

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

boninggou · Huyền huyễn
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450 Chs

Chapter 428 The inevitable doom

  There are thousands of practitioners, and the weakest ones are in the tribulation stage.

  Is such a big battle really just to deal with Buddhism?

  The leading forces include Shangling Temple, Zhaixing Tower, Penglai Villa, etc.

  They are all the top holy places in the empire, and their backgrounds are unfathomable.

  "You guys have come all the way to make such a big noise. What do you mean?"

  The great elder of the Qing Sect is named Fang Qingyun. He was once a member of the Qingzong branch and a late Mahayana practitioner. Because of his strong strength, he is qualified for the position of the leader of the elders.

  "We just want to meet the eminent monks of Buddhism."

  A voice came from the crowd.

  "The poor monk is here, what do you want to say?"

  Zen Master Wuchen walked out of Qingzong's guest hall step by step, wearing a cassock, with golden light emerging from behind, and Buddhist and Sanskrit words faintly appeared in the void.

  "The imperial state cannot tolerate Buddhist preaching, so we ask the eminent monks to return to the east as soon as possible!"

  Someone complained, with a bit of sternness in his eyes.

  "Monks value peace. Donors who bully monks like this are not afraid of monks sending donors to see the Buddha?"

  Don't think that monks are easy to bully. If you really want to anger these eminent monks, just say "compassionate" and turn your hand. hand.

  "We do not intend to be enemies of Buddhism, but the imperial state has specific rules. Please give in to Buddhism." A core elder of Shanglingguan, relying on the people around him, was not afraid of Buddhist monks, and said loudly: "If Buddhism If you insist on going your own way, you are afraid that it will affect the interests of countless sects in the imperial state and offend the public."

  "OK, the poor monk followed the benefactors and led the Buddhist people to leave the imperial state and return to the east."

  Former Zen Master Wuchen Zuo hesitated, sighed, and nodded in agreement.

  Everyone did not expect that Buddhism would be so straightforward and actually agree.

  In order to force Buddhism to take action, the group of monks who came to Qingzong did not even have the power of half-step to the sacred bridge.

  "In the past few days, I have been entertained by Lao Qingzong."

  Zen Master Wuchen led a group of eminent monks and left without looking back.

  This scene fell into the eyes of everyone, making them slightly embarrassed and at a loss.

  Something is wrong with the plot. According to Buddhism's past temperament, shouldn't it be time to fight back and start a big war? Why were you so obedient this time and turned around and left?

  "Is there anything else, everyone?" Fang Qingyun stared at the group of monks in the void and said coldly: "The Buddhist sect has left. If you have nothing else to do, please come back!"


  Can't go back.

  This time all forces have been gathered. If we return empty-handed, wouldn't our work be in vain?

  An elder from the Taiyin Holy Land took a few steps forward, thought of an idea, and said loudly: "Please also ask the Qing Sect to lift the ban and let us check to make sure that no Buddhists are hiding." "


  Everyone in the Qing Sect Hearing this, he sneered and didn't answer.

  Open the barrier and let these guys enter Qingzong to search. What a joke. This is not only a face issue, but also related to Qingzong's safety.

  Once a powerful enemy is allowed in, the disciples will be like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, unable to resist.

  "For the benefit of the various sects in the imperial state, and to safeguard the reputation of the Qingzong, I also ask the Qingzong for permission." "

  If you are upright, you are not afraid of the shadow. As the sect of the imperial state, the Qingzong will definitely not allow Buddhism to contaminate this land." Territory."

  "I hope your sect can understand the righteousness deeply. We promise that we will only do an inspection and will not harm any plant or tree of the Qing sect."

  "Please prove your innocence to the Qing sect."

  Practitioners from all forces looked at each other. Liang, this reason is indeed very good, and they all agreed.

  If Qingzong really dares to break the restriction and uses a little bit of tricks, Qingzong can suffer a big loss. If Qingzong refuses, then he will be in league with Buddhism and threaten the interests of countless sects in the imperial state.

  Some of them are excuses to discredit Qingzong and find a "justifiable reason" to take action.

  Listening to everyone's shameless words, even Wu Junyan, who has a better temperament, couldn't help showing a fierce and resentful look, and said in a low voice: "A bunch of beasts, they really deserve to die."

  "Old Wu, you lost this bet. "Chen Qingyuan and Wu Junyan sat across from each other, with the corners of their mouth raised: "According to the bet, you can no longer pressure me with matters of seniority."

  "Huh." Wu Junyan snorted lightly and did not answer.

  Monks from various sects gathered together, and the Qing Sect internally discussed how to deal with it.

  Wu Junyan suggested that the Buddhists should pretend to leave, and then find ways to spread the word later, and not be in a hurry. As a result, the monks from various sects had no excuse to oppress the Qing Sect.

  Chen Qingyuan is well aware that people's hearts are sinister, and the departure of the eminent Buddhist monk will definitely not stop those bastards. They will most likely find other excuses and are determined to deal with Qingzong.

  While chatting, Chen Qingyuan proposed a betting agreement.

  Knowing that this was a way to provoke the general, Wu Junyan still nodded and agreed to the bet.

  As a result, there was a scene of Buddhist monks saying goodbye.

  Obviously, Chen Qingyuan won the bet.

  The content of the bet was very simple. From now on, Wu Junyan could not bully Chen Qingyuan as his uncle.

  "Old Wu, this disaster is inevitable."

  Chen Qingyuan put away his playful smile and turned to look at the mountain gate. A sharp look gradually appeared in his eyes and his voice was hoarse.

  "After surviving this disaster, what happens next is up to you." In

  a situation of this level, Wu Junyan could not help much and could only watch from a distance. What he said contained profound meaning.

  Last time, Chen Qingyuan proposed moving to the old land. After Lin Changsheng thought deeply and discussed with some core elders, he unanimously agreed.

  Since then, Chen Qingyuan has been secretly preparing to move the clan and slowly laid out the plans.

  The resources required to move the clan are astronomical.

  Chen Qingyuan emptied the sect's treasure house, and coupled with his own wealth, it was barely enough.

  When Qingzong was rebuilt, people from all over came to congratulate it and sent countless resources. At the same time, there are also top-quality spiritual veins that Lin Changsheng begged from various sects. There are countless things in the treasure house.

  Even so, it barely reached the standard for relocating the clan.

  "This thing is really a bottomless pit."

  Chen Qingyuan glanced at the ancient black cauldron in his hand and cursed in a low voice.

  Hei Ding seemed to have heard Chen Qingyuan's dissatisfaction and trembled slightly. It's not really the black tripod that earns the price difference, but the fact that the tripod's body is broken and only one-tenth of its intelligence is left.

  Now it is necessary to move the entire star without damaging the star at all. The amount of work is too large.

  That is to say, if it were Chen Qingyuan who spoke, it would be someone else who would not be able to mobilize the ancient black cauldron even if they gave him several times more resources.

  "Whether Qing Zong's future is stable or not depends on you. Don't make any mistakes. Otherwise, I will use you as a urinal." After

  spending so long with Hei Ding, Chen Qingyuan no longer has any worries, and even He dared to issue threats.


  Hei Ding was shocked, as if to express his grievance.

  That's you, try it as someone else.

  Yuxu Mountain has provided the ancient black cauldron for hundreds of thousands of years, and I dare not be disrespectful at all. When I arrived at Chen Qingyuan's place, not only was it a coolie, but it was easy to take the blame. It was too difficult.