

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

boninggou · Huyền huyễn
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450 Chs

Chapter 394 A period of time in the past

  Every inch of the old soil seems to be soaked with blood, and the dark red color gradually affects the heart.

  Chen Qingyuan kept walking forward, staring into the distance with no end in sight.

  I don't know how long I walked, but a layer of dark red mist seemed to appear in front of me.

  The mist drifts and there is no wind.


  all of a sudden, Chen Qingyuan was covered in fog.

  He paused, looked around, and lost his way.

  Wearing a light-colored gown, a tight belt, long hair tied in a crown, and neat sideburns.


  Chen Qingyuan stopped and was confused for a long time. At a certain moment, the fog gradually dissipated, and something seemed to appear in front of me, slightly blurry.

  He took a step forward and continued moving forward.

  A few hours later, Chen Qingyuan saw the thing clearly.

  A huge city with tall walls, dark color and slightly depressing.

  The square ancient city covers an area of ​​approximately hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and every inch of its walls bears the mottled marks of time and traces of battles and fights.

  The city gate was closed and it was very quiet.

  Chen Qingyuan stood outside the city, as inconspicuous as a speck of dust.

  While he was still hesitating, the ancient city gate slowly opened.


  Through the slight gap when the city gate opened, Chen Qingyuan vaguely gazed at the buildings in the city. His heart seemed to have stopped at this moment, and he was extremely nervous.

  After hesitating for a moment, he walked away slowly with heavy thoughts.

  A ray of unknown ancient law followed Chen Qingyuan into this ancient city that had been sealed in dust for countless years.

  Entering the city, it was very desolate, with abandoned objects all over the ground and collapsed ancient palaces and pavilions, just like ruins.

  Looking around, there was a dark scene, and the extreme sadness of Xiao Liang surged into his heart.

  "Where is this place?"

  Chen Qingyuan moved forward cautiously, not knowing where to go.


  He stopped suddenly, bent down and picked up a piece of wood at his feet.

  With a little force, the wood shattered and turned into clouds and smoke, drifting into the distance and becoming a part of the long river of time.

  Chen Qingyuan's eyes followed this wisp of cloud smoke, and his thoughts were gradually pulled back to a period of time in the past, and the surrounding environment seemed to have changed.

  The original dark color gradually took on other colors.

  The collapsed pavilion building was reversed and reshaped.

  Fei Ge Liu Dan is magnificent.

  A faint mist suddenly rose from a riverbed in the city that was as dry as a spider web.

  At another glance, the water flow is mighty, nourishing the flowers, plants and trees on both sides of the bank, and towering trees rise from the ground.

  There are thousands of willow trees growing by the river, with branches and leaves hanging down on the river. Sometimes the breeze comes and blows the willow branches, causing ripples on the water. The years are quiet and everything is peaceful.

  "I heard that there was a great civil strife in the Great Chu Immortal Dynasty. Thirteen princes fought for the throne, resulting in countless casualties and blood staining the country." "In the

  southwest region, thirty-six Shenqiao masters sank dozens of people in order to fight for the emperor's treasure. Star."

  "Do you still remember the youngest son of the Su family?"

  "Of course I remember. The Su family is an immortal ancient clan that has been inherited for hundreds of thousands of years. The waste body of cultivation."


  The sound of talk reached Chen Qingyuan's ears from all directions.

  His body trembled slightly and he came back to his senses.

  Everything in front of me has changed. The desolate city has turned into a splendid and prosperous city. There are cranes and birds flying in the clouds. Ancient palaces and pavilions stand in the air. From time to time, monks wielding swords flash past. There is a bit of aloofness in it.

  Along the long river, there are boat rides, singing and dancing.

  In the restaurant, travelers took a break and talked about world affairs.

  Chen Qingyuan stood in the middle of a certain street, with an expression of surprise and confusion on his face, which seemed a little out of place with the people around him.

  "Times... looking back."

  Turning around and looking at the surrounding buildings and very real people, Chen Qingyuan looked down at his illusory body and made a bold guess.

  In short, Chen Qingyuan went to a certain node in the long river of time, and could personally experience a certain period in the past and see some scenes with his own eyes.

  Poof -

  passers-by couldn't see Chen Qingyuan at all and passed through his body.

  It is impossible for people from two worlds to intersect.

  Chen Qingyuan listened to the conversations of passers-by, noticed a name, and whispered: "Su... Su Yunshu."

  Who is this person?

  It wasn't that Chen Qingyuan deliberately tried to find out, but the name kept echoing in his ears, as if an unknown force was deliberately guiding him to understand.

  At this moment, Chen Qingyuan seemed to be a wandering soul with no entity.

  After adapting to the situation in front of me, I originally wanted to take a tour of the ancient city from a certain period in the past, but unexpectedly, the scene in front of me suddenly changed.

  The vision was blurry, like a cloud covering everything in the world. Time was out of order and very confusing.

  After dozens of breaths, everything calmed down and the fog dissipated.

  The first time Chen Qingyuan opened his eyes, he saw a person.

  A dying old man stood by the lake with firm eyes and great ambitions.

  "Young Master, it's time to go back."

  A young man came over and said to the old man.

  The old man's name is Su Yunshu, and he is in his eighties this year.

  The seemingly young attendant has lived for thousands of years.

  The Su family, an ancient clan, has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years, with descendants from the main line being outstanding people from generation to generation. However, things were different in this life. The clan leader's youngest son was born with a useless body and could not draw Qi.

  The Su family tried every means and invited countless powerful people, but they all ended in failure.

  In the end, the Su family could only give up and let Su Yunshu die of old age instead of extending his life.

  In the eyes of many people in the family, Su Yunshu is an alternative and even a shame.


  Su Yunshu looked up at the sky, as if he didn't hear anything, immersed in his own world.

  From the time he can remember, he has been ridiculed and ridiculed, as if he had been abandoned by heaven and earth. Even so, he did not give up on himself, and worked hard to understand the aura of heaven and earth and find a way to practice Taoism.

  Eighty years of perseverance and never letting up. In the eyes of outsiders, Su Yunshu's behavior was ridiculous and extremely stupid.

  Today, Su Yunshu came to the lakeside as usual, comprehending nature and trying to introduce Qi into his body.

  Buzz -

  A ray of spiritual energy surrounded Su Yunshu's body, and finally penetrated into the center of his eyebrows, blending with it.

  "Young Master...Young Master can draw Qi!"

  The surrounding attendants were surprised when they saw this, and their expressions changed suddenly.

  At this point, Su Yunshu found his own path and began to practice.

  By the lakeside, Chen Qingyuan watched this scene closely. His body was transparent and no one could notice him.

  "There is a hint of familiarity, as if I have seen this person somewhere."

  Chen Qingyuan stared at Su Yunshu and murmured to himself.

  Later, the senior executives of the Su family were alerted and began to examine Su Yunshu's body. It's really strange. I have invited many powerful experts to cure this disease before, but now it is suddenly cured.

  In fact, it was not sudden, but Su Yunshu's own achievement.

  Even if Su Yunshu could practice cultivation, he would still be ordinary, his status would not change at all, and there would even be more gossip in the clan.