

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

boninggou · Huyền huyễn
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450 Chs

Chapter 404: The Great Ancestor of Bei passes away

  Holy Lord Dongli has personally experienced the experiences of the sages of the Qing Sect. Knowing that he will die but still continuing to work is not stupid, but a great kindness.

  Those who are successful in the art of swordsmanship rarely become evil people. Only those who have a pure heart with the sword can achieve the great truth.

  Originally, Dongli Holy Master could reach the top of the mountain in more than ten years, but he wanted to slowly realize it, so he succeeded now.

  "Drink tea."

  Dugu Changkong poured the tea himself.

  "Thank you, senior."

  Holy Master Dongli bowed his hands in salute, with a trace of guilt on his brows.

  "Can you resolve the old grudges of the past?"

  After drinking a cup of tea, Dugu Changkong brought up business.

  "I wish." Holy Lord Dongli said solemnly: "As long as the seniors speak, the Dongli Sword Sect will definitely cooperate." "

  All the resources that were robbed from the Qingzong back then will be returned." Dugu Changkong did not open his mouth like a lion, and just wanted to get back what belongs to him. Qingzong's stuff.

  "It should be so, and you have to compensate."

  Holy Master Dongli nodded.

  Hearing Daoshan's experience allowed Holy Lord Dongli to understand the horror of the Demonic Abyss and understand how much the Qingzong had paid, which made him admire him.

  In addition, Holy Lord Dongli also got the opportunity to reach a higher level of Jianxin, and he is expected to touch the divine bridge in this life.

  "The Qing Sect's reconstruction is still shallow. If there are difficulties in the future, how will the Dongli Sword Sect choose?"

  Dugu Changkong asked directly.

  "I swear with my Taoist heart that no matter what difficulties the Qing Sect faces, the Dongli Sword Sect will definitely help each other and advance and retreat together. If there is any violation, heaven and earth will destroy you, and you will not die a good death."

  Holy Lord Dongli immediately stood up and swore sincerely.

  "I hope the Dongli Sword Sect can do this."

  With Dugu Changkong's ability, he could see that the Holy Master Dongli was not being pretentious, and felt relieved.


  Holy Master Dongli nodded heavily.

  "Your apprentice is an outstanding person. If you train him well, his future achievements will not be low."

  Suddenly, Dugu Changkong changed the topic and remembered the saint son who dared to make choices for the Dongli Sword Sect. He had a heart of fearlessness. A heart that is upright and brave will not run away.

  "Junior, please keep this in mind."

  The Holy Master's eyes flashed with relief, he had indeed accepted a good disciple.

  On that day, Dongli Saint Son Jiang Xun boldly challenged Chen Qingyuan for a fight, but he took action even though he knew he was not Chen Qingyuan's opponent. He made it clear that he wanted Jian Zong not to make the same mistake again and again.

  Fortunately, the Holy Master is not a pedantic person. He is willing to be trapped in Tingdao Mountain just to lose face.

  If it hadn't been for this experience, Holy Lord Dongli might not have been able to touch the Divine Bridge in his life.

  The understanding of the mind is no less than a world-shaking creation.

  After a while, Holy Master Dongli left.

  On the top of the mountain, the old man was the only one left.

  Two days later, the sky was dark and the atmosphere was depressing.

  Hua La La -

  many stars in the Wei Jing Star Territory are all desolate scenery, with light rain pattering, filled with a few rays of sadness.

  A piece of news spread to all walks of life, causing quite a shock.

  The pessimistic old immortal passed away!

  The whole sect was filled with plain elements, and mournful cries resounded.

  In the sect, the ancient bells rang continuously for several days to bid farewell to the ancestors.

  Many forces sent powerful men to express their condolences as a sign of respect.

  Qingzong also sent several elders to go there. Although their cultivation was weak and could not compare with the true disciples of certain forces, no one dared to look down upon them and sit on top.

  In short, until the old man dies, no one in the world will dare to touch Qing Zong.

  But how long can the old man hold on?


  At the top of Hengdao Mountain, Dugu Changkong stood on the edge of the cliff, his body stooped and looking very weak. He looked in the direction of great pessimism and let out a long sigh to bid farewell to his old friend.

  Soon, I will leave this homeland.

  Looking at every scenery in Qingzong, the old man felt heavy and had mixed emotions.

  He is not afraid of death, he is only worried about whether Qingzong can survive the many calamities, be reborn in Nirvana, and return to his peak.

  In the days that followed, Dugu Changkong was not idle and often taught his disciples how to practice.

  Chen Qingyuan's cultivation level has also improved and has reached the peak of the God Transformation Realm.

  There is only one step away from the integration stage.

  The talent is too terrifying, and the speed of cultivation is naturally slow, far inferior to monsters of the same age.

  Currently, Wu Junyan has one foot in the realm of fusion, and he thinks it won't be long before he can become a fusion monk.

  In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed.

  Dugu Changkong has aged visibly to the naked eye, with increased wrinkles and shriveled skin.

  In these years, Dugu Changkong has preached as many as twenty times, and the strength of the elders and disciples has greatly improved.

  The seal of the main lineage inheritance has been unlocked.

  In other words, after people of the Qing Sect enter the tribulation period, they will not be hindered and their practice speed will be like that of normal people.

  From now on, if Chen Qingyuan wants to know about Qingzong's past, he can only ask his senior brother Lin Changsheng.

  "There are many drawbacks to inheriting the forbidden technique, so it would be more appropriate to end it."

  Dugu Changkong made this decision after careful consideration.

  With the talents of Chen Qingyuan and Wu Junyan, they will definitely be hindered in their future cultivation when they reach the stage of transcending tribulation. Even if he accepts the inheritance later and his cultivation level is greatly improved, it is not a good thing.

  The inheritance of forbidden arts consumes a person's potential and even deprives him of some life span. After all, not everyone has the ability of Dugu Changkong, who can forcibly block the backlash of forbidden techniques without restraint.

  With the talents of the two of them, there is no need to inherit forbidden techniques to forcibly improve their cultivation. They only need to move forward one step at a time, and they will be able to support the Qingzong.

  "I really want to see the prosperous scene of Qingzong!"

  As the days passed, Dugu Changkong was very happy to see the prosperous scene of Qingzong.

  One of his goals in rebuilding the foundation of the Qing Sect was to cut off the forbidden techniques inherited from the main line.

  In the past, this forbidden technique was used to block the path of future generations, seal the traces of Qingzong's Taoist patterns, and continue the incense.

  This is no longer necessary.

  Anyone who can cultivate to the stage of transcending tribulation will definitely become a mainstay by relying on Qingzong's resources and Taoist skills. The way of inheritance, forcibly improving one's cultivation level, is useless against evildoers, and can easily shake the foundation.

  "Uncle Master."

  Outside the door, Lin Changsheng came to pay his respects.

  "Come in."

  Dugu Changkong agreed.

  Pushing the door open, he bowed and took his seat.

  "People from the Dongli Sword Sect came today and brought a lot of resources. They also moved dozens of Lingbao Miaoshan."

  Lin Changsheng came over to report the situation.


  Dugu Changkong nodded lightly.

  Currently, Qingzong has a lot of resources, which cannot be used up in a short time. However, the top combat power within the sect is too small and needs to be developed slowly.

  "This is a good tea sent by Dongli Sword Sect. Please try it."

  As he said that, Lin Changsheng began to make tea and forced a smile.

  The senior officials within the sect all knew that the old man was about to leave the Demon Abyss. Calculating the time, there are only a few decades left to play the command room.


  Dugu Changkong felt the reluctance of everyone.

  The moon waxes and wanes, and people have joys and sorrows.

  Time does not stop, even if the old man does not go to the Demon Abyss, there will always be a day when we say goodbye.

  The house is quiet and the fragrance of tea overflows, making people forget their sadness for a short time and enjoy this wonderful time.