

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

boninggou · Huyền huyễn
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Chapter 436 Controlling the Black Cauldron, Shocking Power

  "Get up!"

  When the black cauldron became extremely huge, like a small star, Chen Qingyuan had a special connection with the black cauldron. He raised his right hand above his head, mobilized all his spiritual power, and gave the order.


  The black cauldron rose into the sky, and the huge cauldron covered the entire sky. Qingzong suddenly fell into darkness, and the atmosphere was extremely heavy.

  The battle outside the field also stopped for the time being, and countless pairs of eyes came to watch, all of them were attracted. ωωw..net

  "That seems to be the treasure of Yuxu Mountain." "

  In such a short time, Qingzong was able to control the treasure of Yuxu Mountain. It has a lot of background!" "

  The pressure exuded by the ancient tripod, It's even more terrifying than when Yuxu Mountain was under control. Did Qingzong know the origin of the ancient cauldron and really refine it?"

  Yi Zunzun said in surprise. He really didn't expect Qingzong to be able to mobilize the black cauldron. The power is too unexpected.

  Lin Changsheng had already unlocked the sect-protecting formation, allowing the ancient black cauldron to float higher.

  Someone wanted to take advantage of the gap between the formation and launch a violent attack on Qingzong.

  Xiao Junchou stopped some people, while the other two Shenqiao ducked to the other side, concentrating their magical power with both hands, and used all their strength to use it towards Qingzong.


  Two rays of lawful light came from a distance, with great power, crushing the sky for more than ten thousand miles, and the ground for countless miles in radius shattered into powder, leaving a mess wherever it passed.

  The eminent Buddhist monks and others wanted to help, but due to their lack of strength, they could not withstand the offensive of the powerful Shenqiao, and the Taoist magic they used was instantly destroyed.


  Xiao Junchou was temporarily entangled by Ye Changyan and others, and it was difficult to go to help immediately.

  Qingzong's allies present were unable to stop this sneak attack. Their hearts trembled and their faces showed horror, as if they had seen the scene where Qingzong was reduced to ruins and there were countless casualties.

  When they learned that Qingzong's troubles were increasing, the old monk and Liu Nansheng felt bad, so they stopped secretly confronting those old things and hurried over. However, they are on their way here and can't be of much help at this moment.

  "If Qingzong dies, you will all die!"

  Xiao Junchou looked in the direction of Qingzong and swung his sword several times with murderous intent.

  At the risk of aggravating his injuries, Ye Changyan refused to give in and held Xiao Junchou back. For this reason, Ye Changyan had several ferocious sword wounds on his body, and blood flowed out, soaking his clothes.


  Just when countless people thought that Qing Zong was about to be successfully attacked by a powerful force, the ancient black tripod burst out with an ancient power of law, directly neutralizing the two sneak attacks of magical power and mysterious light.

  The Qing Sect was intact, and the disciples within the sect were not harmed by the remaining power.

  "Restart the formation!"

  Lin Changsheng dragged his extremely tired body and activated the sect-protecting formation again.

  Just now, Lin Changsheng really thought that he could not escape this disaster, and tried his best to protect the sect. Unfortunately, he was injured, and the formation was also seriously damaged from the previous battle, making it a little slow.

  The sect-protecting formation was opened again, and there were obvious cracks and grooves on the barrier.

  Looking at the situation of the protective sect barrier, it is estimated that it will not be able to withstand a few attacks.

  "Qingzong has indeed taken control of the sect-suppressing cauldron in Yuxu Mountain!"

  Seeing this, the two Shenqiao masters who made the sneak attack knew that they had no chance and quickly retreated to a distance, fearing that they would be counterattacked by the black cauldron.

  "Is that...Chen Qingyuan?"

  It was only then that everyone discovered a figure underneath the ancient black tripod. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Chen Qingyuan, the unparalleled evildoer who was once famous all over the world.

  Just when the formation was released, Chen Qingyuan followed Hei Ding out.

  The Black Cauldron is not complete and needs someone to guide it.

  Looking at the whole world, it is estimated that only Chen Qingyuan can suppress Hei Ding and make him behave as he is told.

  "It's still a little short of that."

  Chen Qingyuan kept pouring countless borrowed resources into Heiding.


  Dozens and hundreds of high-grade spiritual veins and top-grade spiritual veins were all swallowed up by the black cauldron as big as a star.

  Through special induction, Chen Qingyuan immediately stopped his hand and kept a part of it on his body. After moving the clan, there are still many places that need resources.

  "What is he doing?"

  Everyone looked at Chen Qingyuan, wondering what the meaning of his behavior was.

  "What is the purpose of this kid borrowing so many resources?"

  The elders of Daoyi Academy looked up at Hei Ding with their eyes full of suspicion.

  "Almsgiver Chen is not an ordinary person. His actions must have profound meaning."

  All the eminent monks clasped their hands together, chanted sutras silently, and prayed to the Buddha.

  "Is it possible that he wants to use the Black Cauldron to deal with us?"

  The powerful enemies from all forces felt a little uneasy, and a few strands of cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

  The ancient black cauldron has an unknown origin.

  The unknown things are the most terrifying.

  In every corner of the empire, some old antiques pushed open the coffin lid, revealing their dark green eyes, which seemed to penetrate all the realms of heaven and earth, all the way to the territory where Qingzong was located.

  It was originally just a test, but it caused such a big fuss.

  "Qing Zong, what do you want to do?"

  The old guys in the dark corner seemed to smell an unusual smell and were slightly uneasy.

  The Lord of Kunlun Realm, one of the top existences in the world. He was staying at the end of the Kunlun Realm. He slowly opened his eyes and noticed the changes in the Qingzong situation. He frowned slightly and thought silently.

  In short, all the powerful people in the world were affected by Qingzong's emotions.

  "Yu Ding, open the sky!"

  Chen Qingyuan raised his right hand above his head, as if he had lifted the black cauldron with one hand. His waist-length black hair danced wildly with the strong wind, and his pair of starry eyes burst out with extreme chill. With a long roar, the mountains and rivers changed color.


  The laws of order in the Wei Jing Star Territory seemed to be in chaos at this moment.

  The huge main vein star where Qingzong was located began to tremble.

  In an instant, mountains and rivers collapsed and rivers flowed backwards. Everywhere in the sky is covered by dark clouds.

  Even if he is a top power, his spiritual thoughts cannot break through the dark clouds and cannot see the changes in the law.

  "What on earth is he going to do?"

  At this moment, the world seemed to have forgotten Chen Qingyuan's cultivation and age. Looking from a distance, it seems that I saw a god with supreme power, holding the stars with one hand. In a moment, the situation changes.

  Things have developed to this point, and countless forces in the empire are watching the excitement.

  The ancient sects in the Holy Land took out the precious mirrors one after another and continuously refined the resources into them, just to see with their own eyes the situation far away in the Wei Jing Star Territory.

  The evildoer who once competed with Chen Qingyuan in the Hundred Veins Feast saw Chen Qingyuan's figure through the projection of the sacred artifact. He was greatly shocked. The complex emotions in his heart were beyond description in words.

  We are both from the younger generation, so why is the gap between them getting wider and wider?

  In the past, monsters from various sects could compete head-on with Chen Qingyuan. Although there was a distance, they felt within reach and not too far away.

  Now, they are looking at Chen Qingyuan's figure, holding the cauldron with one hand, as if he holds the whole world in the palm of his hand, and everything in the universe belongs to him.

  This feeling is like being from two eras.