

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 39 Sympathetic gaze

Mental damage fee, what is this?

 Not only Shen Shijie and others were stunned, but everyone in Xuan Qing Sect was also dumbfounded.

 Countless pairs of eyes stared at Chen Qingyuan, and the scene was once awkward and extremely silent.

 After a long time, an elder from a certain sect broke the deadlock and said, "Chen Qingyuan, do you mean that we still have to pay you?" "Hey

 , that's what you mean. After all, you want to search my soul and do something about me. It has had an impact on my personal safety. If I can't make up for my mental loss, it can't be justified!"

 Chen Qingyuan gave the elder a look of relief and said with a smile.

 "Isn't that what I just gave you?"

 At this moment, Shen Shijie didn't have much anger, and his mind couldn't turn around.

 "The old man is old and a little forgetful!" Chen Qingyuan quickly explained: "What I just paid for was tea money."

 "..." Everyone was confused.

 You kid is too greedy!

 "Chen Qingyuan, don't go too far."

 Liu Ruoyi from Dongyi Palace said angrily.

 "Old lady, a bunch of you came to Xuan Qing Sect to suppress others. Who is going too far?"

 Chen Qingyuan put away the smile on his face and became as cold as ice.

 Chen Qingyuan was not polite to the people in Dongyi Palace. Back then, for Bai Xixue's sake, he was very interested in Dongyi Palace and gave him too many resources to count.

 However, how did Dongyi Palace treat Chen Qingyuan?

 Last time Chen Qingyuan just came back, Dongyi Palace was afraid that Chen Qingyuan would affect the marriage, so it sent Yao Susu over with a middle-grade spiritual vein to send him away. It was too disgusting.

 If Chen Qingyuan hadn't been well-educated, she would have scolded her at that time.

 "I will never agree to the so-called mental damage compensation."

 Hearing the name "old lady", Liu Ruoyi's anger increased a bit. Although she is indeed very old, she is well-maintained and looks middle-aged. , the charm still exists.

 "Don't agree?" Chen Qingyuan turned to look at Lin Changsheng and said very seriously, "Senior Brother, if a fight is really going to start, can we withstand it?" "

 If our Xuan Qing Sect is destroyed today, there will definitely be very few people present. Can leave alive. I promise my brother that no one in Dongyi Palace will survive."

 Lin Changsheng understood Chen Qingyuan's meaning instantly and said loudly.

 "That's good. When the fight starts later, don't worry about my life or death. If the sect is destroyed, there will be no point in my life. Senior brothers and sisters, please kill the old witch in Dongyi Palace first. Don't show mercy. . Even if she is a powerful person who has transcended the tribulation stage, we can drown her with just one spittle."

 Chen Qingyuan turned to Dong Wenjun and others and said.

 "Okay! I've long been unhappy with Dongyi Palace."

 An irritable senior sister took a step forward and glared angrily.

 "If you want to gnaw off the bones of our Xuan Qing Sect, you must make most of the forces in the Fuliu Star Region regret it."

 Dong Wenjun, as the elder protecting the sect, is second only to the sect leader Lin Changsheng in strength, so he is absolutely qualified to say this.

 "If our master and uncle hadn't died, even if all the forces in the Fuliu Star Region gathered together, they would not be able to shake the foundation of Xuan Qing Sect." Listening to the

 remarks of the elders of Xuan Qing Sect, each one became more impulsive than the other. The elder even shattered a white jade pillar behind him, showing his menacing power.

 The strong men from various sects who looked at this scene were slightly frightened. They originally thought that this trip would be very easy, and they would definitely make Xuan Qingzong bow their heads and agree, but who knew that the bones of Xuanqing Zong's people were getting harder and harder.

 The Xuan Qing Sect disciples outside the hall have already formed a killing formation. Looking at this posture, they may have the courage to fight against an old guy who has been practicing for thousands of years. They are not afraid of death at all.

 The elders of various sects came here just to inquire about Tianyuan, without intending to really fight for it. If a fight breaks out over a disagreement and lives are lost, wouldn't that be a loss of blood?

 "Damn it! Brother Wu, you've destroyed a spiritual pillar before the fight started. What a waste!"

 Seeing that a senior brother was too powerful and broke a white jade spiritual pillar, Chen Qingyuan was worried. Blood dripping, he spoke accusingly.

 "Sorry, I got excited just now."

 Senior Brother Wu did not feel that he had lost face when he was criticized by his junior brother. Instead, he touched the back of his head in embarrassment and smiled awkwardly.

 "If we are still alive after this fight, you have to use your own money to repair the pillars."

 From a young age, Chen Qingyuan began to do a lot of business and earned a lot of money for the Xuan Qing Sect.

 "I'm afraid that senior brother's private money is not enough for repairs. Can we owe a little when the time comes?"

 Senior Brother Wu's aura instantly dissipated, and he discussed in a low voice, directly ignoring Shen Shijie and others.

 "I remember you don't have a lot of private money?"

 Chen Qingyuan asked in surprise.

 "Don't mention it. Your sister-in-law discovered it two years ago and took it all away."

 Speaking of this, the tiger-backed Senior Brother Wu felt aggrieved.

 Hearing this, all the male elders of the Xuanqing Sect looked at Senior Brother Wu and cast sympathetic glances. Private money that had been hidden for thousands of years was looted in one day. How miserable!

 The senior sisters snorted softly, secretly saying that they deserved it. They have already formed a Taoist couple, yet they actually dare to hide private money, and they have been hiding it for thousands of years.

 Chen Qingyuan was no longer embarrassed to lose his temper, but instead said sympathetically: "Brother Wu, you can make money with Xiao Yanzi in the future. This guy is barely a apprentice, and he will definitely make you a lot of money." "

 Really! Thank you, junior brother. ."

 Senior Brother Wu's eyes shone brightly, as if he saw many spiritual stones rushing toward him.

 Just as the friendship between the brothers was slowly rising, the strong men from each sect were livid and couldn't bear it anymore: "Hey! We are still here, do you really not take us seriously? ?"

 "We're going to go shopping, who cares about you!" Chen Qingyuan looked back at Shen Shijie and others, rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "Can't you have a few words with my senior brother before you die?"

 Really, many strong men were panicking and really didn't want to risk their lives. The people of the Xuan Qing Sect are so fierce. Anyone who is afraid of death will definitely be very fierce in a fight and cannot be stopped.

 "Little friend, please don't be irritable. I and others did not say that we would not pay for mental damages!"

 Shen Shijie suppressed his anger and forced a smile.

 "Didn't this old witch say she wouldn't give it?"

 Chen Qingyuan glanced at Liu Ruoyi in Dongyi Palace and curled his lips slightly.

 Liu Ruoyi kept grabbing the armrest of the chair, leaving deep palm prints on the armrest. She was the elder protecting the sect of Dongyi Palace. She had a distinguished status and was disrespectful to everyone. She never expected to be humiliated by Chen Qingyuan many times in front of the elders of various sects.

 Liu Ruoyi originally wanted to have a fit, but was stopped by messages from others.

 For the sake of the overall situation, Liu Ruoyi had no choice but to hold back her anger and try not to make the situation serious.

 Boy, you must not fall into my hands. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to die!

 Liu Ruoyi hated Chen Qingyuan and wanted to tear him into pieces.