

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

boninggou · Huyền huyễn
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450 Chs

Chapter 411 The Eight Steps of Shenqiao, who can compare with you?

  In this battle, Dugu Changkong had the intention to establish his power and protect the disciples of the sect. Yuxu Shan was used to being arrogant and domineering, and he directly and openly robbed Liu Lingran and others of their opportunities, almost costing their lives.

  The old man seemed to have no problem, but in fact he was very unhappy.

  "What can you do to me if you break the cauldron

  with one blow?" Dugu Changkong let out a long roar, and violent pressure erupted from his body.

  All the shackles and seals on his body were lifted at this moment.

  This battle is the last glory of the old man's life. It should shine on all the heavens and all the worlds and become the most brilliant star in the world.

  White hair rose to the sky, and the cloth made a whirring sound.

  Thousands of mountains fell to the top, and the black cauldron covered them.

  The power it contains is so high that it can kill an ordinary divine bridge power.

  A group of old people in Kunlun Realm watched intently, with a few strands of cold sweat breaking out in their hands, their throats rolling a few times, and a faint hint of fear in their eyes.

  The background of Yuxu Mountain is truly terrifying.

  Faced with this offensive, Dugu Changkong did not take even a step back.

  He made a fist with his right hand and punched forward.

  An ordinary punch movement has the power to reverse the order.

  Qing Zong - Four Extremes Boxing.

  The perfect state of boxing, mastery, every punch is the strongest, beyond the limits of Taoism.


  Huge mountains collapsed and turned into powder.

  The earth-shattering explosion crushed the sky and sank directly.

  Dugu Changkong raised his left hand upwards, making the collapsed sky rise again, holding the sky with one hand, displaying unpredictable power.


  The ancient black cauldron's offensive disappeared, trembling in the broken space and losing its direction.

  Visible to the naked eye, thousands of mountains exploded, galaxies collapsed, and hundreds of stars were affected and shattered. The order of this territory has been greatly affected, and many corners are filled with chaotic laws.

  At this time, Dugu Changkong took a step forward, crossed countless miles, and reached the top of Yuxu Mountain in an instant.

  It seems that it has crossed the long river of time and ignored the power of the ancient laws of the ancient black cauldron.

  Put your hands behind your back, like a fairy coming to the dust.


  He whispered softly, and at the same time raised his right foot and stepped towards the Yuxu formation.


  Suddenly, a huge footprint appeared in the sect-protecting formation and began to dent slowly.


  The old woman and a group of senior officials were horrified to the extreme. Their voices were sharp and they kept throwing resources at the formation's eyes, just to stabilize the formation.

  However, the power that Dugu Changkong unleashed was not something that a Half-Step Divine Bridge could withstand.

  Even if the old woman relies on the hundreds of thousands of years of foundation of Yuxu Mountain, she is not worthy of arguing with Dugu Changkong.

  "Boom -"

  In a moment, countless cracks appeared in the sect-protecting formation, and they quickly spread to every corner. Then, the formation could no longer hold up and broke apart.

  "Plop, plop..."

  The high-level leaders such as Holy Lord Yuxu who maintained the formation were all struck back. Their bodies flew backwards, they were seriously injured, and they vomited blood.

  There was also a trace of blood at the corner of the old woman's mouth, and her face was extremely pale.

  When the old woman stabilized her body, she found that Dugu Changkong was already standing at the gate of Yuxu Mountain. He was like a king in person, and his body was like a majestic mountain, making people look up to him.

  "Why... why is this happening?"

  The old woman's body couldn't stop trembling, and her chapped lips were also trembling. Her eyes were full of fear, her legs were weak and she might kneel down at any time.

  Maybe it was her dignity, maybe it was the sect's face that made the old woman grit her teeth and stand.

  However, just standing had exhausted all the old woman's strength.


  The powerful men in the world are all watching this battle. When they saw Dugu Changkong quelling Yuxu Mountain's offensive with a flip of his hand, they were shocked and unable to accept it.

  "He...his cultivation is only one step away from the quasi-emperor!"

  The strongest man in the Kunlun world has been hiding in the dark. With his eyesight, he guessed the state Dugu Changkong was in. He was so shocked that he appeared directly and said in horror.


  The gods wanted to salute the boss, but when they heard these words, their expressions changed with fright and they couldn't believe it.


  When the word "Emperor" is mentioned, he is no longer a mortal.

  There are nine steps to the divine bridge, one step to the sky.

  Only those who have reached the ninth realm are qualified to be called quasi-emperors. Because, if you go nine steps further, you will be on the other side, where you can ascend to the throne of emperor.

  If the divine bridge hadn't been broken and the laws were in chaos, with Dugu Changkong's talent, he might have really been able to compete for the position of the supreme emperor.

  Unfortunately, he...was born in the wrong era.

  "The Eight Steps of the Divine Bridge is a quasi-emperor. Donor Dugu is simply...a banished immortal who has fallen into the mortal world."

  Hearing that something big was happening in the imperial state, the old Buddhist monk smelled something unusual and came secretly. , seeing this battle with my own eyes was particularly shocking.

  A character who is like an immortal, indeed!

  Looking at the ancient books for 300,000 years, there is no quasi-emperor in the world.

  If he reaches the level of quasi-emperor, Dugu Changkong will truly dominate the world and be invincible.

  "If the previous path had not been cut off, who in the world could compare with him?"

  Whether they were enemies or friends, everyone felt a sense of awe towards Dugu Changkong at this moment.

  The dean of Daoyi Academy, the old monk of Dongtu Buddhism, the current master of Kunlun Realm, the old antique hiding in the dark, etc.

  All are inferior.


  "If I were him, I would seek all the amazing things in the world just to achieve the throne of the emperor for a lifetime." The

  ancient imperial palace in the southern region, a fragment of the imperial weapon in Wu Junyan's body, etc., can all become a springboard for Dugu Changkong, increasing his ability to move forward. Hope of getting there.

  However, Dugu Changkong did not explore the imperial palace, let alone rob his disciple of his fortune.

  Perhaps it is this kind of mentality that has led to today's achievements.

  "Old man, it can be said that he is undefeated in this world, and his magnificence is unparalleled."

  Qingzong and Yuxu Shan are both in the Weijing Star Territory. How could Chen Qingyuan, Lin Changsheng and others not know about this battle. When I saw it with my own eyes, I was astonished, and the admiration in my heart was beyond words.

  "Fortunately, I didn't do anything stupid."

  A group of old guys from the Beast Control Sect secretly wiped away cold sweat, feeling frightened for a while.

  "The strength of this old guy is really terrifying."

  The three Confucian and Taoist masters were very lucky that they did not choose to confront Dugu Changkong, otherwise the person who was established would not be Yuxu Mountain.

  "In all the worlds, who can compare with you?"

  This battle shocked the strong men from all walks of life.

  The heavy rain poured down, moistening the territory of Yuxu Mountain.

  In the void, the ancient black cauldron was still trembling, imprisoned by Dugu Changkong's absolute strength.

  "Yuxu Mountain is willing to resolve the grievances with Qingzong, please... show mercy."

  The old woman put down her face and pleaded, speaking in a trembling voice.

  Holy Lord Yuxu and other senior officials were trembling, and some elders fell to their knees directly. There is no chance of winning against such a terrifying person.

  Most of the Yuxu Sect disciples were frightened and stayed on the spot, looking pale and at a loss.

  "Now that I have taken action, how can I give up?"

  Dugu Changkong shook his head gently.