

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 262 War, Wave a Sword and Shock the World

Domineering side leakage!

Watching the hustle and bustle of the big group of melon-eating masses, their eyes were full of Li Muyang's figures, and they were stunned.

Especially the Tianjiao of the younger generation, they only learned the prestige and some deeds of Changgeng Sword Fairy in ancient books, and they were respected. At this moment, they can see the majestic posture of the sword fairy with their own eyes, which is extremely shocking, and the impact on the soul is difficult to describe.

"Your ancestor doesn't dare to say a word."

"It's like you're very hard in Linglong Holy Land."

"With each other."

"Is the sword fairy really so strong? As a Mahayana monk, even if there is a gap in strength, it won't be so ridiculous!"

The young man is talking secretly, and his throat keeps rolling.

Somehow, looking at the picture of his parents being scolded by the sword fairy, all the heavenly pride had an inexplicable sense of pleasure.

The height of the sword fairy is very much yearned for by the heavenly pride. If I can do the same one day, I will have no regrets in my life.

Yuanying Realm, Huashen Realm, Combined Realm, Crossing Disaster Realm, Mahayana Realm.

This is the realm of secular monks.

Why did Li Muyang fight against Tiandao ten thousand years ago? Is it just for kendo?

He said that he was the third in the world, and he took heaven and earth as one or two.

One day in the future, maybe he can become the real number one in the world!

If that day comes, he will no longer be a common person.

"Don't you dare to fight?"

Li Muyang held a broken sword in his hand and was proud of the heroes.

I'm afraid it can't be done well so far.

In this case, for the sake of the supreme creation of the fragments of the imperial soldiers, it is also worth taking a risk to encounter the famous Changgeng sword fairy in the past.

"Does the sword fairy want to deal with hundreds of people like us with his own?"

The ordinary Mahayana monks retreated to the distance knowingly, and only a hundred people stood in the starry sky and looked at Li Muyang.

"Why not?"

Li Muyang talked and laughed without any pressure.

"With all due respect, you are old, the sword is broken, and the peak is not there."

The old man with no cliff said loudly.

These words made the ancestors reduce their awe of Li Muyang, inspiring and unable to retreat.

"I can't understand my ambition."

When the sword is broken, it looks really awkward, not as it was in the past.

Ten thousand years of sharpening the sword is just an opportunity.

Li Muyang is not without the heart to fight against heaven, but wants to become stronger.

Although he is lame, in fact, if he is willing, he can recover in a moment. As for the broken sword, he wants to repair it with the supreme sword heart. Now is not the time.

"It's useless to say more. You can take action!" Li Muyang gently waved his left hand to shelter Chen Qingyuan and others to avoid being affected. Then, he faced hundreds of top powers and took a step forward, with a light breeze: "At a glance, let me see if you have become stronger now."

After grinding the sword for thousands of years, it's time to try to see if the sword is sharp.

In the past, it was not easy to take action in order to continue to sharpen the sword, and not to give up all the previous achievements.

Not long ago, Li Muyang had some insights, and there were no shackles.

"It's our honor to fight with the sword fairy."

Hundreds of the ancestors of the ancient clan of the Holy Land took out their top soldiers and planned to go all out.

The warships and chariots of all forces immediately retreated to the distance. Once this battle breaks out, it will definitely sweep the starry sky of the Hundred Stars, causing a huge impact.

If you don't retreat to a far place, you will be easily injured by the aftermath, or even lose your life.

"The divine bridge is broken, and it is difficult to reach the other side."

Li Muyang went to the front here and whispered.

This sentence can't be heard by anyone except himself.

Obviously, Li Muyang once stepped on the divine bridge and walked a distance.

As a result, he failed.

In my lifetime, I hope to try it again.

That's the future, and now it's time to beat up all these ignorant old guys.

Can Li Muyang, who is in the late years, do it?

It's a little difficult!

"Come on!"

After a stalemate for a moment, someone took the lead.


A bronze tripod came out of the ancestors of the Holy Land of the Virtual Pool, rotated quickly, stirred up the starry sky storm, became about a hundred feet high, and crashed into Li Muyang very quickly.


The old man on the crutch raised his voice and drank, and when he raised his hand, there was a magic of purple light, which penetrated the starry sky for tens of thousands of miles in an instant.

"If you are still at the peak, you will not dare to do so. Unfortunately, the era that belongs to your Changgeng Sword Fairy has passed.

Lu Zhixu of Penglai Villa condensed the power of the sky, and thousands of flying swords appeared behind him. The royal swords came out, and the scene was spectacular.


Hundreds of top powers took action together and rolled up the terrible and shocking storm. Yuwei directly overturned several warships that had not yet been evacuated to the distance, causing many monks to be injured and spitting blood. The young people even fainted directly and their lives were on the line.

"Quickly retreat!"

The people watching the battle finally realized the seriousness and did not dare to stay in place and go further away.

Within the boundary of Buddha beads, Chen Qingyuan looked at the attack of all kinds of amazing magic powers and holy soldiers. If he wanted to say that he was not panicked, he must be false. He prayed in his heart: "I hope the predecessor of the sword fairy can withstand it."

"What is the elegant demeanor of the Changgeng Sword Fairy recorded in the ancient books?"

Although the Taoist Buddha was shocked, he wanted to see the supreme posture of the sword fairy. Even a group of Mahayana monks don't have this treatment and can't miss it.

"Only the strong can control their own destiny."

Wu Junyan clenched his fists and said secretly.

If he has enough strength, who dares to covet the fragments of the imperial soldiers?

In the final analysis, I am still too weak.

"It's fancy."

The shocking power in the eyes of the world is very ridiculous in Li Muyang's eyes.

Li Muyang tightened the broken sword in his right hand, his eyes condensed, and he waved a sword lightly.


An ordinary sword light hit the bronze tripod, leaving a deep sword mark on the tripod, making it fly backwards.

Nearly a hundred divine channel skills came, submerging the territory of Baichenxing, and it was about to devour Li Muyang's body.

As the sword light flashed, those giant palms were all broken.


Thousands of flying swords attacked and killed from all directions. Without even touching the corners of Li Muyang's clothes, he was shocked and smashed by the sword.

Watching the flying sword break apart, Lu Zhixu's heart was dripping with blood.


An ancient bell tried to block Li Muyang's attack, and the bell was deafening.

The next moment, the ancient clock was hit into the depths of the starry sky, and there was a long gap in the clock.


After a few breaths, the power of the sword wielded by Li Muyang was exhausted.

The Taoist magic power that all the great powers came together was directly resisted by Li Muyang. The power of chaos and law remained in the starry sky was tearing apart the space in every corner, making a harsh sound.

With just one sword, he leveled up a hundred great attacks.

The whole audience was shocked, and no one could maintain absolute calm.

Broken clothes and shoes, lame legs and broken swords.

With a wave, it is a prosperous world.

"The records and evaluations of sword immortals in ancient books are still conservative."

The practitioner, who was watching from a distance, was stunned.