual will of the top beings millions of years ago, which is extremely terrifying.

  "Why can you walk freely in the old land?"

  Wu Junyan had always been silent, but when he discovered that Chen Qingyuan could avoid many dangerous places, he couldn't help but ask.

  "Maybe I am the son of destiny!"

  Chen Qingyuan replied softly with a humorous tone.

  "I believe it."

  After thinking for a moment, Wu Junyan nodded heavily.

  "I believe it too." Chang Ziqiu said the same, seriously: "There has never been a record of a monster like you in ancient books. It is no exaggeration to say that you are the son of destiny in this life." "

  I am talking nonsense, you guys I really believe it!" Chen Qingyuan recalled all the past events and said scornfully: "If I was really the son of destiny, why did Heaven just sit back and ignore me when I encountered a life-and-death crisis?" "


  The two looked at each other. , there really is no answer.

  The so-called children of destiny are those who are favored by heaven and have a smooth life with few ups and downs. If you encounter danger, God will surely send you kindness to help you get through it.

  Chen Qingyuan was in trouble. Heaven never showed mercy, and even almost punished him with thunder.

  "The spiritual energy in front is very strong, go and take a look."

  After walking for several hours, Chen Qingyuan clearly noticed the change in the spiritual energy, his eyes changed, and he speeded up his pace slightly.

  Currently, what Qingzong lacks most is not exotic treasures and fairy grass, but the most basic spiritual stones.

  If you can get some spiritual veins, it will be a worthwhile trip.

  Since ancient times, the land of opportunity has always been accompanied by danger.

  As we got closer, the red mist here became less thick and became thinner.

  What comes into view is a huge ruined place.

  Thousands of collapsed mountains piled up in one mass. There are some ancient buildings among the ruins, which are in dilapidated condition.

  In the past, this might have been the foundation of a certain sect, or a prosperous ancient city on a fairy mountain.

  Looking around, one can see a desolate scene covering hundreds of thousands of square miles.

  It was silent and eerie.

  Chen Qingyuan and others stood there, not daring to explore deeply for the time being, lest they touch any unknown restrictions.

  "There must be a lot of spiritual stones in this area."

  This can be judged by the richness of the spiritual energy, and it is unmistakable.

  "After a million years, if there really is a spiritual stone, it must not be an ordinary thing, I am afraid it has become a spirit."

  If the spiritual stone from the ancient times continues to this day and is not decayed, it must have given birth to spiritual wisdom, which is better than The best spiritual veins in the human world are even more precious.

  "In your opinion, what should we do?"

  Chang Ziqiu looked at Chen Qingyuan and regarded him as his backbone.

  Chen Qingyuan stared at the ruins in front of him. There was no ray of red mist inside, so it was definitely not simple. After pondering for a long time, he said in a low voice: "Our goal is the spiritual vein resources. Now that the resources are right in front of us, there is no reason to leave." "

  Then go in and take a look. If you really run into trouble, consider yourself unlucky."

  Yes. With Chen Qingyuan's words, Chang Ziqiu planned to take the lead.

  "Wait." Chen Qingyuan reached out and put his hand on Chang Ziqiu's shoulder, with a solemn expression: "I'll go."

  Before Chang Ziqiu could reply, Chen Qingyuan walked away.

  If there is really any danger within the ruins, given the special situation of Chen Qingyuan not being swallowed up by the laws of the old earth, there is a high probability that the danger can be averted.

  "Be careful."

  Chang Ziqiu said without showing off.

  Wu Junyan stood there, pursed her lips tightly, staring with a heavy heart.

  Ancient ruins, leaving many traces of the past.

  Not long after, Chen Qingyuan stood outside a collapsed pit, surrounded by building debris and boulders.

  The diameter of the pit is about a kilometer. When I looked down, I could see no end and it was pitch black.

  "Bang -"

  Chen Qingyuan grabbed a stone next to him and squeezed it gently, turning the stone into powder.

  The power of time has made the once extremely hard stone extremely fragile.

  Chen Qingyuan didn't use his spiritual energy at all. The slight force just now probably wouldn't kill even the ants.

  Then, Chen Qingyuan explored various places in the ruins. He didn't see anything like treasures. They were all useless scraps, like paper.

  "Is there something hidden down here?"

  After going around and around, he returned to the deep pit where he started.