

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 285 The Supreme Bone, the heroes are shocked

Li Muyang saw this sword a long time ago, not only saw it, but also was beaten.

Of course, the person who beat him was not the first president, but the others.

"The sword of Daoyi School Palace?"

Li Muyang turned his head and looked at Yu Chenran and asked.

"Uh-huh." Yu Chenran replied, "The name of the sword - Seven Star Bai Jue, is the most precious sword in my school."

"Whose sword was it?"

The sword fairy asked again.

"The first dean's troops, and very few people were recognized by the sword later."

When he was young, Yu Chenran also stepped on Jianshan, but he also failed.

"I have seen this sword before."

Li Muyang murmured.

"Oh?" Yu Chenran was surprised: "This sword has only recently recognized the master Chen Qingyuan. How could Taoist friends see it before?"

"I'm sure it's not fake."

With Li Muyang's eyes, he will definitely not be mistaken.

Besides, he was beaten by this sword and has a deep memory.

At that time, his strength had not reached its peak, and he did not know the identity of the sword-holder.

As for why Li Muyang was beaten by the sword-wilder, it was because when he saw the sword, he really wanted to observe it, but he didn't mean anything else.

The sword-holder doesn't want to waste time. He is too lazy to talk to Li Muyang and take action if he doesn't agree.

Li Muyang lost a little, leaving a sword mark on his body, and looked at the sword-holder going away.

"Is it the dean?"

Yu Chenran had no reason to doubt Li Muyang's judgment, but he thought of a possibility instead.

There are nine best holy soldiers in Jianshan.

The dean's sword is Taiyuan. I haven't heard that it has been recognized by the Seven-star Bai Jue Sword!

However, it doesn't seem to be too difficult to get the Bai Jue sword with the dean's ability.

Yu Chenran thought to himself, "I guess the dean secretly took out the Bai Jue sword in the past, but I didn't find it."

Hearing this answer, Li Muyang fell into silence.

The dean of Daoyi Academy is very mysterious, and even most of the senior officials in the Academy have not seen its true face.

Wearing clouds and fog, it is as mysterious as a fairy.

"It turns out that you are the dean of the Daoyi Academy."

It was not until now that Li Muyang figured out the identity of the sword-holder at the beginning. His eyes were stared and his expression was complicated.

I don't know if this battle of all veins can force the dean to come forward.

Li Muyang is looking forward to it, and even wants to discuss with him about Taoism Bridge.

"This sword is extraordinary and rare in the world."

More and more monks noticed the seven-star Bai Jue sword, and their eyes lit up.

"The peerless sword is very charming."

Many people coveted it and soon suppressed that idea. The treasure of Daoyi School Palace is not so easy to take away, so don't ask for trouble.

Within the boundary of the battlefield, Chen Qingyuan stepped on Daolian, held the magic soldier in his hand, and was not afraid of Jiang Liubai's pressure.

"This level is not enough."

Jiang Liubai came slowly, shook his head and whispered.

The foundation is flawless, and the double elixir protects the body. Although it is rare in the world, it is impossible for Jiang Liubai to take it seriously.

"This battle is not only for Lao Wu, but also for himself."

Chen Qingyuan muttered to himself.

The gap in cultivation is so big that Chen Qingyuan can only make up for it in various ways.

If I have the realm of the fit period, how can it be so difficult?

There are gains and losses. I lost my cultivation in those years and failed to keep up with the speed of practice of my peers. In exchange for the supreme foundation, the way forward has become clearer.

"Some things will be exposed sooner or later."

Chen Qingyuan's eyes were like a torch, holding the sword tightly, a few stwisps of hair on the temples fluttered, and his clothes "hurped".

Do your best without regrets.

As for the result, there is no need to consider it.


Suddenly, Jiang Liubai stopped and raised his hand to grab Chen Qingyuan.

The void in front of him collapsed in an instant, and a huge palm covered Chen Qingyuan's head. It was full of oppression, just like the sky and the earth collapsed. Tens of millions of giant mountains fell from the sky, with the terrible power to destroy a star.

"The dang-the dang-"

At the same moment, Chen Qingyuan instilled part of the pure aura in his body into the Bai Jue sword, stimulated it, and waved a sword at the giant palm above.

At the moment of swinging the sword, an ancient vicissitudes of Taoism came out from the inside of the body.

The sound waves fluctuate like water lines, rippling to all walks of life.

The unknown ancient Taoist voice suddenly came out, which attracted the attention of the strong people in the world. The hearts of the monks trembled coincidentally, including the old guys who lived in Kunlun.


The sword spirit is long and the rainbow divides the giant palm into two.

Chen Qingyuan stood in place without any damage.

Chen Qingyuan has always covered the supreme bone in his body with a jade bracelet.

At this moment, in the face of an opponent like Jiang Liubai, Chen Qingyuan can't keep it and must use all kinds of cards.

This is the first time that Chen Qingyuan really used the power of the supreme Taoist bone. His whole body seemed to be bathed in mysterious light, and every hair had undergone a qualitative change, as sharp and indestructible as a magic soldier.


The power of Taoist bones began to run, and a frightening vision map appeared behind Chen Qingyuan.

It's not a giant mouth of the abyss, a sea of corpses, or a deep-sea beast.

A back!

Simple and unpretentious.

The vague figure vision, with his back to the world, dressed in black, with his hands hanging on his side.

However, such an ordinary back makes countless strong people in the world feel frightened, their whole bodies tremble, their souls tremble, and the sense of fear is all over the body and can't be suppressed.

"This is... What?"

A group of Mahayana monks turned pale. Looking at this vision of the back, they inexplicably had the idea of kneeling down and submit.

The higher the cultivation, the more you can feel the indescribable horror.

On the contrary, the younger generation did not feel anything. After staring for a long time, at most, the chest was stuffy and slightly uncomfortable.

"What happened in those dusty years of history?"

Li Muyang, the sword fairy, also showed a trace of surprise and whispered to himself.

He was very clear in his heart that Chen Qingyuan must have used the power of Taoism, which led to the emergence of a vision.

In fact, Li Muyang did not know the origin of the supreme Taoist bone. He only knew how to follow the arrangement of the girl in red and integrate the Taoist bone into Chen Qingyuan's body.

"Maybe that Taoist bone was originally his thing." ъìqυgΕtv.℃ǒΜ

Li Muyang has made this speculation more than once, so he is very careful with Chen Qingyuan and never possumes.

How can the supreme bone be refined by a person who abolished cultivation?

And it fits very well, without the slightest rejection.

In those years, Li Muyang saw Chen Qingyuan integrated with Taoism with his own eyes, and he was shocked.

"This is..."

In the battlefield, Jiang Liubai finally lost his initial indifference and looked surprised. He looked up at the blurred back in the vision, his heart suddenly sank, and the chill came in an instant.

In the center of Chen Qingyuan's eyebrows, a wisp of black Taoist lines appeared, and his eyes also changed. His black pupils were not white, which was very frricing.