

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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450 Chs

Chapter 36: All the heroes are here and the matter is being questioned

Among the people present, the weakest ones were all great monks in the realm of divine transformation, and there were also a few old antiques in the tribulation stage.

 Tianyu Sect, Dongyi Palace, Nanming Dajue Temple, Wanqianlingmen, Beihai Jiaolong Clan, etc.

 More than half of the first-rate forces in Fuliu Star Territory have come, and they have secretly reached an agreement to jointly put pressure on Xuan Qing Sect and let Chen Qingyuan tell all the situations in Tianyuan.

 "Fellow Taoists, please come in!"

 Elder Dong Wenjun, the protector of the sect, went out to greet him in person. He was dressed in a black brocade robe. Although he was old, he was very heroic.

 In order to protect Chen Qingyuan, Lin Changsheng sent Lin Pingyan to watch over and prevent Chen Qingyuan from leaving the cave.

 Hundreds of great monks slowly walked into the mountain gate of Xuan Qing Sect. Along the way, they saw disciples on both sides, all holding sharp blades and looking stern.

 These disciples knew that the people present were all important figures whom they could not see on a daily basis, but they did not show the slightest fear, their eyes were full of energy, their bodies were like mountains, and they did not tremble. ъìqυgΕtv.℃ǒΜIf

 the sect is in trouble, all the disciples are willing to fight to the death without any regrets.

 Seeing the Xuan Qing Sect's disciples with such vigor and vitality, all the powerful men couldn't help but admire in their hearts, and even felt a little bit envious.

 Above the main hall, the powerful men sat on the right side, while the elders of the Xuan Qing Sect sat on the left.

 Outside the hall, tens of thousands of disciples dressed in white were waiting in formation. No one was talking to each other, and it was extremely quiet.

 "What do you mean by your visit today?"

 Lin Changsheng sat at a high place, looking down at the powerful men of each sect with an expressionless face.

 "Sect Master Lin is a smart man, he should know our purpose of coming."

 The old man leading the charge is Shen Shijie, the Supreme Patriarch of the Tianyu Sect, a genuine great master in the tribulation period.

 "I don't know, so please speak up."

 Lin Changsheng pretended to be puzzled. He wanted to take the initiative in his own hands and not be led by the monks of various sects.

 "In that case, I have said it. If I have offended you, please forgive me." Shen Shijie stroked the white beard on his chin: "I heard that Elder Chen Qingyuan of your sect has recovered his spiritual roots. I will send you my blessings." . In addition, we also want to know information about Tianyuan from Elder Chen's mouth." "

 So that's what happened. I remember that Xuan Qing Sect had given the answer back then. The junior brother was sealed in a barrier. It took me a hundred years to escape,"

 Lin Changsheng said.

 "Sect Master Lin, do you think we will believe this?"

 Shen Shijie said with a smile.

 "It's up to you to believe it or not, but that's all I have to say."

 Lin Changsheng looked indifferent and his tone was flat.

 The elders sitting on the left had sharp eyes and were staring at the strong men of various sects opposite them with serious expressions.

 "Why don't we invite Elder Chen to come out and leave after we find out all this, so as not to hurt the friendship between the various sects."

 Shen Shijie suggested.

 "Mr. Shen, I advise you to take care of your own affairs first, and don't let the Demon Cave explode. Otherwise, it may be difficult for Tianyu Sect to survive in this world." If Lin Changsheng hadn't represented the face of

 Xuanqing Sect, He wasn't that easy to talk to, so he just yelled.

 "The matter in the Devil's Cave will be solved naturally, don't bother Sect Master Lin." Shen Shijie said with a smile: "Today we will only talk about Elder Chen and Tianyuan, and we will talk about the rest later." "Yes! Still!

 Let Elder Chen come out and see you!"

 The person who spoke was sitting next to Shen Shijie. She was the elder protecting the sect of Dongyi Palace. Her name was Liu Ruoyi. She was a middle-aged woman, dressed in light-colored cloth, and her charm was still there.

 "My sect suffered heavy losses in Tianyuan back then, and now it is reasonable to want to know the situation in Tianyuan."

 Someone else spoke.

 The three powerful men in the tribulation stage looked at Lin Changsheng together, doubling his pressure.

 If it were an ordinary sect leader, he would have been frightened and panicked, and in all likelihood he would have agreed in order not to offend these powerful men.

 Lin Changsheng was not an ordinary person. He stood up directly, his eyes as sharp as swords, and said in a low voice: "My little junior brother escaped death and can only return to the path of cultivation after being healed by the ghost doctor. Whether you choose to believe it or not Believe it, this is the fact."

 Swish -

 Dong Wenjun and others stood up one after another with great momentum. As long as Lin Changsheng gave the order, they would dare to expel the guests.

 As for the consequences, I'm afraid of a hammer.

 Others have bullied the family. If you are still hesitant, you might as well dig a hole and bury yourself in order to avoid suffering from such nonsense.

 "Sect Leader Lin, please don't get excited. We have no intention of being rude to Xuan Qing Sect. As long as Chen Qingyuan relaxes and lets Sohun search for a closer look, it won't hurt his roots. If this matter is settled, leave immediately."

 Sohun The technique can see other people's life experiences, which will have a considerable impact on the person being performed. Of course, if the attack is performed by someone with a strong cultivation level, and the person being cast does not resist, there will be no serious harm to the body.

 No practitioner has secrets. Under normal circumstances, no one is willing to let others search for their soul.


 Dong Wenjun couldn't bear it any longer, and a powerful aura burst out, overturning the table in front of the powerful men and shattering the teacups on the table.

 Seeing Dong Wenjun's big reaction, everyone was slightly shocked, but soon returned to their calm appearance. Upon hearing the suggestion of searching for souls, Dong Wenjun, who had always had a bad temper, acted like this. It was normal.

 "Fellow Daoist Dong, if Chen Qingyuan is sealed in a mysterious world for hundreds of years as he said before, it will prove that Xuan Qing Sect did not lie, and we will definitely apologize. If Chen Qingyuan concealed something, there are many people in each sect. Even if he died in Tianyuan, he still had the right to know."

 Shen Shijie's cultivation level was no weaker than that of Dong Wenjun, and he was able to resolve Dong Wenjun's pressure while talking and laughing.

 "The Xuan Qing Sect has given you face, right?" Dong Wenjun pointed at everyone's noses and cursed.

 Lin Changsheng turned his head and glanced at Dong Wenjun, and then Dong Wenjun swallowed back the vulgar words that followed.

 Immediately afterwards, Lin Changsheng stood on a high place, with his hands behind his hands, looking outside the hall, and sounded like a bell: "Xuanqing Sect disciples, listen, if someone wants to bully my junior uncle, will you agree or not?" "

 No. " Promise!"

 Tens of thousands of disciples said in unison, and the sound spread throughout the world, shaking the heaven and the earth.

 In the past, when Chen Qingyuan got rich, he would also give many benefits to his disciples and gain popularity.

 There are also some useful things built for the sect, such as improving the accommodation environment of the servitor courtyard, increasing the spiritual stones needed for inner sect disciples to practice every month, giving some gifts to outstanding disciples every year, etc.

 Therefore, the disciples of the Xuan Qing Sect respected and loved Chen Qingyuan very much, and they called him "Little Master Uncle" from the bottom of their hearts.

 It's not easy to make money, but it's all for the family.

 Chen Qingyuan rarely has too many resources, and they all have their uses. Han Shan from Yunhai Star Territory only learned about Chen Qingyuan's greed for money, but did not see Chen Qingyuan's dedication, so his reputation became bad within the sect.

 Looking at Chen Qingyuan, even though all the disciples in the sect knew that Chen Qingyuan was greedy for money, no one would speak ill of Chen Qingyuan behind his back.

 "You don't agree, that's fine." Lin Changsheng turned his attention to the strong men of each sect, paused, and shouted loudly: "Because I don't agree either!"

 After the words fell, Lin Changsheng became furious and exuded the extremely terrifying coercion of the Tribulation Stage power, directly shattering the floor in the hall, the wind and clouds changed color, and a huge vortex formed in the nine heavens.