

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 318 Great Increase in Cultivation, Goodbye to Han Shan

It's not easy to find too little blood descendants in the vast sea of people.

This kind of thing can only depend on fate.

"Is that person still alive with blood?"

Yu Chenran was even more surprised and his eyes widened.

"I'm also surprised by this."

Yan Ximeng used all kinds of means to find the descendants of the Taiwei Ancient Emperor.

In the changes of millions of years ago, in order to protect his children, the ancient emperor Taiwei must have cut off the traces of cause and effect with himself and not be found by the will of the road.

Now that so many years have passed, we can only slowly look for it with the prohibition on the ancient box. If you meet the descendants of the ancient emperor, the prohibition of the ancient box will naturally change.

"Can the child Qingyuan stand it?"

After a long time, Yu Chenran stabilized his mentality and couldn't help worrying about Chen Qingyuan's safety.

"Don't worry!" Yan Ximeng said with a flat face, "This child is lucky and will not be abbed. Moreover, only you and I know about the ancient box, and there can't be too much trouble.

"Can you tell Lao Lin about this?"

Yu Chenran asked.

"No." Yan Ximeng shook his head and said, "One less person knows that there is no risk of leakage, so as to avoid being caught by the will of heaven, or being eavessed by some old thing."


Yu Chenran nodded.

A few months later, the door of the ancestral temple was opened.

Chen Qingyuan slowly landed, and his body exuded a strong atmosphere of cultivation.

Not long ago, Chen Qingyuan successfully broke through to the early stage of the realm of Huashen. This time, after the empowerment of the will of the ancestors of all dynasties, he directly had the cultivation of the later stage of the realm of the realm.

Nowadays, his cultivation is not weaker than that of most of his peers, which is enough to make up for the gap he once went to the abyss.

"Thank you for your kindness."

Chen Qingyuan did not check his own cultivation at the first time, but to salute and thank the spiritual position in front of him.


A gentle breeze came and blew Chen Qingyuan outside the house.

Then, Chen Qingyuan was rejected by the law of the ancestral land and made him leave the ancestral land.

The picture in front of him suddenly changed, which was the master's cultivation world.

White Wild Goose Palace, inner hall.

Looking at Chen Qingyuan's change, Yu Chenran was very gratified and envious: "There are losses and gains. Your life is really good."

"Hey hey."

I thought it was a wrong choice to give up the position of young head of the house, but I didn't expect to be enlightened by the ancestors of all generations, which made Chen Qingyuan very happy.

The empowerment of the preacher does no harm to the foundation at all, so that the cultivation rises straight.

"The things in the school palace have been done. It's time for you to go out."

Yu Chenran has been suppressing the bottleneck of the loose realm and must be closed as soon as possible, otherwise once this opportunity is missed, he may not be able to meet it in his life.

"Master, do you have anything else to explain?"

There is something in Chen Qingyuan's words.

"I don't think you have as much family as a teacher. Don't get the benefits. Get out of here."

Yu Chenran laughed and scolded.

"Of it!"

Originally, I wanted to get some life-saving cards from the master, but it seemed that there was no hope.

The next day, Yu Chenran closed the room.

A few days later, the dean was closed.

The daily affairs of Daoyi Academy were handed over to Vice President Lin Wenchou and Zhao Yichuan.

Recently, many elders have come to find Chen Qingyuan, who is kind and friendly.

The ancient tower reached the top, proving his talent.

The sages of the ancestral temple have greatly increased Chen Qingyuan's cultivation, and the future is unlimited.

Under multiple factors, the chiefs of various veins, who are rarely seen on weekdays, have sent invitations to Chen Qingyuan to taste tea together.

What's more, take the younger generation of the right age directly to see Chen Qingyuan, which is very clear.

Chen Qingyuan has become a popular part of the Daoyi Academy, and every move can attract the attention of many people.

In this case, even if Chen Qingyuan wants to practice in the Daoyi Academy, it is difficult to get a clean life.

Going out for practice is a good choice.

In the face of the enthusiasm of the elders, Chen Qingyuan greeted each other with a smile and did not dare to be rude.

After working for a long time, he finally sent away all the elders. Moreover, Chen Qingyuan expressed the intention of not looking for a Taoist couple for the time being, so that the elders had to break the idea of kissing.

"If we are in danger, even if we come back, although we are old, we still have the power to fight."

The elders really liked Chen Qingyuan and made promises one after another.

In a word, try not to make trouble outside, but don't be afraid of things. If you are in trouble, go straight home. As long as the school palace is still there, I will definitely protect you.

There are hundreds of core elders of the Daoyi Palace, and the worst are monks in the early Mahayana period.

This background is not a general first-class force that can be compared.


Walking out of the small world of Daoyi Academy, Chen Qingyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not easy to deal with a group of enthusiastic elders!

"Before going to the Southern Regions, let's go to see Lao Han first!"

Chen Qingyuan will not forget what he promised his master and gave the box to his real master.

Anyway, it's practice, and it's the same wherever you go. If you stay in the southern region, you may be predestined to meet the owner of the box.

Chen Qingyuan's "Lao Han", named Han Shan, has known his old brother for hundreds of years.

The spiritual star domain of the Northern Wilderness, the Four Holy Sects.

Han Shan, the son of the Four Holy Masters, used to be exiled, but was later found, which caused some unpleasant things.

Han's mother died in order for her father to sit firmly in the position of the Holy Lord. After that, the Lord married again, regardless of Han Shan's life and death.

Then, the news of Han Shan spread to the Four Holy Sects. For the sake of face problems, the Holy Lord took Han Shan back, which caused a lot of trouble.

Fortunately, Chen Qingyuan came forward, which did not make Han Shan suffer too much.

"I don't know how Lao Han has been over the years."

Chen Qingyuan inquired and learned that Han Shan had returned to the Four Holy Sect.

At the mountain gate of the Four Holy Sects, Chen Qingyuan directly told the origin.

"Chen, please come in quickly."

The guard did not dare to neglect, so he quickly invited Chen Qingyuan in and informed the elder about it at the same time.

The elder sent a message to the senior management of the sect, which was solemn.

At the world, several practitioners in the world do not know the name of Chen Qingyuan.

No one in the younger generation can do the right.

Coupled with the energy behind Chen Qingyuan, it is enough to walk in the northern wilderness.

In a short time, the senior officials of the Four Holy Sects directly held a banquet in the Hall of Reception, and the Holy Lord and others showed their faces one after another, giving Chen Qingyuan enough face.

"Your sect doesn't need to promote the masses. I only represent individuals and look for old friends."

Chen Qingyuan looked at the elders of the Four Holy Sects and said with his hand.

"The visitor is a guest. How dare the Four Holy Sects neglect Mr. Chen?"

The elders flattered.

"Lao Chen!"

At this time, a call came from the side.

Han Shan was dressed in a light blue gown, which was rejuvenated.

Hearing the sound, Chen Qingyuan hurriedly looked over, looked at Han Shan, and laughed loudly, "Lao Han, you are still alive, that's all right."

Seeing that the old brother was safe and sound, I felt much more at ease.

Despite the invitation of the senior management of the Four Holy Sect, Chen Qingyuan went to Han Shan's residence.

The two brothers haven't seen each other for some days, drinking and talking about the past.

After chatting for a long time, Han Shan mentioned one thing.

"There seems to be something wrong with the Murong family."

The Murong family, the third-class force in the northern wilderness. Originally, Han Shan would not pay attention to it, but he was worried because he knew that the Murong family had an intersection with Chen Qingyuan.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Qingyuan frowned, put down his glass and asked.