

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

boninggou · Huyền huyễn
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450 Chs

Chapter 384 Deliver You

  The lover's name is Xiao Junchou, a top swordsman monk.

  The sword in his hand is a rusty iron sword, very ordinary and without any aura.

  The iron sword fell into Xiao Junchou's hands, and it suddenly became the ultimate weapon in the world, splitting the sky for thousands of miles, crossing the chaotic storm, and forcing the old man in black to retreat continuously.

  "The Tao is invisible, always at ease..."

  The old man in black chanted the Taoist formula, and the black ancient clock beside him emitted a frightening breath.

  The ancient bell trembled slightly, and a wave of pressure spread in all directions, overturning the space, causing some riots in the laws of chaos, and causing storms one after another.


  After a few breaths, the old man in black slapped his palm on the black ancient clock.


  The ancient bell rang loudly, and hundreds of strange black shadows on the bell opened their huge mouths and headed towards Xiao Junchou. The momentum was terrifying and sealed the surrounding void, making Xiao Junqiu unable to retreat for a short time.

  "The way of the demon soldier is contrary to harmony." Xiao Junchou felt the overwhelming resentment on the ancient bell and said sternly: "There is no room for a guy like you in the world, and he must be punished for his crime."

  "Strength is the foundation . ."

  The old man in black doesn't care about these things.

  Phew -

  in the blink of an eye, the ancient bell was in front of Xiao Junchou, and countless wisps of black mist swallowed it up.

  The scene changed, Xiao Junchou was in thick fog, surrounded by endless murderous intent.

  Suddenly, the ancient bell fell from the sky like a meteor falling, containing supreme power.


  Xiao Junchou reacted very quickly and stabbed the ancient bell above his head with his sword.

  The strength of both sides clashed, tearing the void into thousands of pieces, creating an extremely chaotic situation.

  At the same time, outside the black fog.

  Xuan Qing Sect's five warships were being besieged by a group of men in black, and there was a crack in the barrier protecting the ships.

  Seeing this situation, Zen Master Wuchen immediately used the beads.

  Hum -

  the Buddhist beads exuded the holy power of Buddha, and a golden barrier surrounded the warships.

  There are dense Buddhist and Taoist scriptures on the barrier. These words are obscure and difficult to understand, and only people in the Buddhist sect can understand the true meaning.

  This Buddhist bead was suspended above the warship, protecting everyone in the Xuanqing Sect from the residual power of the battle.

  Even without the blessing of the power of the Buddha beads, the fighting power of the three Zen masters was still so amazing that the group of black-clothed monks did not dare to approach, so they could only hide in the dark and use insidious tricks.


  A series of magical attacks came from different directions, but they were all blocked by the eminent monks and others.

  "If it were not necessary to protect the benefactors of the Xuanqing Sect, I would definitely let these guys go see the Buddha!"

  ​​A certain Zen master had a hot temper and endured it many times, not daring to leave the vicinity of the warship. Once you fall into the trap of luring the tiger away from the mountain and the enemy you are chasing is trapped, things will not be good.

  "Bear it, Amitabha."

  The three Zen masters all sat firmly in this position. They had transcended countless living beings, and they were not as kind and kind as they seemed on the surface.

  "Don't let the poor monk see through your origins, otherwise..."

  If we find an opportunity in the future, we must deal with it.

  To be honest, if they weren't on a mission, the three of them could kill all these black monks. At most, it would be a matter of time.

  In the darkness, there are still some monks in black hiding, and they use secret techniques to cover up their aura.

  They found that the Xuan Qing Sect's warship was tightly protected and there was no way to attack it.

  "Wait for the opportunity."

  If you fight slowly, there will definitely be a chance for a sneak attack.

  These guys in the dark were patient and watched the situation from a distance.

  In the black mist, Xiao Junchou and the old man in black fought for hundreds of rounds, but no one could gain the upper hand.

  If it weren't for the Ancient Bell Demon Soldier, Xiao Junchou would definitely be able to capture the old man in black. Unfortunately, the power of the demon soldiers was too weird, which made Xiao Junchou feel even more stressed.


  A ghostly sound echoed in his ears, reaching deep into his heart, causing his soul to tremble slightly.

  "Tear apart——"

  Suddenly, Xiao Junqiu held the hilt of the sword with his right hand and tightened the blade with his left hand. With a strong stroke, a sword mark appeared on the left palm, and blood flowed out.

  The rusty iron sword was stained with blood and made a trembling sound. The rust on the surface immediately fell off and became very smooth, like a newborn baby, flawless and as transparent as jade.


  Then, Xiao Junchou shouted in a low voice, with sharp eyes, and the iron sword fell towards the thick black fog ahead.

  A group of purple Taoist lotus with nine-petal lotus leaves suddenly appeared at his feet, an auspicious scene.

  The core technique of Daoyi Academy is Zifu Shangyang Sword Technique.

  He has achieved perfection, and his swordsmanship leads to the gods.


  As the sword light surged, the void in front of him split open and collapsed into two halves.

  At the same time, the black fog receded, accompanied by harsh ghostly sounds, which was extremely scary.


  The black mist space exploded, and the scene in front of him changed. Xiao Junqiu stood somewhere in the chaotic sea of ​​​​chaos, stepping on the purple Dao Lotus, with thousands of sword lights emerging around him, with unlimited killing intent.


  The old man in black was a being in the realm of the Divine Bridge, and he used all his power to activate the ancient magic bell.

  The pressure of the ancient bell was a little stronger than before, and everything it passed was filled with nothingness, and even the laws of chaos collapsed.

  "Purple Extreme Taiyuan, ten thousand swords unite."

  Xiao Junchou picked out a sword flower, and the thousands of sword lights around him were guided by powerful force and converged into one point. In just a short moment, the sword intent returned to its original state, containing the power of ten thousand swords, disturbing the laws of space for hundreds of thousands of miles, causing chaos and instability.


  When the sword comes out, it returns to its original nature. There is no dazzling light, but only the invisible power of the sword.

  The old man in black felt the crisis coming towards him, his expression suddenly changed, and he tried his best to make the mysterious black shadow of the magic weapon clock keep struggling, which was terrifying and scary.


  The next moment, the sword light pierced the void, forcing the old man in black to retreat far. If it weren't for the protection of the ancient bell, his body would have been penetrated. Not to mention losing his life, at least he would have ended up seriously injured.

  Xiao Junchou has practiced Daoyi Academy's top swordsmanship for a lifetime. Not only has he reached perfection, but he has also added a touch of his own insights, making his sword even more powerful.

  "What should I do?"

  Seeing that the old man in black and others had a difficult start, the group of monks in the dark were very worried.

  "There will definitely be a chance, don't let up."

  The men in black clenched their fists and concentrated.

  "The situation is not good, retreat quickly."

  Around the warship, there was a certain Zen master who couldn't stand the endless harassment. He asked the other two Zen masters to stay where they were, while he let go of his hands and feet to fight.

  "Dear benefactors, I have come to save you."

  The three great Zen masters of Buddhism are: dustless, false and empty.

  Master Wuchen has a dignified appearance, with the Buddha's light and precious appearance, and is very serious.

  Master Huanxu's ears droop over his shoulders, he is slightly fatter, and he always has a smile on his lips. He looks friendly, but in fact he is very deep.

  Master Kongbei is very old, with white eyebrows, a stooped body, and as thin as a stick.

  The person who plans to take action is none other than Zen Master Wangxu.