

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

boninggou · Huyền huyễn
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450 Chs

Chapter 25 Murong Wenxi

The blood-red land stretches for countless miles with no end in sight.

 This is the edge of the Dead Territory. Chen Qingyuan can see thousands of people from various forces in the Beicang Star Territory at a casual glance.

 Not far away, there was a woman wearing a light-colored dress, with a ribbon tied around her waist and a jade pendant hanging on it. Her hair is light yellow, and her eyes are like sapphires, sparkling and exquisite.

 Her name is Murong Wenxi, and she had an encounter with Chen Qingyuan a hundred years ago. To be precise, she was tricked by Chen Qingyuan.

 Once while exploring a secret realm, Murong Wenxi was deceived by Chen Qingyuan, and all the resources were taken away by Chen Qingyuan. Afterwards, although Murong Wenxi was angry, he did not take revenge on Chen Qingyuan, and even felt a sense of admiration for him.

 People from the Murong family admired the strong. Murong Wenxi had been influenced by this since he was a child, so he naturally followed the family's will. Since Chen Qingyuan was able to defraud all the resources, that was his skill. He could only blame himself for being careless.

 "Why is he here?"

 The edge of the Death Realm was very open. Murong Wenxi glanced casually and saw Chen Qingyuan not far away. There was something strange in his eyes and he said to himself in surprise.

 The elders of the Murong family looked at the situation and asked, "Girl, who is this person?" They didn't recognize Chen Qingyuan

 . "He is from the Xuanqing Dao Sect in Fuliuxingyu." Murong Wenxi's face was like white jade, his red lips were charming, and he spoke slowly. Xu said: "A hundred years ago, I went to a secret realm in Fuliu Star Region, and it was this person who made me return empty-handed." "It turned out to

 be this person, a genius who was famous in all regions. I heard that he entered the realm a hundred years ago. Tianyuan Forbidden Land, I was lucky enough to come out alive not long ago."

 Mentioning this matter, everyone suddenly realized, and immediately remembered what happened in the secret realm a hundred years ago, when Murong Wenxi was depressed for a long time.

 Chen Qingyuan did not hide his whereabouts and deliberately exposed himself in front of everyone.

 Since he was going deep into the Dead Realm anyway, Chen Qingyuan wanted to go with an acquaintance, which would save him a lot of trouble. However, Chen Qingyuan was not sure whether his acquaintances were willing to help.

 "Miss Murong, long time no see!"

 Chen Qingyuan controlled the flying boat and landed on the ground. He stood up and clasped his fists towards Murong Wenxi as a gesture of goodwill. He was polite and smiling.

 Murong Wenxi took a few steps towards Chen Qingyuan and looked at him with slightly complicated eyes: "I didn't expect to meet Mr. Chen here. What a coincidence!" "

 That means we are destined." Chen Qingyuan said with a smile.

 "Even if it's fate, it's still fate."

 Murong Wenxi said sarcastically.

 "Miss Murong, your words are a bit harsh!"

 Chen Qingyuan was not angry, but smiled brightly.

 "Hmph!" Murong Wenxi has never forgotten what happened when she was deceived by Chen Qingyuan, and she was worried about it: "I heard that you survived unexpectedly and became a disabled person. Why don't you stay in Xuan Qing Sect properly? What are you doing here? "

 I found a ghost doctor a few days ago and accidentally cured the injury, which disappointed the girl."

 Chen Qingyuan said.

 "Ghost doctor?" After hearing this, Murong Wenxi's eyes shone with excitement, "Do you know where the ghost doctor is? And he even cured your injury?" "

 That's natural." Chen Qingyuan clicked. He nodded and said, "I'm so lovable, even the weird ghost doctor can't bear to see me become a useless person."

 To be honest, Murong Wenxi really wanted to beat up Chen Qingyuan. But he had other thoughts in his mind, so he had no choice but to follow Chen Qingyuan's words and praise him: "Mr. Chen is so handsome that no one will hate him."

 Hearing this, the smile on Chen Qingyuan's lips froze.

 When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

 This girl suddenly said that I am handsome, so there must be a conspiracy. Although I am indeed handsome and many people know this, it is definitely not easy for Murong Wenxi to say these words.

 "Miss Murong, do you... have something to ask of me?"

 Chen Qingyuan said bluntly, not wanting to mince words.

 "Yes." Now that the topic was made clear, Murong Wenxi did not hide it, took a deep breath, and nodded heavily: "Let's make a deal. You tell me the specific location of the ghost doctor. It means that the Murong family owes you a favor, or I'll give you a generous gift."

 In the past few days, the Murong family has been sending elders to inquire about the ghost doctor's whereabouts, but unfortunately nothing has been gained. I heard that the ghost doctor is likely to be located on the Qichen Star in the Yunhai Star Region, but the result is still the same, not even a trace can be found.

 The Murong family, as well as various forces, paid a huge price to find the ghost doctor, but to no avail.

 On the other hand, Han Shan, who randomly drew the lottery, actually won the big prize, found the ghost doctor, and sent Chen Qingyuan in. If it weren't for the appearance of Chang Geng Sword Immortal, Chen Qingyuan would probably still be imprisoned by the ghost doctor, and even sliced ​​for research.

 "The Murong family wants to find a ghost doctor, why?"

 Chen Qingyuan became interested and asked.

 "No comment."

 It was a family secret that Murong Wenxi could not reveal.

 Even if Murong Wenxi didn't say it clearly, Chen Qingyuan could guess a thing or two by looking at the expressions of the strong men from the Murong family.

 It is estimated that the life of an ancestor of the Murong family has been threatened, and I want to see if the ghost doctor can help.

 If one of the family ancestors dies, it will be a huge loss.

 "Otherwise, I am quite interested in the Realm of Death. How about the Murong Family take care of me a little bit. When I come out of the Realm of Death later, I will definitely inform the ghost doctor of the specific whereabouts."

 If Chen Qingyuan doesn't take advantage of the guardian who came to the door, For a moment, that would be such a loss.

 "Why did you come to the Death Realm? Is it because of the remarks of Dao Zong Xuanzu?"

 Murong Wenxi asked curiously.

 "Hehe..." Chen Qingyuan laughed, then became very serious: "No comment."

 Damn man!

 Murong Wenxi was so angry that his teeth itched, but he could not judge Chen Qingyuan, and his clenched fists turned purple.

 "Do you agree or not?"

 Chen Qingyuan coughed softly.

 "If you dare to lie to me this time, you will never leave Beicang Star Territory alive."

 Murong Wenxi threatened, for fear of being tricked by Chen Qingyuan again.

 "Why did I lie to you? If the ghost doctor hadn't taken action, I would still be a mortal. Do you think a mortal can come here?"

 Chen Qingyuan lied without even frowning.

 Immediately afterwards, Murong Wenxi turned to look at the people of the same clan and sent a message to discuss.

 After a while, the Murong family agreed to this request.

 "Okay, as long as one of my Murong family members is still alive, I will never let anything happen to you in the Dead Realm." Murong Wenxi made a promise.

 "Refreshing." Chen Qingyuan admired Murong Wenxi's temperament, swiftness and trustworthiness: "I will do what I say, and I will definitely not let you down." "The

 barrier of the Dead Realm is about to loosen. Get ready and go in as soon as possible. Bar!"

 Everyone was standing at the edge of the Dead Zone waiting because there was a thick red mist floating in front of them, which was very dangerous. Every few months, the red mist will dissipate for a few hours, which is the best time to enter the dead zone.