

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

boninggou · Huyền huyễn
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450 Chs

Chapter 38: Stealing money is not that outrageous

The moment Chen Qingyuan just walked in, Shen Shijie and others were looking at him, and they found that spiritual energy was flowing in his body, which meant that Chen Qingyuan could start practicing again.

 Shen Shijie was overjoyed and thought that Chen Qingyuan might have received some shocking blessing in the Tianyuan restricted area. If you can take this kind of creation as your own, there will be endless possibilities in the future.

 "You have come all the way to my Xuan Qing Sect because you want to know my experience in Tianyuan!"

 Chen Qingyuan moved a stool and sat in the center of the hall, with his back to his senior brothers and sisters, facing the powerful men of each sect.


 A certain sect elder admitted.

 "I told you before, but you don't believe me. What should I do?"

 Chen Qingyuan sighed in annoyance.

 "If Elder Chen is willing to open his mind and let the old man search his soul, all problems will be solved."

 Shen Shijie made this request.

 When the elders heard these words again, their faces were full of anger, and they wished they could fight directly, fearing that they would not be considered as members of the Xuan Qing Sect if they died.

 However, now that Chen Qingyuan has come forward, the elders are willing to trust him and remain silent.

 "Soul search, easy to talk about."

 Chen Qingyuan waved his hand, indicating that it was not a big problem.

 "Junior brother!"

 Dong Wenjun couldn't help but call out, signaling Chen Qingyuan not to do anything stupid.

 Searching for souls can be big or small. If Chen Qingyuan really has any secrets, it would definitely not be appropriate to expose them to everyone.

 To put it another way, even if Chen Qingyuan doesn't have any secrets, he can't be searched for his soul. Not only would it harm the sect's face, but the process of searching for souls might be poisoned or damage the origin, which would be detrimental to Chen Qingyuan's future development.

 "Elder Chen's righteousness is awe-inspiring, and I admire him."

 Shen Shijie smiled, pretending to be admiring, and said with cupped fists.

 "You are not here as guests of Xuan Qing Sect today, but you want to use your power to overwhelm others. In that case, let's settle the score!"

 Chen Qingyuan said.

 "Settling accounts, what do you mean?"

 People from various sects looked at each other, confused.

 "Look at the spilled tea on the floor. It is made from the finest tea leaves of our Xuan Qing Sect. You are not here as guests, but have other agendas, so this tea is not free. After all, no one will invite you. Let those who are evil drink tea!"

 Chen Qingyuan pointed to the tea on the ground, showing a heartbroken look.

 "I should understand that Xuan Qing Sect wants to collect tea money."

 Shen Shijie said.

 "This old man is so smart."

 Chen Qingyuan actually recognized Shen Shijie, but he did not address him as an honorific.

 Hearing Chen Qingyuan's praise, Shen Shijie felt uncomfortable all over, as if he had been bitten by an ant.

 However, in order to obtain useful information from Tianyuan in a peaceful way, Shen Shijie could only endure it: "The Xuanqing Zong family has a great cause, is it possible that they still lack this little tea money?" "Yes

 , of course it is lacking." Chen Qingyuan emphasized. Said: "The Xuanqing Sect is not as wealthy as the Tianyu Sect. They can only maintain their lives by being careful with their budget. Just this cup of tea requires one hundred high-grade spiritual stones, which is very precious." "Little baby, a cup of broken water requires one hundred high-grade spiritual stones. Shi

 , are you talking nonsense?"

 A certain sect's great monk frowned and said sarcastically.

 The ratio between the quality of spiritual stones is one to one hundred. One high-grade spiritual stone is equivalent to one hundred medium-grade spiritual stones.

 In other words, a cup of tea requires 10,000 mid-grade spiritual stones, which is equivalent to the income of many third-rate forces for a whole year.

 There were hundreds of great monks present, and they poured hundreds of cups of tea, which contained more than 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones.

 This is simply a money grab!

 The real price of tea is probably less than a high-grade spiritual stone!

 After hearing Chen Qingyuan's words, Lin Changsheng and others twitched their mouths calmly. Under such circumstances, the younger brother still wants to deceive people and do business. It is really hard to change his nature!

 "I'm not talking nonsense, it's true." Chen Qingyuan lied, his face not red, his heart not beating, and he spoke resolutely: "The tea forest in the back mountain of Xuanqing Sect has special personnel to fertilize and water it every day and take care of it carefully. Nourish it with spiritual water every month, and sometimes grind it into powder with the best elixir and apply it on each leaf bud. It takes a thousand years to bloom, a thousand years to bear fruit, and a thousand years to mature..."

 Chen Qingyuan also When he wanted to continue talking nonsense, Shen Shijie couldn't stand it anymore and stopped directly: "Stop it."

 "I'm not done yet." Chen Qingyuan said enthusiastically: "And I haven't counted the broken tables, chairs, benches, and cracked ones. Floor."

 "Boy, these things were not broken by us, but by the elders protecting the sect."

 Someone said angrily.

 "Having said that, if you didn't come, would something like this happen?"

 Chen Qingyuan put all the responsibility on the monks of each sect.

 "Ten thousand high-grade spiritual stones is too much, I can't agree to it."

 Everyone knew very well that Chen Qingyuan wanted to use the topic to gain benefits for himself.

 "Then forget it." Chen Qingyuan sighed softly: "Oh! You don't have any sincerity, you are not guests, and you won't pay for the tea. That's all, let's fight!" With that,

 Chen Qingyuan stood up and He warned with "very good intentions": "After today, I'm afraid Xuan Qing Sect will be in ruins, and not many of you here will be able to survive. You are all well-known figures in Fuliu Star Region, but you don't even want to give tea money, how can you Do you want me to believe that you don't do anything when searching for souls?"

 After careful consideration, Shen Shijie gritted his teeth and agreed: "Elder Chen, it's just tea money, I'll give it to you."

 In fact, it's not the tea money that's the problem, but knowing that This was Chen Qingyuan's deception, but he had to give it.

 This feeling is as if Chen Qingyuan has stretched out a foot, and a group of people are begging to stick to his soles, allowing him to humiliate his IQ, which makes him feel very uncomfortable.

 So, under Shen Shijie's instructions, everyone took out hundreds of high-grade spiritual stones.

 After receiving the spirit stone, Chen Qingyuan immediately changed his expression and smiled: "Seniors, you are so polite. Thank you."

 Then, Chen Qingyuan turned to look at Lin Pingyan who was standing outside the door: "Xiao Yanzi, I'm stunned. What are you doing? Didn't you see that the tea was spilled on the ground? Why don't you hurry up and serve new tea to the seniors?" "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

 , your sect's tea is a rare treasure, and we can't afford it."

 Everyone hurriedly waved their hands . Refuse, the words were full of ridicule.

 Although Chen Qingyuan heard the sarcasm, he pretended to be confused: "Although tea is precious, for the sake of your generosity, I can give you a 50% discount later." "


 Everyone was so angry that their faces turned red. Is this kid really stupid, or is he just being disgusting on purpose?

 "Then forget it!"

 Chen Qingyuan originally wanted to continue to exploit these wealthy locals, but it seemed that he had no chance.

 Seeing with his own eyes that Chen Qingyuan had made a lot of money, Lin Pingyan had deep admiration in his eyes, thinking that he was still too shallow in the art of making money and could not reach 1% of his junior uncle.

 You have to learn, and you have to study hard.

 Lin Pingyan has been living a reserved life since he was born. It was not until he was taught by Chen Qingyuan not long ago that he realized how comfortable it is to be a rich man.

 "We should talk about business."

 Shen Shijie said in a low voice with a serious expression.

 If Chen Qingyuan dares to do something stupid, Shen Shijie can't bear it anymore.

 "Indeed." Chen Qingyuan put away the smile at the corner of his mouth and looked solemn: "Now we have to talk about mental damage compensation."


 After Shen Shijie and others heard this, their minds were filled with questions and they almost became angry. die.

 If it weren't for the intimidation of Lin Changsheng and others, who didn't want a war to break out, the great masters of various sects would have taken action long ago.