

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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450 Chs

Chapter 427 The old Holy Lord gambled his life

  Not long after, Liu Lingran came.

  She was wearing a light blue dress, with a jade hairpin tying up her waterfall-like long hair. She had willow eyebrows and red lips, and a face like a jade plate.

  Arriving at the main hall, Liu Lingran saluted the elders one by one, then glanced around the hall and recognized many senior officials of Piaomiao Palace, and finally focused on Chen Qingyuan: "Uncle Junior Master, what do you want to call Lingran? "

  "This group of people from Piaomiao Palace came here specially to apologize to you in person."

  When Chen Qingyuan said this, he glanced at Changsun Fengye with deep meaning.

  Without the promotion of Changsun Fengye, Piaomiao Palace would never be like this.

  "The matter has passed. There is no need for this to happen in Piaomiao Palace."

  Facing all the powerful men, Liu Lingran said neither humble nor overbearing.

  "Although Elder Chen stood up for Miss Liu, the mistake was made by Piaomiao Palace, so I must apologize in person." After saying that, Yi Qianran put down the dignity of the sect master, bowed to Liu Lingran, and expressed her apology: "I personally As the master of Piaomiao Palace, I cannot absolve myself of the blame, so please forgive Miss Liu."


  Liu Lingran was a little at a loss and gave Chen Qingyuan a look for help.

  "Girl, if you don't forgive me, it will be difficult for this matter to come to an end."

  Chen Qingyuan said.

  "Senior's words are serious." Liu Lingran took a deep breath and returned the greeting: "Junior accepts the apology from Piaomiao Palace. The misunderstanding is resolved and there are no old grudges anymore." "

  Thank you, girl."

  Yi Qianran smiled slightly and then turned around. He glanced at Changsun Fengye, as if to say: Brat, please give your beloved face as a teacher!

  When she came, Yi Qianran also apologized to her apprentice, saying that she didn't take his apprentice's feelings into consideration. Of course, there was an element of severe persecution from the old Holy Lord.

  At that time, Yi Qianran complained: "It's rare to hear a master bow his head to his disciple and admit his mistakes, alas!"

  The old Holy Lord replied: "If you have the ability to inherit the ambition of your ancestors, I can bow to you. The key is, do you have the qualifications?" Yi

  Qianran: "..."

  You always said that Yes, it's not enough for me to bow my head and apologize.

  Then, there was a scene of senior officials from Piaomiao Palace coming to Qingzong to apologize.

  "The elder who hurt Miss Liu that day has been severely punished. If the girl feels it is not enough, Piao Miao Palace can hand him over to the girl."

  In the face of the interests of the sect, the life and death of an elder is not important at all. Even the leader of a sect must bow his head.

  There is no way, this is Changsun Fengye's request, and he must satisfy it as much as possible.

  It's not that Piaomiao Palace doesn't protect its own people, but that the elder has relied on an elder who has a supreme elder. He has never suffered a loss since he was a child, and he is used to being arrogant and acting on his own.

  This time the old Holy Lord was personally in charge, and the Supreme Elder also received a slap, not to mention an inner sect elder.

  "Piaomiao Palace is sincere, no need."

  Liu Lingran had long been relieved.

  "The girl is kind-hearted."

  Yi Qianran praised.

  Liu Lingran bowed to Yi Qianran again, then turned to look at Lin Changsheng: "Sect Master, do you have anything else to say to your disciples?"

  "No, please step aside first!"

  Lin Changsheng signaled.


  Liu Lingran didn't like this situation very much and walked straight to the door.

  Before leaving, Liu Lingran and Changsun Fengye looked at each other. She saw Changsun Fengye's clear eyes and long black hair, and knew that he had returned to normal.

  Their eyes met, and they smiled slightly.

  Liu Lingran was not stupid. He knew that this move in Piaomiao Palace must be the work of Changsun Fengye, and he was deeply touched.

  However, I was moved, but I haven't developed any special feelings yet. It might have existed before, but it was ruined by the intervention of Piaomiao Palace. What happens next depends on Changsun Fengye's ability.

  The atmosphere in the hall gradually eased, and the two high-level officials chatted and complimented each other.

  "Qingzong is surrounded by enemies on all sides, and the situation is worrying."

  The old Holy Master mentioned business matters.

  "Yes." Anyone with a discerning eye could see it, and Lin Changsheng did not deny it: "If Piaomiao Palace doesn't want to be involved, it would be better to leave as soon as possible." "I like to take risks

  , and I am willing to help Qingzong."

  Old Holy Master After leaving the country, I spent a few days figuring out the important events of the past few years. After thinking for a long time, I came up with a plan.

  Since the eldest grandson Fengye and Chen Qingyuan are close friends, Chen Qingyuan himself has unparalleled talent. If he can protect his growth, he will definitely be able to form a good relationship with the Piaomiao Palace.

  It's a big gamble, and it's easy to get yourself into it. However, if the bet is successful, the rewards will be considerable.

  "Senior, what do you mean by these words?"

  Lin Changsheng narrowed his eyes.

  "There are many people in Piaomiao Palace, so we can't risk everything. However, if Qingzong doesn't dislike it, I am willing to stay in Qingzong as a guest." The meaning

  of this sentence is very clear. The old Holy Lord bet his life for Piaomiao. The palace seeks some good luck.

  If the bet wins, everyone is happy. If the bet fails, the old Holy Lord will most likely lose his life, and it will not have much impact on the foundation of the Piaomiao Palace.

  It can be said that there are not many people as courageous as the old Holy Master.

  The Great Compassion looked forward and backward, and the opportunity his ancestor asked for before he died was wasted. A few years later, the pessimistic high-level officials will definitely regret it, and it will be impossible to settle the old grudges and form a good relationship with Qingzong.

  "Senior, is this a joke?"

  Lin Changsheng was not too happy, and there was a hint of caution in his eyes.

  "I'm serious." The old Holy Lord said seriously: "To be honest, the situation of Qingzong is indeed very bad. Even with the help of many forces, it is difficult to see hope. However, I don't believe in this evil, and I am willing to place a bet and spend all my money. I will use my own strength to help Qingzong overcome the crisis and regain its prosperity."

  "If you lose the bet, you will lose your life."

  Lin Changsheng explained the seriousness of the matter.

  "It's just one life, it doesn't matter."

  The old Holy Lord said, and then murmured in his heart: "If old man Dugu hadn't been merciful back then, my life would have been lost long ago." "

  Senior, if you were truly friends with Qingzong, Qingzong is grateful."

  At present, Qingzong needs allies like the old Holy Master, and Lin Changsheng expressed his gratitude.

  There are ancestral restrictions in the sect and there are many eminent monks in Buddhism, so there is no need to worry too much.

  In this way, the old Holy Master stayed in Qingzong as a guest, and was entertained by special inner disciples and treated very well.

  Everyone in the Piaomiao Palace took the warship and embarked on the return journey.

  The eldest grandson Fengye was also on the warship.

  Although he really didn't want to leave, he had made an agreement with the old Holy Master and he must be obedient.

  "My child, you are still too weak now. Only when you grow up can you protect the people you care about."

  The words of the old Holy Master have been echoing in the ears of Changsun Fengye.

  The warship moved away and disappeared into the horizon.

  More than two months later, many monks rushed to Qingzong, and they came with bad intentions.

  "The time has come, please give me a response from Buddhism."

  It seems to be aimed at Buddhism, but in fact it is aimed at Qingzong.